What is your pet's name?

@phyrre (2317)
United States
May 21, 2009 12:21pm CST
I'm always very curious about this one. Right now we have a bunny named Mephistopheles (Staphi for short), named that way because he's evil and has the blackest eyes ever (even though he's absolutely adorable). But I always get to thinking about the pets we've had in the past and there are always such interesting stories about how they got their names, sometimes personal, sometimes funny (like Sergeant Pepper because we kids were young and that was the compromise between the names we wanted). So I was just wondering, what is your pet's name and how did you choose that name?
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35 responses
@Annmac (949)
22 May 09
I have a cat called Bhelliom (Bell for short) It's the name of a sapphire jewel in one of my sons favourite books and he had sapphire coloured eyes and used to always rub his face on the picture on the cover. I have another cat called Kia. Her name comes from the peculiar noise she made as a kitten. It really did sound as if she was saying Keeeah! My dog is called Willow. She was a rescued puppy farm dog and didn't have a name, just a number. The rescue group called her Tara but it didn't suit her and I don't like it! My daughter thought her tail looked like a catkin and she was very slim and leggy for a German Shepherd. When I said the name Willow she immediately wagged her tail so maybe she chose it rather than me. I also have 5 frogs. The 2 males sing so my daughter called them Deacon, Taylor, May, Mercury and Freddie. (We are all Queen fans) Most of my fish aren't named but the Angels are Gabriel and Micheal and the Pleco that 'vacuumes' the tank is called Dyson.
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@Annmac (949)
22 May 09
Like you, I'm fascinated how people choose pets names.
@Annmac (949)
25 May 09
I love that, Chow Ling just sounds so right for a pug!
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Wow, that's pretty neat! I love the name Bhelliom and sapphire's my favorite color, so I might just have to see if I can find that book. ;) And sometimes pets can indeed choose their names, like your Willow did. Our pug was named sugarfoot or something like that when we got him, but he refused to answer it. And the only pug my grandparents had before him was Chow Ling, so one day he got in trouble and by instinct my grandmother yelled at him and called him Chow Ling and he responded, so that's what his name is now. ^_^
• United States
21 May 09
Where do i start. my oldest male chihuahua is named Dobi because he looks like a mini doberman,the youngest is named Bugsy becouse he has huge bug eyes.Our lab is named Tank,my son named him that becouse he's always been huge. we have 3 cats,lil missy becouse shes a priss. our other female booger and a male named joe.they got there names from our kids.
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@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
That's really neat! Kid's names always seem to be some of the most interesting!
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@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
22 May 09
unfortunately, i dont have a pet right now but im so interested about your pet bunny... i always had wanted a bunny for a pet. really.. i went to a mall and saw cute little bunnies for sale, but too bad i dont have the money that time and when i got back, all the bunnies were sold out! you know what, if i ever have a bunny, i would call him SPINK... wahaha
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
22 May 09
really, that's great! i thought you really had to look after them 24/7... i didnt know they could take care of themselves well... aha! i should buy my spink soon! lol
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
Bunnies actually make really good pets. They're interactive (which is what we wanted), but also independent enough to be able to take care of themselves when you can't give them attention 24/7 (like a cat!). And Staphi does like his independence. He'll let you hold him for a while, but he lets you know when it's time for him to go back into his cage!
• United States
23 May 09
I have 4 mini dachshunds. billy is the first one. His name just popped out of the blue. Hes a very good dog,anastashia i named her after the movie. But we call her annie for shot. Ginger is our other girl dog. I name her from the strawberry shortcake movie. Gingersnap. and Chewbacca from star was because he has his colors. his name is chewy for short.
• United States
25 May 09
we like star wars here to. And my dog reminded me of chewy. As princess leah says big walking carpet. but i like chewy hes cute lol.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Chewbacca. My friend would love you. He's a major Star Wars fan.
• United States
27 May 09
My boy mini dachshund's name is Snapples. I named him that because he is a special type of dachshund known as a Dapples. My girl mini dachshund's name is Kiwi because I got her after him and Kiwi-Strawberry is my favorite kind of Snapple drink.
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• United States
21 May 09
I have two black cats there names are Luna Miyu and Ravien ( said Rave-E-in)
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
Those are pretty unique names. How'd you decide on those and what language are they, if you don't mind me asking?
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Oh, that's really neat! I like the combination of the names, though. :)
• United States
22 May 09
they are kinda random...Luna is the goddess of the moon in roman mythology or just moon and Miyu is japanese for superior beauty and Ravien it just a name i made up i couldnt decide between Raven an Damien so his name is a mix of both
• Philippines
22 May 09
I have 2 dogs and a cats. We name the first dog Tutay, yeah its really funny, actually it is derived from a name of my favorite character in this tv program H30, Chuchay, we just made it Tutay. And then came the male dog, because the first one is a girl named Tutay so we named the other one Totoy. Our cats are named either by their color or their character. We have Sonic because her mother is Sega. We have Tisay because the color is white (Tisay in Filipino means Puti or White in English), the other one's name is Guard, because he is like this, he maintain to wake up midnight just to look after our house and obviously he is asleep every daytime. I love this cat he look like Lionel Ritchie but orange in color, I always hugged him when he was sleeping and sing Stuck on you just to tease him, LOL. The other cats are named Wally, Jose, Tisay Jr., Anna Luna, if you are a Filipino, you are definitely laughing right now, because I named my cats with famous personality here in the Philippines. These cats are besides us when we are sleeping, the dogs are close to my parents so they are in them.
