Which is the best Windows Vista or Macintosh

@neojan (83)
June 7, 2009 7:20am CST
What to you think is the best Operating System in the entire computer history?
10 responses
• Malaysia
7 Jun 09
Macintosh is good because it is close architecture which means this OS is applied only on hardware that fulfill all the Macintosh specification. As a result, it would have less problem compare to Microsoft OSes. I personally prefer XP over Vista. I did use Macintosh before and found out it is cool. Now, i also try other OSes like Ubuntu and Redhat. I did try Windows 7 and it is certainly better than Vista in terms of performance. Its requirement is lower compared to Vista. Have a try if you have chance.
• Malaysia
7 Jun 09
Actually my work is exposed more on Windows and Linux. I am just get to know some information about Macintosh and i used it during my university time. However, i am not expert in Macintosh. Anyway, if you wish to know more about Windows and Linux, i am happy to share if i could.:-)
@neojan (83)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
Thanks for the comment..it seems that you are updated with the latest updates with computers..can you inform me if you have a latest infor about computers especially in macintosh i am planning to buy one this year.
@neojan (83)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
I agree with you because i received a lot comments the they prefer Macintosh rather than Vista. But normally there is no available computer store that offers macintosh here in our place..you will be lucky if you can find one but it's a rear opportunity. You need to go to the capital city if really need to buy one.
• India
7 Jun 09
I think both of them are good for their own purposes. Vista or windows for that matter can support a lot of games and some softwares only have a windows version. But on the other hand working on the Mac is so easy and time saving that it can be used for almost anything without any problems. I love Mac OS X as it comes with some superb bundled softwares that are really good. Not only that the number of computer problems are less. bourne
@neojan (83)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
I think you're right on that matter but which one do you think is cheaper?
• India
7 Jun 09
I think it would be unfair to decide which one is best. I love Mac OS X and I'm sure I will never revert to use Windows as a full fledged working station, but I have to use Windows to run some professional tools. I vouch for OS X anyday so if you ask me, I would say Mac is the best. Coming to the cost, I think have different options and version of the OS at different costs is stupid (Vista for example). If a company launches an OS, then it should have all the features for a single cost. In that matter I think Mac OS X would be superior because it can run on all machines (Apple machines of course) but Vista required PC users to upgrade their hardware to use, which makes it less preferable than XP. bourne
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
It is really good to hear that having them all compared at the same state of application would not validate which is better. That is the only thing to note is that windows platform , mac platform and *nix platform are different. As to what I said you're just like comparing apples to oranges to mangoes. These categories of operating systems are made to of their purpose and application. Great point of view there.
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
7 Jun 09
In the history is difficult to define the best because inmany cases different os or versions are really different in relation to the period they were famous on the computer or even in relation to the new one!! I think inmany cass it depends from single needs of users..such as you like more functionality for consumers,business which kind of software functionalties do you consider really important for you and so your daily work with a computer and os too!! Personally if i must choose between windows and mac i prefer windows but if i must choose between os in general i think Linux distributions are smart and safe!! So i think is normal that it is difficult even to compare an os which enabled an open source philosophy to another which it is involved in many proprietary views,as windows-mac, but in reality i think windows win over mac but loose in relation to linux!!As regards mac is ok but i never found all these advantages having a mac towards other considering alos that normally apple products are so much expensive and as regards their software thnad os policy normally they ar very limitated such as apple normally told you if you want a mac you will put on your computer only software i want and you will pay for them..stop!!it seemed to em a bit strange policy nowadays where also many big brand are seeing open source and free lincense much more than in the past!So i don't like to spend so much money and limitated from it as apple style!!
@neojan (83)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
Thank you for your time in responding to this discussion. I hope this info could help not only me but also to those who are still confuse on which is which is the best that will suite to their computer. Again thank you so much for the feedback i really appreciate it very much.
• United States
7 Jun 09
I prefer Windows, because I've had more experience in the errors and problems it has, and how to get them to do exactly what I want. With a Mac, I'm kind of lost, but I'm sure that eventually, I could get used to either. Linux is a cooler operating system than either of those, though.
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Got your point there that you are only well exposed to windows platform. In which you can certainly tell easily the problem and the solution occurring errors.
@neojan (83)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
Thank you for the comments.
@Fadolf (545)
• Slovenia
7 Jun 09
There isn't THE BEST operating system. Each of us will give both positive and negative comments to every operating system in the world. In my opinion, Mac OS is easy to understand, but if you want to do something more advanced (programming for example) you have to combine multiple programs so it isn't easy anymore. The same thing goes for Linux, but there isn't better operating system for networking than Linux. Windows, however, have lots of flaws, but they are also getting updated on almost daily basis. In my opinion, Windows operating system combines best from both Mac OS and Linux operating systems. Happy mylotting and take care.
@neojan (83)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
thanks for the advice...you have good point on that.
• Macedonia
10 Aug 09
Yes, Macintosh is the best. Because of 3 reasons: Fast Secure Stable But however, it is very expensive. That is the problem which Apple should think of.
@r9cyber (29)
• United States
16 Jun 09
I had so much fun working in DOS. I think we need to just give up on the whole GUI thing and have a DOS only operating system. I think there needs to be a law against having any type of GUI style OS. Bring back DOS!!!
• Australia
8 Jun 09
personally i prefer windows. mac is only preferred because of viruses etc when made are made to specifically go for microsoft software etc because they know the big companies, banks, govt etc all use the microsoft platform. other than this seriously mac doesnt out perform windows in any other way. so really even hackers and virus creators say that windows is the best in history.
• Bangladesh
8 Jun 09
If you say IN THE ENTIRE COMPUTER HISTORY, I would say its Mac. Because if we look back to the history of OS, it was Mac which 1st used GUI, had drop down menus, mouse pointers and used colors. Windows actually took Mac's idea and turn it into something which they named "Windows". If we look from the marketing point of view, Windows is a clear winner because of its major share in the market regarding softwares and hardwares. And being the major, it also have the major problems of all OS like virus and instability. Macs have always come up with SOMETHING NEW while Windows have always polished the old things to make it look new. If we put the Windows "current" latest OS "Windows Vista" along with Apple's "current" latest OS "Mac OSX Leopard", we have to consider many different things. For example, if you need a computer for graphics designing, movie editing and various professional multimedias, Mac is something that you would definitely go for. While if you are a regular user of computer and need it for various tasks, Windows Vista would be your choice. Many people say that Macs are more expensive than Vista. I do have to disagree in terms of performance. Mac can outrun Vista easily in performance with the same configuration. And to run Vista properly, you need to spend a lot of fortune on the specifications while Mac runs very well with a specification which is NOT SO EXPENSIVE. Overall, it is like two different types of OS which completely depends on the user. Like if you want to play games, Macs would be a very bad choice and if you want multimedia, Mac will easily outcast Windows. So it all matters how will you want to conclude.
• India
8 Jun 09
Mac is known for best performance, virus free, great security from hackers but this os is applicable only for Mac hardwares.Whereas Vista/xp can be deployed on all major hardwares. The only disappointment in Mac is that major applications/utilities/tools etc...etc are coming only in windows or Lindux version but not in mac..This is the only disappointment for mac, where professional appliacion developer or system builder have to check, test most of the tools. So this is not applicable in mac. Because of this windows got major users all over the world. But still Mac users are increasing nowadays. Eventhough there are lots of utilities coming in windows version there is also lots of viruses existing today that can harm your datas. So coming to the point according to overall performance Mac leads all other OS existing today and if you ready to use Mac for first time then you won't go for windows again. Because the performance of the Mac really admire you and the performance cannot be compared with other OS.