What do u say love happens or you make it happen

May 26, 2009 5:08pm CST
Do you believe in love at first site,or do u believe thhat love is a long process? Dont you think falling in love with someone whom you dont know is bit risky but we commit the same mistake. We see someone, we find her/him goodlooking attractive -we fall in love- we start dreaming. ok fine I agree but before taking a serious decision one should take some time. You should try and know the person before you get into a serious relation.
3 responses
@srsade (26)
27 May 09
I personally dont believe in love at first sight..U r just attracted towards the person.This attraction will just go off after some time or u meet other person who is extremely attractive.U can select a person at first sight,but if u want to love them,be friends with them and try to understand the person.This is such an important decision of life..U should be able to tell in and out of the person.then only it will sustain for life...
• United States
26 May 09
This is a very good questions. I believe it takes time to fall in love with someone. I mean people who are attractive obviously will get more attention but think about all the people who you don't expect to like you end up with them. You have to get to know a person to truly love them for who they are and I believe that process does not happen overnight.
• United States
26 May 09
I say that compost happens, real true love takes work and committment. You can love a friend but to truely love a person and be attracted to them you have to know them on good days and bad. You have to work through hard times together and you have to be committed to working on the relationship.