• Philippines
22 May 09
I used to play the game in Timezone.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
I'm not Filipino, but I do recognize some of the references...hehe. :) Oh, and I love the names Sonic and Sega! I thought lots of people had forgotten about that game. I was so addicted to Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega (probably because my brother was and I used to copy him a lot). Ah, good times.
@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
25 May 09
Hello phyrre. I had and have lots of pets with stories where we got their names. For instance, our dog names are Footlong who is a bassethound, because she looks like a footlong hotdog, Sienna because her color is like sienna brown, for our cats, hershey, because my sister loves chocolates, Ali, because she has a small head like an alien, and stri-ped because of her stripes.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
That's neat that you named all of your pets by their appearances, but they're very different names. I love the meaning behind the names, like Ali for alien.
@egdcltd (12059)
21 May 09
Dief, short for Diefer. I was stuck for ideas, and a friend had named their cat Ceefer.
@egdcltd (12059)
22 May 09
I'd never thought of that. Back when I named him, there was a television program called Due South, where the Mounty in it had a wolf whose name was also shortened to Dief.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
That's extremely cute! reminds me of Keifer Sutherland, though...hehe.
• United States
22 May 09
i have a black lab named denny,a yellow lab named robby... a pitbull lab mix named ginger and a american bulldog named daisy.... i dont know where the names came from it was more or less the first thing that came to mind when we got them....
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Naming by association seems like a pretty cool idea, and you've got some nice names there, too!
• United States
22 May 09
my dog's name is casey. my son named her that when we got her. i don't know where he came up w/the name unless it was from a commercial about dog food that was on tv at the time & the dog's name on the commercial was casey. she is a blonde cocker spaniel & she is around 15 years old.
• United States
25 May 09
was never sure that's where he got it but thought it was. happy monday to you.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Oh, that's neat! I never thought of getting names from commercials before.
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• United States
22 May 09
Oh jeez! I have way too many animals too name them all, but I guess I will do so. I have 6 horses. Their names are Maggie, Roxie, Molly, Thunder, Elvis, and Sassy. I have 3 dogs. Their names are Cooper, Tred, and Fagen. I also have a cat and her name is Kitty. It is what we always call her. My mom named her Holly though. I also have an iguana named Ozzy. He is super scary. He will chase you if you get too close! :)
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Wow, you certainly have a whole slew of pets. When we get our own house, that's what I want, too. and I'm jealous that you have horses! It's always been a dream of mine to have them. ^_^
• United States
22 May 09
lol my bro used to have an iguana names Iggy and it always would whip me with its tail for no reason
@MrPKitty (102)
• United States
22 May 09
I have a cat named Mahi Fishlips because he's always sucking up looking for kisses. I have another named Maxwell Edison, he's majoring in medicine.
• United States
22 May 09
We have 3 German Shepherds ,, Jade, Montejo , and Graciela We also have a dirty bird named Marley . It is fun to read other's pets names , there are some good ones here !
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
LOL. Cute names. Love the Fishlips. :)
• United States
25 May 09
We are nascar fans, so my wife got to pick the name of our little Chihuahua (a tea cup). So she named him Earnhardt .... I would have perferred Tony :-)
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Lol...that's cute! What a way to carry on the legacy. ^_^
@rainwater (352)
• China
22 May 09
My pet is name is xiaobai,I like my dog,so I feel it lovely.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
That's definitely an interesting name. What language is it?
@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
22 May 09
I have 5 doggies and they are sweety,ody,cely,bunso and frentoy..most of the names were from movies but the bunso was on our own language means youngest.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
For some reason I knew that bunso was youngest, though I have no idea how? Weird. Anyway, those are neat names.
• India
22 May 09
I wanna buy a dog. My gf hates animals though, but still I'm gonna buy one . I'm gonna name him Dogie (pronounced as dough+gee(g not from giraffe))... Ya I want him to be of the less active kind, just to be my friend...
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully your girlfriend won't get too mad at you. Maybe you can warm her up the idea? My fiance absolutely hated pugs so when I first mentioned the idea of getting one he was strongly opposed. But my grandparents beat us to it and bought a little pug and Jake fell in love with that dog, so now he says we can get one too...lol.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
22 May 09
Hi phyrre...Our cat's name is Romeo. When I first adopted him I had bunk beds in the spare room. I brought him home and he went to the top bunk on the bunk beds and laid down to sleep. I let him alone and figured he was checking out his new home. But after his nap he woke up meowing at the top of his lungs. I went in to check on him and realized that he didn't know how to get down. I "rescued" him from the bunk beds and named him Romeo since he was yelling from his tower and as a boy I couldn't name him Juliet!
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
LOL! That's quite a cute story! I always think it's cute how baby animals like to get into places that they can't get out of. When we first got our kitty he couldn't figure out how to get down off the couch once he got up there. :)
• Canada
22 May 09
We don't have any pets right now because of our children's allergies. I still wanted to respond to your discussion and tell you about the dogs we did have and their names. First we had Boots, he was loyal and with us for about 13 years. My little girl named him Boots cause it looked like he had white boots on. The other dog we had but not for too long of a time. He was a sheepdog, a beautiful dog. We named him Waldo. He's with another family now out on an acreage but I still miss Waldo and think of him often.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
It's a shame you can't have any because of allergies. One of my friends absolutely loves animals, but he's got really bad allergies to just about everything, so they can't have any pets. Too bad you had to give Waldo away, but at least he's still with a loving family. :)
@songmp (18)
• China
22 May 09
I have a dog,named Jili,in Chinese the name means good luck.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
22 May 09
Oh, that's neat! My boyfriend went the naming his dog in Chinese route, too. His dog is named Ching, which means book. Well, I think that's Chinese. Japanese maybe? I forget.