who do you think is the best actor/actress of all times?

@dloveli (4366)
United States
June 13, 2009 9:25pm CST
i love to watch movies. i just watch the movie"gran torino" with clint eastwood. i think he is the best actor ever. he can do any kind of movie and make you think its real. there are many movies that have touched my heart. i must say that this movie was one of them. i also just watched marley and me. what a wonderful movie. it broke my heart. owen wilson is another i like. who are your favorites?
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13 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I somehow think none can beat the "old time" actors/actresses of the past... Katherine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Cary Grant, etc. Though I do love Sandra Bullock and all her movies--also Julia Roberts...Al Pacino is a great actor as well. I want to see Marley & Me as I'm a real softie about any animal movie...but since I read the book I know how the story ends and probably wind up crying buckets
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
14 Jun 09
That's why I don't want to see Marley and Me. I cry enough without having to see a movie!
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I am an animal lover to the soul. If I could I would buy a huge ranch and fill it with tons of little,dogs. When I watched Marley and Me, I was so touched. You must watch it! It's worth the cry, I swear. lol. I also loved ALan Alda in the movie Same Time Next Year! THat was such a refreshing movie. I loved the movie Love Story Ryan Oneil and Ali McGraw. That was wonderful! There are so many.....
@imacRuel1 (258)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
The Standard Measurement for Hollywood to be considered the Best Actor/Actress of all time are as followed: 1. Oscar awards- as long as you have this trophy, you'd be considered as one of the best if not the best of all-time... My choices: 1. Spencer Tracey- won 4 Best Actor in Oscar 2. Marlon Brando- won 3 Best Actor in Oscar 3. Jack Nicholson- won 3, I'm not so sure... 4. Al Pacino- won 2 I guess 5. Robert De Niro- Won Best Actor & Best Supporting Actor 6. Tom Hanks- Won 2 Best Actor Actress 1. Katherine Hepburn- won 6 Best Actress in Oscar 2. Meryll Streep- the most nominated actress in Oscar & I think won 2 or 3 Best Actress 3. Hilary Swank- won 2 best actress & still counting 2. Versatility- actors w/ great performance in almost all genre of movie making Actors : 1. Robert De Niro- from a Mob leader, psycopath, to a beaten boxer... an obssessed fan, authistic, you name it... he's almost everywhere! 2. Will Smith- will is one of the great actor of his generation... we all witness how he transformed from comedian, musician, action star & now in a more serious drama roles. 3. Bruce Willis- he might be considered the best action superstar of all time, but you just can't stop laughing when Bruce does his old comic in some of his movies when he started in showbiz... from his BIG 3 counterpart (Arnie & Sly), he is the only one that can perform different genre aside from action... He is a natural comic even in the Die Hard series. Actress : 1. Julia Roberts 2. Whoopi Goldberg 3. Angelina Jolie 3. Bankabilty- while most of the above actor will be rarely seen releasing a movie in a year... Being a Movie Industry favorite is another aspect... my choices would be the following: Actor: 1. Harrison Ford- considered the blockbuster king of hollywood, he surely is among the top choice for every producer to be the lead star of the film. 2. Will Smith- same as Harisson... all Will Smith movies are certified blockbuster. Actress: 1. Julia Roberts 2. Angelina Jolie 3. Nicole Kidman These are all based on my personal opinion & have read or copy any related articles about the topic... I just love moives..& I know them very well.
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Just to correct the last two line... It's all based on my personal knowledge & have not read or copy any related articles about the topic... Sorry for that little typo error...! By the way, My Best Actor/Actress of all time is Robert De Niro & Meryl Streep... I love their combination in "The Deer Hunter"...
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I must let you know how impressed I am. I dont think that I have ever talked to anyone who was as well versed as you. You are amazing. You have just been nominated and have won the best response. If I could I would give you the best response for all times award. You are awesome. DL
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Thank you very much... I just love movie!... In fact, I have released 250 movies in the internet for free download... I have @ least 500 DVDs & thousands in different video foramts like AVI, MP4, MKV... ranging 4.5 gig to 20 gig source... Some I have burnt to discs... & majority of it are still residing in my HDD...
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Jun 09
Like Clint but John Wayne is my most favorite
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Jun 09
your welcome glad to bring back good memories!
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
19 Jun 09
John Wayne is definately an important participant in the acting profession. I remember watching aeveral of his flix with my grampy. Every time I see a picture of John Wayne or a movie, it brings back memories..... THanks for reminding me that I forgot a true professional. dl
@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
14 Jun 09
Well, styles of acting and making movies have changed so much over the years. Rita Hayworth would be my choice of best actress if we were talking about many decades ago. In this day and age I would say the best actress I have ever seen on film is Emily Mortimer or Anne Hathaway. Now I know some are thinking, Anne Hathaway? But she has come a LONG way from The Princess Diaries (which is a movie I have never seen). And I just can't bring myself to say Meryl Streep. As for the best actor of all time? I'll stay with this day and age and give it to Mel Gibson or Daniel-Day Lewis. I know, I know, I didn't limit it to one. *Honorable mentions must go to Denzel Washington and Gena Rowlands.
