do you talk to your pets as if they were humans?

@ckyera (17331)
May 27, 2009 9:12pm CST
when i still have a dog i use to talk to him as if he was human, there are times that when other people hear me talking, they thought that i'm talking to somebody and when they look who i am talking with, they got surprised to know that i'm actually talking to a dog! how about you? do you talk to your pets? now my pet is a cat and still i talk to her and i'm happy when i saw her listening to me! :-)
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34 responses
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
28 May 09
I have a dog and yes I talk to him but he thinks he is human..and I swear that sometimes I think he is talking back to me...He is spoiled rotton and acts better then my kids would be suprised that they really do understand what you are saying to them.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 May 09
yes, its really surprising to know that pets also talks to us in their own way..and it helps human to release stress...
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
28 May 09
I would be so lost without my I said he is so spoiled he dont even eat dog food..he has to have people food and wont eat unless he is feed off of a fork..yep I did that...hehe
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 May 09
wow! your dog is lucky..luckier than some other people! hehehe and he really thinks that he is human also..i will not be surprised if he sleeps on your bed...:-)
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 May 09
All the time I do!! Believe it or not, animals are much smarter than we humans give them credit for! Animals know by the tone of your voice what mood you're in and they smell anxiety and get out of your way OR they'll come to console you if they can. I talk to all of my furry friends, 10 cats and 4 dogs and the older ones are the smarter ones because they have a higher vocabulary from being around a long time. Like our 10 year old Chihuahua, he knows what it means to go see grandma and grandpa! He goes wild over that idea! And he knows "Are you hungry?" and he'll act accordingly. The others are learning but they'll get it too in due time.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
29 May 09
10 cats & 4 dogs?! wow! and you must be a great pet owner. yes sometimes animals are more sensitive that the other human, they really are man's best friend... and its nice to see them growing ei! and the long they stay with us the more we love them and treat hem as if they really are part of our family! :-)
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
31 May 09
Having pet is a feeling that you have companion in times you're alone. Talking with pet is not wrong or bad, in my opinion. I do have puppies before and i am talking with them during the time i am giving them food, saying "don't be greedy in the food, share it". I know they can not speak back but they can understand it, and they will recognize it overtime that they feel the bond between, as pet and owner.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
28 May 09
Yes. Same here lady. I talk always to my pet she cat. She listens whenever I talk to her and she even knew he name because every time I call her name she look at me and listen what ever I talk to pet cat's name is your pet cat has a name?
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 May 09
yes hello to minggay! thought its nising? hehehe my cats are toytoy, puti, bulingit, walang pangalan and my favorite tiger! hehehe :-)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
Yes, I love to talk to my dogs and they seem to understand me by following my order. But when they don't understand what I said, they will move their head to one side and ask 'HUMMM ??? '. I think it's really cute :)
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 May 09 is really cute! and there are times i think, its better to talk to a dog thatn to some humans! lol... have a nice day! :-)
@TiNy22 (6)
• United States
30 May 09
I take to my big sisters dog! His name is Jake and he swears he can talk himself. If you take to him enough he'll try to speak to you. And he knows how to say i love you. Yea it may sound crazy but I swear!
• India
29 May 09
I heard that pets can understand many languages of human and respond to it I don't have pets but i love them? my friends have pets but during play with their pets they respond with my languages. i think pets can behave like human to our respond to them Have a nice day!:)
@itsme_cha (504)
• United States
29 May 09
yes i do, we have a mini macau parrot, and she knows some words like she speak like a human, we talk to her like a human and so that she will catch up what were trying to say, and i think parrots are pretty smart pet and they can talk so its not really boring talking with them, i think its important that you talk to your pet like human in that way they will understand and they help them kind a get what were trying to say. happy posting!!!
@xiaouie15 (289)
• Philippines
29 May 09
Nice topic. Yes I talk to my dogs as if they were humans. I am treating them as if they were really part of my family.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
29 May 09
Not only do i talk to them as if they were humans but i treat them as if they were humans. There my babies and i treat well whom i love xD
@yoyozhou (356)
• China
29 May 09
Hi,I always regard my puppy as friend who is always with me. I take care of her like a mother cares her baby.Yes, I talk to her. I think she can understand me from her eyes.She brings me a lot of happy. Sometimes I have a question and ask her,she will reply me in her way that I can understand.^_^
@technoobs (406)
• Philippines
29 May 09
I do always as if they were really listening to what I am saying. It may be because of the affection to my pet that I keep on doing so.
@amylan (187)
• France
29 May 09
I've got several friends who thought I'm TOO naive as I talk to my pet cat, but I think that's totally natural! I've ever talked to him since the first day I got him and just seeing him by my side could makes me feel such tranquility in my mind. I tell him what I feel as well as how he feels! I know that he understand me and know how much I love him. He the last comfort i have in the world.
@kaorulen (258)
• Philippines
30 May 09
ohh yes i do talk to my pet. i treat her like she was a human being. well she is my baby my child. :)) that's how i treat her. and she is an intelligent dog whenever i speak to her i know she can understand me. because she respond to me, like when i said you want to eat. she will bark at me. when i said you want to go out she will bark to me and when i say I'm going to somewhere and i will leave her she will cry.and when I'm sad and i was crying she will approach me and she will kiss me and she will bark at me, like she was talking to me. and now she's gone how sad :(( i miss her so much
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
28 May 09
Yes. I know my dog understands some words/commands or she wouldn't react a certain way. I leave the television on when I leave for work and my dog doesn't tear stuff up. I think she likes hearing people. Besides talking to a pet is good for humans too. A pet will always listen to you. It might look dumb to some people but every pet owner does it. lol
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
28 May 09
Oh all the time. I know they don't understand me all the time, unless I am saying a phrase they recognize (for instance, "Do you want to go on a walk?"). When walking them, I will carry on a one-ended conversation with them. "Wow, it's hot out today, isn't it girls?" "We'll have to make it a short one today, girls. Mommy's got somewhere to be!" There are even times when I'll ask them a question, and then look at them like I expect them to respond! LOL I would be concerned people might think I was crazy if A) I cared what other people thought, and B) if I hadn't seen many other people in my neighborhood behave exactly the same way! I have a neighborhood of animal lovers, so it is not so unusual to see someone walking down the street, talking to their dogs like they were talking to their children or their best bud.
@Slashable (117)
• Netherlands
28 May 09
I really love my 3 fishies, 2 orange ones and 1 black one :) and I always say goodmorning/goodnight and such to them.
@kena1979 (49)
• United States
28 May 09
I have always talked to my animals like they were my best friend or child. It helps relieve many things in life. stress,worries,lonelyness, bordem,,ect...I have a knew puppy now and we are going through a tough time training him.. but i know as long as i talk to him as he deserves then we will make it through.. of course my boyfriend thinks i am stupid but what does he know..LOL
28 May 09
I love talking to my pets asif they were humans, i think they understand what we're saying.. by the tone of our voice :) Like for example '' walkiesss! '' dogs love that one ;) ahaha
• Philippines
28 May 09
Yes, I have a Yorkshire terrier and I love him to bits! I talk to him as if he is my baby and he seems to understand every word I say. I love the feeling that everytime I talk to him, he will lie on my tummy and look at me as if he is concentrating . He is one intelligent baby and never had any accident on my bed coz he sleeps with me on my bed since day 1.