Am I crazy or what....

@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
May 23, 2009 8:50pm CST
I've been setting here nice and comfy in my recliner with laptop perched on the arm of the chair for about 4 hours now. I've been all over the place on myLot catching up on friend's discussions. Son is gone so all alone in the house half watching movie 10.5 (about earthquakes). All of a sudden I looked up towards the front door and totally freaked out. I almost dumped my computer on the floor as I jumped out of my chair. It's 9:45 p.m. and it's DARK. The front door, back door, and half the windows in the house are open (it's been a beautiful day today).... I ran to the door slammed it shut, locked it and dropped the shade in 10 secondes flat then went through the house doing the same thing... After all was shut down tight I went back to the front door and peeked out the shade. I could have sworn someone was standing at the door. But I have a closed in porch and would have heard the porch door open if someone came in... No one was there but now I'm shaking like a leaf and actually wishing the monster child would come home so I won't be alone :( Am I crazy?
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9 responses
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
24 May 09
don't worry , i am here! i will defend you, my friend! lol! just trying to lighten up things. at least, nothing happened. just pray to Him to protect you whenever your guards are down. He will never fail. maybe , it was the cat? or maybe bigfoot dropped by? ah, goofy?
• Philippines
25 May 09
anytime, my dear. just yeller and i will be there in a wink of an eye! God bless.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 May 09
Oh that is so sweet of you if it happens again I will just yell 'Look out tigerdragon is coming' that should take care of any 'intruders' or what ever. Don't have a cat but son said was probably just shadows from the street light out front. And you are very right praying for protection works best of all.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 May 09
LOL - I'll just blow up a photo of your avatar and yell - mess with me and you'll be messing with this :)
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@echomonster (2226)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
25 May 09
You really might be crazy...for leaving your doors and windows open until 9:45 PM, that is! OK, not really, but I'm so paranoid I pretty much never leave anything open. Even if I'm just outside for a few minutes I like to lock my door and carry my keys so I can let myself back in. I think the reason I am the way I am is party because my mom is a bit of a "true crime" buff -- I probably heard about one too many horrific murders while I was growing up. Still, I don't think there's anything wrong with keeping yourself safe. I've had some false alarms like you described (though I guess we don't know for sure it was a false alarm!), too, and it is pretty alarming when it happens. I'm most afraid of being caught unawares while I'm sleeping, though.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 May 09
That's why I was so freaked last night - I always close everything up before dark when I'm alone. Son is always banging on door because he forgot his keys :( I also make sure to close shades and curtains before dark - feel like someone is outside looking in :( yea I'm paranoid :) and a little crazy too :)
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 May 09
I quite often sit inside, alone, with all the blinds and doors open. Screen doors are closed so the cat stays in. I'm so glad I'm able to do this as I hate being locked inside my home. Where are you living these days Faith? Is the area not safe?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 May 09
Oh gee you're a worry my friend. I guess you are where God wants you to be and I'm sure there are angels watching over you.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 May 09
You know that is exactly how I feel in the evenings when I'm 'closing up' - 'locked in'. Afraid I'm living right in town now and no it's not safe. The neighborhood I'm in is not the worst in town, kinda mixed, but right on edge of really bad area. Too close for comfort but what I could afford right now.
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@fwangaa (3057)
• China
24 May 09
if you do something for a long time. it is easily tired. i always happen the things like you. when i doing the things for a long time then i will forget the things around me .
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 May 09
Very true, I was so involved in the computer the only light in the house was the tv and the computer screen. Son is home now so not worried - he would love the opportunity to go after someone if there was anyone messing around the house.
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@bird123 (10632)
• United States
24 May 09
Why is it always easier to picture the worst that can happen. Most of what people worry about never happens. I quit listening to what ifs!!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 May 09
Didn't think of it that way - I was just just so startled after concentrating so hard on what I was doing.
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@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
24 May 09
No you are not crazy I do this same thing all the time, it is normal and if you think you saw someone you have a right to be spooked.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 May 09
Whew - it does help a little to know I'm not the only one to have something like this happen. I've had it happen before but never in this house (been here 5 months). I am a little amazed with myself running to the door that fast - normally I would tend to freeze.
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• Canada
29 May 09
Yeah, definitely crazy! LOL (I'm joking here). Personally, being home alone doesn't scare me. After preventing my neighbour's murder, and having to deal with my husband's PTSD from being in combat, and all kinds of other things, very little scares me, and I would have just left the house as it was, as long as I was sitting there. I have my phone near by, and I always have something to throw, incase someone comes in.
@BarBaraPrz (45899)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 May 09
Not crazy, just discombobulated by the unnoticed passage of time.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 May 09
"discombobulated" now there is a word you don't see often - I use it alot but don't know that I've ever actually seen it in print :) I'm sure that did have something to do with it - I always close things up before it gets dark and failed to notice it was DARK.
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• China
24 May 09
so where is you husband?why he left you alone for such a long time?i think whatever he do,however busy he is.that can be the pretext that left you along.i hate be along.whatever i do i like some companies.that will make me fell comfortable.i suggest you go to find a job or join some you wont face the life will find more friends.wish you become better.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 May 09
I don't have a husband, divorced over 17 years now. I do have a job but last night I was home. My youngest son still lives with me but was out with friends - he did come home a little later.
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