What Are You Eating Today?

June 14, 2009 1:12pm CST
I'd love to know what people from all over the world, are eating today. We are in Canada. My husband just made us a delicious cheese fondue with French bred. The fondue was made with Gruierre and Emmentaler cheeses, Alena. It was wonderufl. It also has kirsch as a flavouring. The fondue pot we used had a space underneath for a little candle, so no electricity was necessary. My French-Canadian Aunt gave me the fondue pot years ago. It was delicious! Where are you, and what did you eat today?
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30 responses
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Hi That sounds so good! I love cheese and bread . Both kinda are my weakness and I can never get enough of either . I think today should be an easy day , but I know I have to make a meat that I put down in the fridge . Was gonna just put some dogs on the grill with make and cheese LOL my finace would like that more anyway haha. But today we are having grilled butterfly pork chops with a salad and green beans .
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Jun 09
I'm in England and ate Mexican today! lol. I made a chilli con carne with rice and nachos. I buy Doritos for nachos; normally the cheese flavoured ones, but today, I had original and they were great! I followed that with a couple of scoops of caramel ice cream with tiny fudge pieces on the top, and now.... I'm bloated! lol. Brightest Blessings.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Jun 09
Hmmm breakfast i had a smoothie made from yogurt, bananas, frozen berries and oj. Lunch was leftover rice and bbq chicken from last night. For supper tonight i took it over to moms - we had Burgers - Angus burgers actually - with beans, chips and pop. PS I'm in canada too
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I have had a delicious dinner and lunch here at home.. mom prepared some filipino dishes like chicken afritada and sinigang na tilapia.. after lunch, she cooked something for merienda(snack), pancit canton.. tomorrow, she'll be preparing blue marlin for the family.. mom is an excellent cook, she can cook anything from scratch.. yum yum!
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@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Yum! I'll have what you're having! I had a handful of pecans and a half of a grapefruit for breakfast, and salad with romaine lettuce, tomato, avocado and chicken with balsamic vinegar and olive oil for lunch. My bad thing is that I've been eating Jelly Belly jelly beans like they're going out of style today. Ugh. I think I feel sick!
@jedopi (401)
• Canada
15 Jun 09
I am in Canada also and today we will just be having leftover BBQ from last night's supper. There are some ribs and burgers left for my family and a soy burger for me because I don't eat meat. We also will be eating pasta salad with zucchini and red peppers, chick pea/cucumber salad and watermelon.
• India
15 Jun 09
In comparison, Indian food takes so long to prepare and difficult to make! Well, being a Sunday, I try to make something better than the regular food we have for dinner. I cooked chicken curry and pulao and we had sweets for dessert. The food was good but as I said, we have few quick-recipes in Indian food…most of it is quite elaborate requiring many ingredients, so though I enjoy cooking, it does get to my nerves, esp. in this heat.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Jun 09
That sounds really good. My husband and I went out to eat today. We have been dieting all week and decided to treat ourselves today. We had white fish, fries and cole slaw.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
15 Jun 09
It's almost 9:30 am here. I am in the mid western US. All I have had so far is coffee. Last night I ate out. I had a quesadilla salad. It had grilled chicken, black bean corn relish, tomatoes. It hit the YUMMY spot.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
mmmmmmmm what you have there sounds really good and yummy! and what makes it better is that its your husband who prepared it! i wish my husband will do it also(hehehe...he always wanted to prepare something but always ends up in mess...he don't have talent on cooking or food preparation..!) well today, since i am alone her i just bought food on a canteen near our house! but later, i will cooked "sinigang" its a all in one dish. can be cook with pork, beef or shrimp. today i do it with shrimp, with radish, spinach, okra...its easy to cook and tastes a little sour and hot...really good meal for this rainy season...by the way its a soup dish and is popular here in the Philippines. have a nice day!
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I ate rice and chicken stew "tinola" to be exact for my lunch. Chicken stew with papaya or chayote, pepper leaves or malunggay. My mother are always cook food for us. It is very easy to make and it simple meal. For my dessert I have banana. My breakfast is tilapia and rice. It is cooked in vinegar and some spices we called it here in the Philippines paksiw. I always like simple food and easy to prepare.
• China
15 Jun 09
now in XuZhou city, China. today i only have my breakfast on time, and much more than usual:15 steamed stuffed buns. and now it is 16:33pm, i have nothing from then on. and happy my lotting!@
• United States
15 Jun 09
hai this is really a nice topic for discussion where we can come to know about people of various parts what they eat and their daily or day to day food habitats . my aunt made me some delicious idli s with a combination of chatnee . after noon planning to have some rotis probably with some sabji which makes no sense nothing but just to fill our tummy . night no plans as of now have to decide with friends ... what about you and what will u eat today ?
• China
15 Jun 09
Hi,I'm in the university city of ShenYang,China.There are some cafes around my college.I had vegetables fondue with Tofu and noodles for lunch.It was yummy,but if you had ate the same kinds of food for 4 years,it was awesome.....i want something new!!
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
15 Jun 09
Oh cheese fondue...... I love it !!!!! :) I have been sick, so didn't do anything special for the weekend. Today we had grilled steak with boiled potato and salad for diner and portuguese fish stew for lunch.
• United States
15 Jun 09
Bakersfield, California. Today I had some BBQ for lunch, it was goooooood!
@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I just ate chopsuey, its a mixed vegetables and a chinese recipe plus 1 big banana for me. I think im already full. Its a healthy meal. Happy mylotting and smile always.
• United States
15 Jun 09
Today I made some bread, yes I actually made it. And I made some cheesy pasta, it was pretty good. I'm not really the best cook but I was really hungry and I decided to whip something up. I've had seafood fondue before with garlic bread and that was really good but I'm not a big cheesy soup fan as I get tired of a lot of cheese. That's why I had chicken and cheese and pasta together so the cheese wouldn't ruin the taste.
@Suenwl (9)
• Singapore
15 Jun 09
I just came back from a camp, and the food there was awesome. We had some local dishes for breakfast (I'm in Singapore by the way) and noodles for lunch. Had a buffet for dinner. Best camp food I ever tasted.
• United States
15 Jun 09
im in california, and live in a suburban town, so there are a lot of fast food places around town. my dad bought a three-cheese mac n cheese pasta pizza bowl from domino's pizza and if you love cheese, then this is the ultimate cheese dish for you. The crust was thicker than a usual pizza pie crust and the pasta itself was penne pasta with lots of cheeessse. it was really good and im a cheese lover so yeaa..when im craving melted cheese and hot, toasted bread, i'll go back for this dish again.