What is the meaning of life to people?

United States
May 28, 2009 9:14pm CST
I am curious to people's views and opinions on life. I am a christian and i believe that after we die we will live in eternity in Heaven with God. Im not here to preach or anything like that!! I promise! I just want to know what some people's view on life. What is your objective or goal in life? Or do you believe in an after life? Please tell me what you all think! :D
2 responses
• United States
29 May 09
Hi! This is a really good question that many people ask themselves. I personally feel that my purpose in life is to please God in everything that I do. As long as I do that then I feel pretty good. I believe in Heaven and I hope to go there one day.
• United States
29 May 09
Thanks for that. :) Yes i feel exactly the same way, I want to do all I can to please Him in everything I do. It is really hard in this day and age though, especially for me. im 19 going to college and its pretty tough! But I do my best and work at it a lot! Your comment was very encouraging to me!
• United States
29 May 09
I'm glad it was encouraging for you. I'm also a college student, and my 19th birthday is in July. I understand what you mean about it being hard. The right thing to do is usually the hardest thing to do. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I do the best that I can.
• United States
29 May 09
Oh wow, that is cool that you are a college student too! :) Well keep up the good work and i will too. And no one is anywhere near perfect, so dont worry,but we try our best to be all we can be for Him. :)
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
30 Sep 09
Hey, Well I don't really know because many people have different outlooks on life, some people think that life is just misery and they don't really like it, others think that life is one of the greatest things one could have. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!