Pentagon Briefings no longer quote Bible

United States
May 18, 2009 11:44pm CST
"Under Bush, cover pages of daily intelligence report included verses"(from Bible) i just found this story on msnbc what do you think or feel about that story? i personally feel that it was completely wrong and insulting to include religious verses while we were in a war with a country with its own strong and different the story said it insulted the muslims who were helping us in the pentagon, i think it was inappropriate and on top of that in violation of the constitution.....what do you think?
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4 responses
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
19 May 09
No doubt Mr. Bush had his own Bible - he should have been comforted by his own private reading. If that was possible after what he started ...
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 May 09
Ok, show me where this practice violated the constitution. Second, show me how a private briefing insulted another country. Third, show me how this is an important or relevent story in perspective with the other problems we are facing right now with in our government. That's what I think.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
19 May 09
I'd like to know too.
• United States
19 May 09
"The separation of church and state is a legal and political principle derived from the First Amendment to the United States Constitution" So the fact that they included religious verses on a government document, no matter how private it was, was in violation of that. And even though the documents were "private" there still were muslim people working for the pentagon who were offended that the verses were on the documents, and the reason i found it could be insulting like the article says, it is painting us as christian crusaders, and it obviously didn't stay private forever.....and why shouldn't this story "matter"? I think it matters because people have the right to know these things, i don't think that there is a single news story( from a reputable source, like an actual news network or magazine, not the types of websites that twist a original source into something else)that shouldn't "matter", whether i agree with it or not
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 May 09
"The separation of church and state is a legal and political principle derived from the First Amendment to the United States Constitution" ok, lets I did a little text search to find where your quote came from...all sources led back to wiki....tsk tsk....why not just go to the constitution directly? It isn't that hard to find and it certainly isn't complicated legal reading. So lets see what the constitution actualy says .... [i] "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances " hmmm....I don't see the words "seperation of church and state there. Why? Because it isn't part of the constitution, that actualy stems from a letter from Jefferson to a bishop who was to speak at his inauguration, NOT part of the constitution. There is nothing that violates the text of the first amendment. It isn't a law being created to establish a religion, nor is it prohibiting someone else from practicing theirs. "and why shouldn't this story "matter"? I think it matters because people have the right to know these things, i don't think that there is a single news story( from a reputable source, like an actual news network or magazine, not the types of websites that twist a original source into something else)that shouldn't "matter", whether i agree with it or not" Ok, so what about: the patriot act FISA Blackmailing of states by the federal government with our own money border patrol checkpoints in the middle of my state 75 miles from the border The food modernization act of 2009 Blair holt fire arms act T.A.R.P. (the original bailout) These are all blatent constitutional violations, taking place....much more serious violations than text on a briefing. I can assume then that you are even more hard core against these things as the text on the briefings that upset you so...these....well these must surely have you outraged beyond belief then yes?
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 May 09
I was stunned and appalled when I first heard this story! It goes against everything our nation is supposed to stand for and the consequences could be quite serious. It makes it appear as though our troops have been in Afghanistan and Iraq representing a particular religious faith instead of upholding the principles of our form of government and the rights of people of all religions. It seems like there's something new and more frightening coming out every day about the previous Administration. Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 May 09
You haven't seen me respond to discussions about the Patriot Act or FISA, X? You know better than that. Can I only be interested in a limited number of issues or incidents? Annie
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
20 May 09
I saw the line where you said "It goes against everything our nation is supposed to stand for and the consequences could be quite serious" and I was like a pavlovian dog, lol, come on annie, you know me. In the perspective of the things I listed, which is far from a complete list, this particular issue is peanuts.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 May 09
so do these: the patriot act FISA Blackmailing of states by the federal government with our own money border patrol checkpoints in the middle of my state 75 miles from the border The food modernization act of 2009 Blair holt fire arms act T.A.R.P. (the original bailout) yet I have never seen you once do a post or respond to one about any of them, but this outrages you? fasinating.
• United States
4 Dec 15
Seperation of Church and State doesn't exist in the Constitution, Congress didn't want the U.S. to establish a state run church like they had in England. The United States was founded as a Chrstian nation so get over it, and the only reasons we're still here is that God has blessed this nation, we're very lucky God has kept his grace over this country.