Do you get nervous when you hear the sound of an ambulance?

@jazel_juan (15747)
May 27, 2009 11:27pm CST
or a firetruck? i do not know, it is weird but i do get nervous or even jittery when i hear them! just like last night i was on my way home and there was this ambulance that passed and the vehicle i was riding had to let it pass and we stopped for awhile. i always got this feeling of nervousness its like something or someone is in trouble..or what if that was going to our place..its weird and i might just be getting paranoid lol
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26 responses
28 May 09
I don't normally get nervous with I hear/see an ambulance, as I volunteer with St John Ambulance, but if it is someone who I have just helped or has been sent to hospital by one of my colleagues, I do feel a bit worried.
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
28 May 09
Yes I get nervous when I hear or see an ambulance or a siren. I remember when we experienced fire in our street I witnessed how house burned down and it sad that there are casuality on that incident. I don't know why I get nervous because I feel that there someone in my family or my friends had an accident or had an emergencies to rush in hospital immediately.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
I think hearing such sounds will eventually make us think of something bad. Like an accident or somebody getting in trouble. Well, the thing is, I have worked in the emergency services for about 13 years. So the sound of it is somewhat normal to me already.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
31 May 09
Actually, I do. It makes me terribly nervous, especially while I'm driving as I don't want to be in their way. The last time I heard sirens I was in bumper to bumper traffic and worried where the sound was coming from. When I looked behind me I saw it was a fire truck about 5 or 6 cars back. The truck ended up having to go through the middle divider because of all the traffic. But once it did it didn't go too much further. There on the side of the road was a car accident. Joy. Another time I got nervous, but wasn't driving, was when an ambulance pulled into the driveway. As I live out in the country it's rather long. The first thing that came to my mind was something happened to my landlord, because it is the only other house that's on this land. Boy did I let out a sigh of relief when the ambulance backed out and made a turn at the following street! Though at the same time I couldn't help worry for whoever it was for... I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who gets paranoid when it comes to emergency vehicles! Whew!
@kaguvkov (1305)
• Davao, Philippines
1 Jun 09
I do not get that lind of feeling when I hear something like a siren or that. But to be frank I try to know if what are those sounds and where is that happening especially if that is only located in our locality. Many people got panic when there is a sound of siren in the street but to me its all normal and nothing to do with my
• Malaysia
29 May 09
no. i dont get nervous but i just wonder what is the emergency faced and where.
• United States
29 May 09
No, I know they are on ther way to help someone. I do get a little annoyed when they are flying down the road (for good reason or not) and there is no place/lane to move into.
• India
28 May 09
No, not nervous really but I have this sense of urgency whenever I hear an ambulance behind me. And Indian roads, being famous for their traffic jams are not the best place for an ambulance or a firetruck to be. Many a times I have seen ambulances, screeching and wailing but helplessly and hopelessly stuck right in the middle..the cars around, even if they wanted to, could do nothing and I start getting that sinking feeling inside me...what if this happens to me or my loved ones? But I must salute these braveheart drivers...we have this grassy boulevard types in the middle of the roads on which only trams run and I have seen fire engines change course, go on the boulevards and rush thru the tramlines...their bells tinkling all the time. In our frustration we tend to vent at ambulances or fire-engine arriving late, but in reality they really do their best to come as fast as possible.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
28 May 09
An amublance? No, because if I am listening to it I know I am not in it. A fire truck, yes, I will check to make sure it is not heading in the direction of my house though. Then I mentally check whether I left the stove on or not, I tend to be forgetful, then I try to remember whether I paid the fire insurance. If I get two thumbs up on both then I stop worrying.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
28 May 09
I was born, raised and still live in Chicago. So it's a rare occurrence when I can go for an hour without hearing some kind of siren. I guess after a while you just kind of tune it out. The only times that I really pay it any notice are when, first and probably most important, when I am driving. This is probably when it makes me the most nervous, because with all the traffic, sometimes it's really hard to figure where the siren is coming from. The second scenario where a siren catches my attention is when I hear one on my block where I live. Then I will actually go to the window and look out to see what kind of siren I am hearing. When this happens all I can do is hope that it's nothing serious.
@ledydien (85)
• Indonesia
28 May 09
I dont get nervous everytime i hear the sound of ambulance... but i'll always make way for them to get through (when i drive) so they can reach the hospital faster and get the medical earlier... and if i hear the sound of foretruck, i'll get curious where's the fire? but i'm not getting paranoid... just stay calm...
@yoyozhou (356)
• China
29 May 09
yes, I have the same feeling. I always think the sound of ambulances is beyond human's ear.It is too loud and do harm to health. I am quiet person and if there is a big noise,I will be nervous. I don't know why.I usd to listenning something in a low volume.^_^
• China
28 May 09
no i have never get nervous when i hear the sounds of the ambulance ,i hear the sounds,just like there have nothing to do with me ,i just hear ,have nothing chang in my minds .also ,i hava less to hear the sounds ,it is not often you can heared .may be the minds of you is too small .haha ,when you have too many things to do ,you will forgot the sounds .just do the right thing you have to do .
• Canada
29 May 09
It doesn't make nervous at all. In fact, it just reminds me that emergency service workers are doing their jobs.
• Philippines
28 May 09
yes.. during my working days.. because before i workrd in the hospital.. i am a nurse.. so meaning we have a new patient thats why..
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
28 May 09
if i hear an ambulance and my son is out with my husband or my mom i get very worried. other than that i usually wonder what might have happened but i do not get worried about it.
@becnh83 (806)
• Philippines
28 May 09
yes of course...i feel nervous too because as we all know that when somebody rides an ambulance,yes of course there is a patient inside and what im afraid of? is that when one member of the family is inside of it...huh...shocks i cant carry it...i dont know what will i do...So id always pray to GOD and ask HIs guidance.... happy mylotting
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 May 09
no, not at all. but sometimes i get impulse due to its sounds... and yes sometimes i get worried when i saw a firetruck rushing..i'm worried about the will be victims of fire...
@draucia (164)
• United States
28 May 09
I feel nevous too. I'm wondering what is happening over there. And also, the fire trucks and ambulances go very fast. They usally stop all the traffic and I'm worried they might hit someone.
• India
28 May 09
hii..I dont get nervous when i hear the sound of the ambulace..yeah i too saw many of them who will become nervous while hearing the soud of the ambulance..Yeah there will be various reasons why there they are become nervous..we should not point out them..But i will be normal while i saw the sound of the ambulance and also while travelling when the ambulance came back of me i will leave the way for it..Because it carries the patients to the hospatils and they will be in the serious conditions..happy mylotting dear friend..
• Australia
28 May 09
I never feel like someone i know is in trouble but whenever i hear a ambulance i always stop and look where its going and listen if the sounds getting closer i dont know if this is fear,paranoia or if i just like seeing ambulances