What have you done at the weekend?

@pengbubu (1011)
June 14, 2009 2:06am CST
As the title, what have you done at the weekend? For me, I got my PC back form the customer service center yesterday, because something wrong with my computer. And the customer service is a little far away from my home. And today, I get up at 9 o'clock in the morning, and then I go out have a breakfast. After that I go back home and watch movies, listen musics, etc. I don't like go out a little, I just like sitting in front of the monitor, doing mylot. How about you, guys? Feel free to share you opinions.
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34 responses
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I went to a little girls, 8 birthday. I tried to hit a pinata. Got thrown into childs blown up pool, and helped a friend unpack. It was fun!
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@pengbubu (1011)
• China
14 Jun 09
Seems that you have a happy weekend, best wishes for you. Haha! Playing together with child will be a happy period, I think. They are innocence, adorable. Have a good day! Amybrezik.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
well for this weekend mmmmmm friday, we celebrated our local congregation's anniversary and its very fun and together with that is a tribute day for our parents...it was a whole day affair (lots of games, foods, activities!) saturday...its not so good, i got sick but still manage to wash the clothes...but the whole day i just sleep and rest... today sunday, still sick but i never forget to do my duty to the Lord so i attend the church worship and good that i am feeling better now...
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@pengbubu (1011)
• China
15 Jun 09
Oh, I see, 12th June is your country's anniversary. Congratulations! It's good with parents, but now I am a little far away form my parents, your words makes me missing my home. Haha! Have a good day, Ckyera.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
oh yes June 12 is the Independence Day of our country...the celebration we have that i am talking about is hosted by the church that i am into... i also live far away from my parents and really miss them so much...i even miss them more when i saw those children giving gifts and flowers to their parents and paying tribute to them...and also the games that involves all family members...wow! i envy them...hehehe i wish my parents are also there...
• China
16 Jun 09
Weenkend is always exciting even I just stay home. Yes, I spent the whole weekend home expect swimming for two hours. Most of the time I surfed net. I really enjoy the time staying home with my beloved wife.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
16 Jun 09
Oh, you swimmed last weekend. where are you living? I am living in ShenZhen, I can hardly swim now, I am not mean that I don't know how to swim, I mean I can't find a place nearby my home where I can swim. It's really hot here, especially recently. Also Shenzhen is hotter than most of other places in China. Happy everyday! XingxingSky. I love China!
• China
17 Jun 09
I live in Beijing :) There is a gym with swim pool opposite my house. So my wife and I often do some exercise or swim there. Good luck!
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
When I woke up early this morning, I prepared breakfast, which I do mostly on weekends only because it's my fiancee's day off. Normally, I have breakfast alone because he goes to work before the sun's up. Then, I did the laundry. Since i already went grocery shopping the other day, I just had to think about what's for lunch. We watched dvd movie and went out for a pint of ice cream which we consumed together. After that, we went to a nearby computer shop to surf the net. Nothing really interesting happened today, aside from knowing that one of our mutual friends just gave birth to a healthy baby girl!
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
14 Jun 09
Congratulations for you friends! For me, I always eat outside. I find it's really wasting time cooking food for myself only. I am single, if I eat outside, I only need less than half an hour, but if I cook food for myself, it take me more than one hours including buy food from market. Happy everyday, Personaave.
• China
14 Jun 09
It seems that a lot of people like washing clothes on weekend,so do i.Yesterday we did an extra work with no overtime pay(yes,our boss is very closefisted).Luckily there was something good that books which i bought online reached.This morning i did some washing.Today is very hot so i just had a nap after lunch,then read book and surf the internet.And now i will go to have dinner.haha!
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
15 Jun 09
I's like to washing clothes after washing, Then I have plenty of time in the weekend so I can do a lot of thing whatever I wanted. Welcome to mylot this big family, I think you will love it as it's really good. Happy everyday, Heizhugan. I love China!
• China
17 Jun 09
Thank you! Yes,myLot is a good place.People form different country can communicate with each other. Happy everyday!
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Celebrated Philippine's Independence day and Me and my Hane's 3rd anniversary by attending a charity event/concert last friday. Went home to my parent's place. Slept. Surfed the net. Posted on mylot. Ate a lot of good and unhealthy food. Hand washed my clothes. Played with our dogs. And started reading a good book. That's about it.. will go back to the city later, to start another work week. =)
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
14 Jun 09
Seems that you schedule is very tight, Haha! Have a good time, Ingkingderders.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
16 Jun 09
Well, a lot, compared to last weekend. At least, I had my morning exercise and a good lunch after that. Nothing more fullfilling than fixing up jigjaw puzzles with the kids. At least these are the days my eyes get to relax by not seeing the screen. lol.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
17 Jun 09
It's a good time been with kids, they are innocent and adorable. We should go out when we stay in front of the monitor for a long time. Happy everyday, Whyaskq.
@jaisundar (215)
14 Jun 09
I went to temple. Spent sometime on internet especially on Mylot. Also had been to theatre this weekend.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
20 Jun 09
What film have you seen? Can you name it? I'd like to know. Seems that you are keen on Buddhism, where are you living? Many Chinese are interested in it, as I know. Happy mylotting, Jaisundar.
@NettyB (335)
• United States
14 Jun 09
The weekend is part of my work week. I am working right now as I type..LOL Yesterday I did go hiking with my daughter, we were gone for about 4 hours. Then I came home, took a shower and got ready to work. Today after I get done working, we might go for a bike ride before I cook dinner. It is looking like a rainy day though, so not sure about that.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
20 Jun 09
It's good to have fun and also earn money here, I love it very much. I am wonder that if you treat this as you full time job, it's hard to earn too much money this way, why not hunt for a regular job? It's will paid you more. Maybe you have your own methods. Whatever, thanks a lot for your reply, Nettyb.
