What do you think is the marriageable age for men?

@cudamani (996)
May 27, 2009 1:45am CST
I think 30 is the marriageable age for men below which they may not be confident. By thirty years of age they can be very confident about their job and also the way they can save their families. They will be sure about what they are doing. But men below 30 should think twice before they marry. Do you agree with me?
3 responses
@med889 (5941)
27 May 09
I also think 30 is a very good age to get married for a boy but still as a personal wish I would want my husband to be a father before 30 years old as I have always prefered that.
• United States
27 May 09
I think any age is marriageable for men. It all depends on their maturity level and whether or not they are ready to give their marriage 100%. In my experiences I have observed that a lot of white men wait until they have a career and a sound financial foundation before they get married and have children. I say that because a lot of my white friends have older parents who have careers. On the other hand there seems to be a trend among the black population to get married right away. I've been thinking long and hard about this and I can only name two black friends who's parents got married and had children after 30 years old. It would be interesting to investigate why this trend exist. My parents were young when they had my sister followed by me and my younger brother. I personally plan to have a college degree and at least finish medical school before I think about settling down and having a family. There is too much stress in college and medical school to have a strong relationship and support a family. The best thing a man can do when he is young is to date different type of women so that he is not limited when he is ready to settle down. Another crucial thing guys should think about is what type of women they could see themselves marrying. There are lots of different women in the world and marrying the right one is just as important as knowing when to get married. -John
@vijayanths (7877)
• India
27 May 09
According to me the best age for men to get married is between 25 and 27. They should stop giving birth to children at about 30. Then only they can see that their children get settled in life when they grow up. This will help to run your family life smoothly and happily with out any stress.