Even with lots of referals and clicks, are these ptc sites worth it??

June 8, 2009 5:21am CST
Hey guys, i have been using ptc sites for a while now, and begining to get a bit tired and less inspired by them. Even if you refer 5 dozens of people and click every single day, how much can you actually make from them. They pay really low and begining to loose interets. I dont know if you guys have more promising stories that are motivational, but i feel doing stuff like paid to post, like mylot, paid to write articles and so on are worth more time and effort than these bux bux sites. What do you guys think??? correct me if i am wrong if you have made a handful through them..
1 response
@doggyhouz (548)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I worry if it is a scam sometimes too. All that work and nothing comes in,.