Is there something called God?

Believe or not to - God is a mystery. Does He really exist or is it just a hoax?
June 14, 2009 9:01am CST
I am writing this because recently my cousin who is 13 years old asked me if I believed in God or not? I Had only little reasons to establish my faith. I said maybe it's because the forefathers in the past needed Man to lead a good life so they must have created a Superbeing. She asked me if I was badly in need of such a faith in leading a good life? I was like speechless. Many claim that every thing in this world is determined by the will of one supernatural being. The beginning of life to the end,it is He who makes things work. And no matter how much we fight the ultimate decision will be His. The growth of science and the advent of newer technology has many points to prove against this,but this has been a delicate issue and it can hurt the beliefs of millions. Today living gods too exist and do some magical things. I do not know if it is just a trick or for real. But masses form their believers. I sometimes believe something is there guiding us and making us think and deciding our fate. But on the contrary I feel its just been a big or the biggest hoax ever in History. From the Holy books to the shrines,temples,churches and mosques,all has been designed and narrated by the Man. I have read a few Holy books and for me it is just a novel that shows morals and principles to live with and I feel that it has been written with an intent to guide man to leading a good life with no grudge or war. The concept of Heaven and Hell has risen as a consequence. The terms like afterlife,Reincarnation etc are like the wildest fantasies of a great fiction writer because what possible proof could he be able to produce to justify his discovery. The fear of sinning and Hell and Devil all must have spread like a wildfire in a community so superstitious many years ago. Human brain has been very creative and can cook up all sorts of things . What do you think of this? Religion and region has been a problem to Mankind creating war and communal riots and killings. Is God just a hoax or do anybody have a justification?
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14 responses
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I do believe in my heart that God exists and He is the source of every thing living here on earth. I will not argue anyone about it, and please respect me for what I do believe. I think that everyone of us has reasons and for whatever reasons or doings we do, we are responsible for it. If for others who don't believe that there is no God, i respect them and I won't argue at all because they would never understand me in any way I reason out. So I hope that by voicing out my opinion here, does not mean that I am forcing anyone to believe me because I will never use force. We have our own free will. You have to decide for yourself as I do my own also. I hope no one argues on what I said, because I am entitled to my own opinion as other members here are entitled also to their own opinion. Happy Mylotting.
• India
16 Jun 09
Yup! There is always the freedom of expression. I am a believer too. I had believed and am still believing and will believe in future too. Just like you said every person's belief should be respected no matter what one's is. A difference of opinion can only start a debate. Many debate in mylot but it's not good and I often feel bad about it. Some of the responses are contradicted in a very unpleasnt way. If they have to point their opinion then it's fine, but not every person see's ,thinks,feels or perceives the same. I like mylotting but I hate such factors. Thank you for your response.
• United States
15 Jun 09
is there something called god - yes ofcourse , there is somthing called god . its all abuot your faith and belief that u have in god . practically speaking its a indepth sense of human . everyone are god and god resides everywhere . so there is no doubt that if u believe ur momm,dad , urself then my dear u have to believe that there is god .
• India
16 Jun 09
Yes the words-'the God resides in every person' is very appropriate. That is what every person has to understand. The very mind has to be strong and stern to achieve what one thrives for. Every single mind has to believe that nothing is impossible if God is with him or in his heart. Success will never lag behind for such people. But sitting idle and waiting for a miracle after a prayer is illogical. So it's said 'idle mind is a devil's workshop'. Thank you for replying.
@Jimeous (858)
• New Zealand
15 Jun 09
The belief in God has been a natural instinct of mankind from before written language. It is something that is associated with religious beliefs but exists without them, or simply, you can believe in God without ever hearing or reading about God. For a majority of religions, they are a set of "rules" on how to lead a "good" life, but the religion itself can not force the individual to believe in God. Believing in a God is one thing, having faith in God is something entirely different.
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
14 Jun 09
These kinds of discussions are always interesting. I grew up a Lutheran, with a very Lutheran family. I always went to church and did what my parents wanted. As I grew and finally left the house and was on my own, I started to realize how little I believed what I had been taught. Your description of how you view religion is strikingly similar to how I have come to see it. Regarding souls, I don't know that we will ever find an answer to that. However, as a biologist, the fact that matter is neither created nor destroyed, leads me to the most reasonable conclusion in my mind: if we do exist beyond this life, perhaps we are reborn at some point in time in another form. Or perhaps we remain dust. These are the things man will likely never know. But if we do have souls, I would like to believe that they repeatedly enter our world or another like it.
