Real Jobs you can do from home.

United States
June 12, 2009 5:57pm CST
Ok. So here it goes. I have been a stay at home mom for 12 years now, and in these tough economic times I have been searching for a real job where I can earn $500-$1000 per month, to help with the money situation at home. I had found a great job where I was earning about $6.00/hour, and there was no startup fee. But they changed their pay scale and I wound up averaging around $1.50-$2.00/hr. It was great while it lasted. I think I could earn more if I could get some people under me working. I have also heard of Alpine Access, where you can work from home answering customer service inquiries. This will not work for me, because You have to have a quiet environment while you work, in the summer time, when my kids are home I do not have a quite environment. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there that has found a real paying job making decent money from home. Im not talking about posting on forums or paid to click sites, but actual jobs without any type of money involved in getting started. I do NOT want an online business. Let me know what you have found.
4 responses
• United States
18 Jun 09
I'm in the process of looking myself. One website that I visit frequently that gives good, unbiased information is (work at home moms). They list websites and resources for all types of jobs. Telecommuting, data entry, MLM's. Any type of job or business you are looking for you can find information on it there. You can post questions to people who are actually working the programs or just read the information that is given. Trust me, once you go there you will you will continue to use it. Keep me posted, in what you find out. Happy job hunting.
@anisforu (10)
• India
13 Jun 09
make $100 per day hi goted a webstie from this i had earned lots of money
• United States
12 Jun 09
When you find that home job that doesn't require money up front, and pays a decent per hour's pay...please let us all know. It's scarey to figure out what is a scam and what isn't. I love to type, and have no problem do typing at home for any boss...but how do I find someone who needs it.
• United States
12 Jun 09
I am so glade that somone mention this. I am a new mom. I work part time because I can afford full time day care. I am in need of more money. I have been looking for a real company that will pay me for work that i do. What company are you working for that is paying you 2 buck and hour?