Do you feel comfortable while dealing with 3 or 4 girlfriends ata time?

girl friends - so many girl friends at a time
@sonusd (1547)
June 8, 2009 7:51am CST
Hello friends i have a friend who is maintaining 4 girlfreidns at a time,and all the girl know each other and still they are hanging with that guys but I am looking for some one who is willing to spend whole life with me and i am unable to find out.why this thing hapening with me? he is cheating girls and girls love them but they cant see my true love
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8 responses
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
What??? Is that what you call a relationship. A relationship is based on mutual love, understanding and trust. Apparently, your friend's relationship is not. Don't worry, your one true love will come and everyone is meant for someone we truly deserve.
@raydogze (42)
• United States
9 Jun 09
No 1 is pain enough for me so 3 or 4 never for me
• United States
8 Jun 09
If you are with a lot of people maybe you are trying to find someone that really fits you and dating a lot of people can help you do this and you can eliminate the ones that you don't like or you don't feel comfortable with or that can complete you. At the very moment i am talking to five different guys and they are all very different in there own ways and i do like them all in different ways but then of course i get bored with some of them and move on to the next and maybe in the same day. I hate being bored and never doing anything so i am just having fun with life right now and enjoying every minute with my life. I know where all the guys hang out and what they do so i know where to go to try and stay away from them while with another guy LOL. I guess you can say i know how to play the field LOL.
@stanlee81 (381)
• China
8 Jun 09
This is absolutely not a normal status for the five (1+4).Nothing should be admired about this.This relationship could not sustain longer just wait and see!!
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Jun 09
A lot of women go for a popular man and they dont seem to mind that he has other girls as well.This is not a healthy thing as you could catch a form of vd.You will find yourself a girl just be patient,also when your friend wants to settle down with a girl that girl may not want to settle down with him as he is known to have more than one girlfriend at a time.
@bearound (132)
• China
9 Jun 09
I know some popular playboys who are rich,young,humorous,handsome.Cheating?They don't think so.That is just a funny game in their eyes.Their so-called grilfreinds know that too.I mean they prefer this love game to ture love now.If you are not that kind of man,find your love as your way.Forget about them.Just to be yourself.
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Yikes! Well first of all, I'm a girl. I don't know how serious these relationships are, but I do know that if I were one of those 4 girls I'd be really upset to find out that my man were dating other girls too. I myself could never date more than 1 guy at a time. First of all, I don't know how he keeps them all straight. lol Let alone juggle dating 4 at once. And as for you - you'll find true love :-) It sometimes takes longer for some than others. Plus, your friend isn't finding true love. These relationships for him aren't going to last because of what he's pulling. Hang in there buddy - your day will come! :-)
@wcainsue (38)
• China
8 Jun 09
I think love should be the only,but does not rule out a few people at the same time falling in love with the same person ,or a person love a few people at the same time,in fact ,do not complian do not give up on themselves,the fate of individuals to appear before the right time ,really will be looking forward to the results.