• India
16 Jun 09
Man cannot answer his own questions. And these kind of beliefs or delusions cannot be rectified or proved, because the first man to prove that 'God does not exist' will be buried even before his theory is published. So is the power of religion and fanatics and die hard God lovers will never promote such atrocities against God.Thank you for responding.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
Yes for my own point of view I know there is God. I will stay here on earth if He is not there for me. I agree that we have different faiths in life and I respect it.But I'm sure I have faith in God. He is the owner of my breath and life. He answer all my uncertainties in life. He show me the way, the truth and the life and until the end of my breath I still believed in Him.
@jlovetin (150)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
sorry to say bad i really pity you for that...if you do believe in question for you is why there are things that science cant explain??because simply humans were made limited only..if there is no God..what beliefs do you believe why do we have our you even know where does human origin came from??if you do believe in science then who created all the things that we have now...cause as far as i know,,even science do also believe that there is really a supreme being who created it all before us..
• India
15 Jun 09
You are wrong if you are saying that this human origin was abrupt like falling from the sky. If the Big bang theory can prove the creation of a Universe and evolution can prove the development of man from primates thenwhat point has science more to prove about this. Moreover the God is a belief ,a faith that cannot be proved or disapproved. And science does not believe in a superbeing.
@anandjee (282)
• India
15 Jun 09
my dear friend everything needs energy to survive in many way if not there is no reason to survive, everyone need one faith must be to survive name can be not important to represent god, but in the end that faith will survive everyone, the name of the faith is god, nothing else, this is my view, faith will solve every problem
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I have no justification my friend. But its all about faith. I was born and raised as a christian. So I believe in God, no question about it. People may ask for proof, I do not have one. But personally in life, I have attributed my success because of God and I will continue to believe in God. With respect to souls and reincarnation, I do believe that there are souls and perhaps there is reincarnation.
@nitu1952 (286)
• India
15 Jun 09
As it all depends upon the person's maintality that whether he or she believes in god.yes there is something like god.water which we drink is given to us by god.treees which protectsus from scorching heat of sun is given by the god. on the whole god has given such things which is really required for the survival.
@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
15 Jun 09
I do not believe in revealed religions, i don't believe that god or the gods one day woke up and told the mankind you have to live this way to be in my path, but i do believe that there is something else, not just our material world. We are all linked, all part of a whole, when we die we will still exist as a part of the whole, just not an identifiable little part, but we will be part of everything. All living beings are linked and this linkage is what i call god. This is my own personal belief,it is not a religion (or maybe it is but i've never heard of), i just believe that because it simply makes sense to me, but that all is a work in progress, i constantly try to find the deeper meaning of things, i don't have absolute faith in this, it is more like a constant research. But i completely respect other people beliefs, everyone has the right to believe in whatever he wants, i will never state that someone else's faith is wrong, everyone has to find its answer. The only real problem is that when people that are absolutely sure to know the truth meet other people absolutely sure to know another truth, they tend to show little respect toward each other, and this is causing mant of the problems we face in our world.
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
14 Jun 09
No one born into this world is good or perfect except God and His Son, Jesus. We are all born with a sin nature (we don't have to learn how to sin, it is already in us). We don't go to heaven by being a good person, because none of us qualify. Jesus was sent to this earth to save us from our sin, and when we truly accept Him as our Savior, He sees us as His child. I can just look around me to know that God exists. He keeps my heart beating, and my lungs breathing, and when I die it will be His will. I hope you have a King James Bible or a Good News Bible, but if you don't, please consider obtaining one. Life is very short my friend, please read the Gospel of John in the New Testament, it might just open your eyes to His love and grace. Thanks for listening.
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
Of course, there is God. We do not need to explain it---its faith. Until someone proves that there is no God, i remain to be a believer on Him. Its reason that reason itself cannot understand.
• United States
15 Jun 09
Of course God exist and i do believe in God and I don't care what other people say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• South Korea
15 Jun 09
i believe there is God, as you can see there are lots of mysteries in this world that human mind can hardly comprehend yet the Bible explains Him as the origin of everything....suffice to say..yes, there is...tell your cousin,,,that there is God.