• Qatar
14 Jun 09
well, nothing much , since I have finished exams and going to university I feel board and non of my friends around all of them busy but, it's good to have rest after hard semester !! yesterday supposed to be the last day in weekend so I've been with my sisters and mom to City Center to have shopping !! I didn't buy anything coz I wanted just to have good walk and let every thing later
• Qatar
28 Jun 09
Thanks that is really kind , I wish you good luck too and ya by the way , I visited China last summer I loved it very much :)
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
15 Jun 09
After exams, you can enjoy yourself and do whatever you want to do. I graduated from college last year, I know it's really a hard time when I prepare for my college enterance exam. And university is really a good place, also it's a large family, you can do a lot things there, of course you will love it. Best wishes for you, Novelist.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
21 Jun 09
Well, today I've just been catching up on my online earning sites and doing a little research into learning how I can do more. Tomorrow my grandparents are paying for us to all eat at the Olive Garden so that should be fun. But, then I do have to confront my dad about some of the things that he was saying about me. Grrr. But, I imagine this will be a pretty good weekend all in all. Oh, and I need to scrounge up 50 dollars before monday.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
21 Jun 09
Thanks a lot for you reply, Dismalgrin. Differently, my life is quiet and peaceful. I only sit down in front the monitor, surf the Internet, doing mylot.
@ayis12 (544)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
mostly on weekends i stay at home. Just be on net almost the whole day..hahaha! But if i have something to do..then i go out!
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
20 Jun 09
The same like you, I won't go out when unnecessary. I feel better in front the monitor. Best wishes for you reply, Ayis12. I love China.
• United States
14 Jun 09
Yesterday, I studied a little bit for an Art History exam I have this coming Thursday. I ran a few errands as well. Today, I went to a family get-together at my grandparents' house. My grandmother has been living in a physical rehabilitation center for quite a few months, and she was finally able to leave for four hours this afternoon to visit her home, see the family, and also see the cats. After that, I came home, got some delicious ice cream from the ice cream truck that comes through here, and worked on building an order for someone. (I work as an AVON representative, and I put orders in online.) I think I'm going to spend the remaining few hours of the weekend trying to relax.
• United States
14 Jun 09
Hi baldypriest. I was just looking up Avon last weekend and founf it a coincidence to see that that is what you do. Can you tell me a bit about it? I work online and would like to start another little avenue of income on the side. I do live in a itny little town so do not know if this would be a good idea but would like to get more info. Hope to hear from you soon!
14 Jun 09
I went to watch drag racing ! Some of them were too loud though =(
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
20 Jun 09
Lot of my friends are keen on F1, they know a lot about it, but I know nothing about it.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
it rained here yesterday so i was into my Pc the whole day.went to church this morning then washed clothes. i planned to iron my uniform after logging out here. i didn't have some gimmicks outside.i'd rather do my lot gimmicks.hehe
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
14 Jun 09
I don't like rain a little when I have to go out, it is inconvenient. Do you think so? I like sunny better in the summer. How about you? Happy everyday, Flagella08.
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Hi pengbubu! =D Your weekend has been productive. Well me, I just reorganized my room since it's the beginning of the classes tomorrow in the Philippines so I make sure it has a new look for me to study better. =D I arranged my clothes, organized my make-ups, rearranged my books and reviewed my notes just to remind me of the subjects I will be using this semester. Since my subject is just OJT this sem, the previous professional subjects I've taken will be the application of theory into practice so it's a bit challenging. So next thing I did this weekend was to have a new hairdo since again, it's the beginning of classes and I wanted to have a new look. Hehe =D My weekend are mostly spent for the preparation of the opening of classes. =D
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
14 Jun 09
Seems that you are good at planning, plan every details. Haha, Also you are a good student, you know that your mission right now is learning and you did a good job. Have a good day, Cecillecarmela.
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@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Yesterday, I woke up really late because hubby and I watched the leverage series on DVD then we ordered some food for midnight snack(yellow cab pizza).. this morning, i woke up little late again because i wasn't feeling well.. we ordered chowking for our lunch and dinner.. currently, i am surfing the internet, mylotting and watching with hubby.. =) i'll be sleeping early tonight because i will go home tomorrow to take good care of my two month old nephew..
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
20 Jun 09
I will get up in the middle day when I don't have to work or I am free. Oh, you are living with your two month old nephew, I think you must be busy with him, as I opined that little kids is hard to deal with.
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
29 Sep 09
Hey, Well today I haven't really been doing much except staying in front of the computer screen, and sometimes posting on myLot when I am bored. I hardly ever go out, partly because it is more boring than staying at home. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
• Singapore
14 Jun 09
i went to my friend's chalet and i was hell lot of fun! we went cycling and then to the arcade and did many things.the night BBQ food was awesome, i ate a whole lot of chicken wings, sausages and my favourite maarsh mellows!!!.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
15 Jun 09
Chicken wings is also my favorite, Haha. Happy everyday!
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
14 Jun 09
Hi, If it is not important things.. I usually rather stay at home and login to myLot like now. Make responses and comments. It is fun. This is what i do when sunday. But if in working days, i like to login here at night.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
15 Jun 09
The same with you, I'd like to login mylot at night when I have to work. And I will watch some movies and surf the web at the weekend, in the spare time, I will go the library which is nearby to read books.