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
14 Jun 09
John Wayne and Clint Eastwoord are my dad's absolute favorites.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
14 Jun 09
Good choices! I like the old movies. I still watch Shirley Temple. I remember watching them with my grandfather. Must give a shout out to John Wayne. My grandfather loved him too. I love all James Bond movies. Daniel Day Lewis fit right into character. Denzel is good too. FOr me, I think that is acting is exactly the same for every movie. Just my opinion. I would love to see some old Rita Hayworth. She was beautiful. thanks dl
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
15 Jun 09
I like watch movies too.Amlost all kinds of movies i want to take a look at it,they give me different shock.and make me take a long time to think about it.Recently i watch a moive name of 'The Curious case of Benjamin Button'I have to say the actor bard pitt perform is incredible .i think all of us should watch it.Marly and me .i like this movie too.Marly is a smart dog.it's not only a dog just like a person.of course i like jennifet too.she is a good actress as i know
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I loved Benjamin Buttons! Brad Pitt is a great actor! I cant believe what a large acting range he has. He does everything from comedies to action to love stories. I loved him with Morgan Freeman in the movie Seven. What a performance. I think that The Curious Case Of Benjamin Buttons was his most difficult so far. He was so believable in this movie. He is a good choice my friend. dl
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
16 Jun 09
oh,yeah.i like his very much,and now i like another guy ,In break prison's actor Wentwroth miller. He is really a good actor.when you saw his blue deep eyes when he said'just give a little faith'.i think everything is wroth
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
Gary Oldman portrays his roles very realistically. I was afraid of him in Air Force 1. But did you notice the body movement in a Harry Potter scene where he was fighting and he was killed? Wow! Please put him in contention.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Before I answered you I had to make sure I knew who you were talking about. I cant believe he is the same man. I thought to myself how talented this man is to make himself look completely different in each movie that I didnt think he was the same man. I thought that it was several different actor. You are correct He is amazing. Good Choice. dl
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I almost forgot of this great actor outside of US Hollywood, He must be one of the greatest import actor of all time... My fav performance is Beethoven & The Professional...
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• United States
15 Jun 09
My favorite actor is Hugh Jackman and my favorite actress right now would have to be Dakota Fanning because she is literally that next big thing.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I love X Men! All of them. I also love that movie he did with Christian Bale, "The Prestige". I think thats the name. He is wonderful! I cant wait to see Wolverine. I am waiting till it comes out on dvd so I can buy it. thanks dl
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I have watched Gran Torino and I find it a very nice movie and I do agree that Clint Eastwood did a best act there. Although for me John Travolta is, has and will always be the best for me. He is a good actor even from the start and a great dancer as well. For the Actress it's Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock for me. They are the best. Although I know there are more out there like them this 3 are on my top list along with others like Nicholas Cage, Danny de Vito, and others.
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
19 Jun 09
hmm this is a really really tough one. if i can choose only one my favourite currently will be meryl streep. caught her in 'devil wears prada' and 'mama mia' recently. two totally different characters but she really brings them alive. i can't think of many who can do it with such aplomb. i'll actually watch a movie simply because it has her in it. another actress that comes close will be helen hunt. she is also very good but just a little less so when compared to meryl.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Jun 09
Oh yeah , I have many favorite actors and actresses, each one of them is uniquely talented in their own styles. It would be even ubfair to say who is the best. But, if I do have to pick one, then I would say Gregory Peck !
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Jun 09
He is the one that set the standards so high for the actors of today. You certainly made a great choice there! I only wish they were still alive so they could share some more of there craft with us. thanks dl
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Mine would be Al Pacino. His movies are timeless. I was surprised to find out that my mom likes his movies so much. And it's funny how I am 30 younger that my mom and I'm hooked on the movies of Al Pacino. He was exceptionally good in The Devil's Advocate & Scent of A Woman. And of course, who could forget The Godfather and Scarface..
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I dont like him that much. He plays a gangster only. Most of the movies he made I couldnt get into. He and robert Deniro are the same type of actor. THey play someone with mob mentality very well. Dont get me wrong. It could just be me. I dont have the patience to sit thru most pictures. I usually fast forward it to when the plot is unveiled and the conflict is nearing resolution. I am crazy that way. I am very impatient so I dont even go to the movies because I dont like to sit that long. THank heavens for the remote control. I must admit that I do come upon a chosen few that I watch all the way thru and may even watch them again one day. thanks and enjoy your movies. If fact... "Say Hello to my little friend"..... lol just showing you that I did watch a Pacino movie. dl
• United States
14 Jun 09
My vote is on Denzel Washington. He has been on several movies, shows, and almost all of his movies get awards. American Gangster was a great movie, and I think it received awards and a high salary when it was in theaters. Who couldn't Remember the Titans? That was a great movie as well! And John Q? He has so many good acting roles and he's just a great actor.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I dont like Denzel. I do think he is talented. You are correct in the fact that he makes good movies. I dont know what it is but he doesnt capture my attention. When I watch a movie he is in I always get up, walk around, or fast forward the movies. I feel like his movies are long and drawn out. I do agree that he must be doing something right. GOod choice,dl
• Indonesia
15 Jun 09
I like robert de niro and tom hanks. I think they are the best actor of all times.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I love Tom Hanks. THat man can take any story line and make it believeable. What he did with Philadelphia was amazing. Forest Gump was the ultimate. The movie he did with Jackie Gleason, Nothing in Common, I still cry even though I saw it 100 times. He is amazing.