Do you do the tourist thing in your own town

The River Foyle Derry - The River Foyle, Derry
June 8, 2009 7:15am CST
We were recently in Derry Northern Ireland. We decided to take a walk around the Derry walls it seemed strange as this was the first time that my partner who was born and bred in Derry had ever walked around the walls. He did run round them once in a race but did not take a lot of notice as he was more interested in finishing the race. There is a cathedral on the way round and we went to look inside something my partner had never done he had only walked around the graveyard. We also spotted another church which we also looked round my partner actually did not even know that it existed even though it had been there hundreds of years. My youngest two sons enjoyed the walk as they loved looking at all the cannons and also enjoyed seeing the big padlocks for the Derry gates and the swords and muskets that they use to use in the museum in the cathedral. I have to admit that the town I live in now I have never really done the tourist thing as we tend to go to other towns to their museum as we do not have a museum here but there is a paper mill which I have never visited. So how about you have you ever done the tourist thing in your own town?
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4 responses
@wcainsue (38)
• China
8 Jun 09
I am basically in their own city do not travel,because there are very familiar with the landscape.My city is very small,a lot of fun outside the big cities have no place here ,the so-called tourism langshan usually go,in fact ,langshan in the eyes of the outside is worth a very well-known to burn incense and pray but we native-born langshan know only a mound of more than 100 meters but often we would go to relatively high real mountain tourism.
12 Jun 09
Tourist would probably see it differently as it is something they have not seen before. But when you have lived there all your life you probably don't notice it as much as you are use to it being there.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Jun 09
LOL omg I'm from Niagara Falls Ontario and doing the tourist thing there is just a natural habit with many of the locals LOL....How can you NOT play tourist at least a couple times a yr when you live in the Fals LOL
12 Jun 09
LOL It would probably be criminal not to. Would love to see them for myself maybe one day I will get the chance.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Yes sometimes because as Im a kid I did not travel anywhere just stay in house and church. As the year goes by it also having progress the town it become a nice beaches for foreigners and seems to me as tourist of my own town. Im far from my home town thats why I can say this also.
12 Jun 09
You must see the differences more than other people who live there permanently when you visit. I think we notice more when we have been away for a while.
• United States
8 Jun 09
Nope, I never have but what you said seems to interest me. I never bothered to learn about the history or special places of my hometown but now I might. Happy Mylotting
12 Jun 09
You never know you could learn some interesting facts about your home town.