Do you have a nickname?

June 12, 2009 2:38am CST
If yes, what is it? And why did your parents or friends give it to you? Do you like it or would you prefer to be called with your christian name?
5 responses
• United States
12 Jun 09
My real name is Princess. My mother whom is the nickname giver in our family started calling me Prin. So only my close inner circle call me by that name. I like my nickname. My youngest sisters we gave her the nickname Kola. Like the old style coke-a-cola bottles because she is built nice. she got her name as soon as she stared getting those curves. My bother also had now given my son Brock the nickname Brockie. The rest of the family calls him Ziggy. Because his name is Brock Zigmund.
• Italy
12 Jun 09
Very interesting the history of the nicknames of your family!
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
Nicknames are strange names. I'd been called Bayengyeng when I was a child because I grew so chubby after being given vitamins. In our language the big white whale is called balyena. To make it cuter and musical, my relatives called me Bayengyeng instead. Sometimes my brothers and male cousins still call me by my childhood nickname. I kinda like it. As for my Christian name Eileen, it means light, a variation of Helen, Elena, or even Luz. I like my name.
1 person likes this
• Italy
12 Jun 09
Your Christian name is my favourite one in absolute but also your nickname is very nice!
@vjsinduja (1031)
• Sri Lanka
12 Jun 09
My real name is Sinduja. My parents, friends and relatives shorten that to Sindu and call me in that name ,Sindu....
• United States
12 Jun 09
ya my name is brandon.. and my mom calles me bud... i am not sure why she has done it since i was little... my newphes and nicies call me butt-butt.. they do this because it is hard for them to say my name.
• Italy
13 Jun 09
Hi Butt-butt, thank you for answering!
@loveykoh (72)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
my friends call me anji or anj because i have two names. i am christened angelica irene which means messenger of peace.