your life your desicions

May 24, 2009 9:55pm CST
farah in her mid thirties..she has work at the big city bank for 12 years but isnt happy in her work.she doenst like the people she work with,or the long hours she has to work.She feels that she doesnt spend enough time with her family especily with her three young children and elderly mother..she has always wanted to have her own business and she is very intersed in fashion.Her husband not enough money for the whole family.. If you be Farah, what do you want to do?
2 responses
• United States
25 May 09
Well let's see. This is a complicated yet very common dilema many families face. I truely believe there are not enough hours in the day to please everyone. In Farah's scenario I would evaluate my finances first. If there are no big problems in that arena and she has a supportive family, I would run my goals and aspirations by them to get an objective opinion. Obviously opening a new business is very stressful and demanding. However, with the support of loved ones and a strong desire to succeed Farrah could probably open a buisness and still be around her mother and three little ones.
@turones (206)
• Philippines
25 May 09
i will not quit my job without a new one that pays better. i'd rather deal with the sadness or boredom with my job and co-workers than to see my family having a hard time due to financial problems. like you said, the husband's income is not enough for the family's needs so it will not be wise to quit the job just because of sadness. family's welfare should come first.