What builds your relationship?

@mhethess (379)
June 11, 2009 4:39pm CST
Hi everybody, Each of us has his or her relationship it can be parents to child, siblings to siblings, husband and wife or as lovers. In what ever situation we have we must remember that we need to build that relationship with God with love and with respect. I have this friend of mine consult me about her present situation and it regards to her relationship with her husband, during their first year they enjoy doing things together but as the years goes they want to have space with their own. I told her that maye there is something wrong and she need to know or investigate it. Any relationship which is not build with Christ or put Christ as the center for me doesn't have stronger foundation. how about you what builds your realtionship? Can you please share your insights about this topic thnaks.
3 responses
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
My husband and i believe Christ brought us together even before we found out that we were already falling in love with each other. And we also believe that almost seven years of a happy marriage without a child is also along God's plans for us because His presence and His love is enough to bind us. Christ is in the center of our relationship and what we learn from His words nurtures the ingredients that make an ideal union. Faith, hope and love. From all these come trust and respect and even made stronger by a healthy communication. We have a great marriage because our first real conversation was about Christ and as we talk of things about God other matters related to our life and relationship are discussed naturally and communication is a great way to get our messages across clearly thereby preventing problems that may upset our marriage.
@mhethess (379)
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
Hello aleandra, my dear friend here at my lot, Having a relationship blessed by God is true wealth, it is a relationship that money can't buy keep it up continue with God.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
hello ma'am! we have respect with each other, trust, care and love each other even in our worst... we love & each other for who we are...and most of all we have fear in God...we believe in sacredness of marriage, we value it so much and always ask for God's guidance and blessings...
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
11 Jun 09
I think it is communication which builds relationships. Sometimes we don't listen to other people and we find out too late that we are drifting away from them. Cheers!!