Desktop or laptop

United States
June 19, 2009 1:14pm CST
Which do you prefer to use a desktop or laptop?
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14 responses
19 Jun 09
Its got to be a desktop for me, i use two monitors all the time, normally gaming on one and watching my forex trades on the other one, only downside is the switching from screen to screen, a laptop would be a good idea for me, im to tight with my money to invest in one though, so it looks like i`ll be switching screens a lot more in the future :)
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Prefer to have that dual in line and simultaneous Video card upgrade so that you won't be switching for that purpose.
• Brazil
19 Jun 09
I prefer laptops, because it's more pratical and you can take him anywhere and estill work with him in that place.
@suzzy3 (8342)
19 Jun 09
I prefer a desk top .I cannot get to grips with the mouse on the lap top.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
There is always means to use external mouse with a laptop if you would prefer. Its only that its kind of bulky carrying them around.
@suzzy3 (8342)
20 Jun 09
I am still learning all the time about things. A bit of a light silver surfer me ,thanks for your advise.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
I prefer using a desktop. I use it at home and in my business office too. But, ofcourse, I have to carry along a laptop when I travel so that I could keep in touch with people back home.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
That's great having it both for business really helps in doing busy work flows using computers.
• United States
19 Jun 09
Hey Smartie: Well since I don't own a laptop, I'll have to say desktop; I hope to get a laptop someday but for now that's just not in the cards for me; I would still use both I'm sure; which do you prefer???
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Dual user of the type of computers still suite for today for me. Since I don't have a laptop, I am saving for one right now. That is for the purpose of educational activities as well as others if I have to carry it with me where ever I go. So I'd go for dual user.
• United States
4 Jul 09
I prefer desktops. I don't know if it's true (like science based), but I felt less strain on my wrists and hands using desktop. However, my desktop is broken and I must use a laptop. To me, desktop is just more comfortable. I hope you have a laptop one day, because you're such a nice person.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Jun 09
In the past I always used a desktop and I was satisfied with that. One day my old desktop broke down and I had to buy a computer. I chose to buy to laptop instead of a new desktop, and I am very happy about that decision. I like my laptop very much and I feel much more free when I am using a laptop, because I can take it to another room if I like or I can take outside the house. The only time that I miss my desktop is when I want to play games on the computer. In those cases I think that a desktop is a better choice.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Its the limitation disadvantage of playing games with a laptop though we have them out there pretty much to handle this situation. For me, playing games would better be with desktops due to its ugradability to match that for the game requirements that is limited for the laptop.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Laptop. That is actually one of my dreams, to have a laptop. That is why, I have been spending long night before the computer, working. Wish me luck
• United States
4 Jul 09
You will get it one day. Are you a student? I ask because on my campus, I always see offers from Dell and Mac for student discounts on laptops.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Good for you. Its nice to have a laptop as you can carry it anywhere while doing work. Hope for the best and wishing you luck.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
21 Jun 09
The desktop of course. I just don't have to be careful, and my fingers just keep going where I want them to.
• United States
20 Jun 09
It depends on what I'm doing, if I'm doing work for one of my computer classes, then i generally like to use a desktop because that just gets me motivated more and i don't dealy daly on the computer,,,,,but when I just want to have fun and watch videos or get here on mylot then I prefer my laptop, i also like it better for typing because i'm on it more and it feels different than a other keyboard so i type WAY faster on here because it just feels more natural
• Malaysia
22 Jun 09
i prefer a laptop as it allows me to be mobile. i can use it or get connected wherever i am
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I prefer laptop cause it's easier for me to carry it when I need to stay at the kitchen or go upstairs to my bedroom. I never carried my laptop outside the house. I got it cause i really don't want to get stuck in one room while doing something else. I also have 2 chargers - one downstairs and one upstairs. It's all about convenience to me. Good post, thanks.
• United States
19 Jun 09
During the day i usually am sitting at the desk doing school work and doing the bills so i would be using the desktop computer and if I'm in bed at night or at the friends house i usually am using a laptop and i don't mind them at all there pretty good to use because you can move around and lay down using them and get comfortable and i like to do that and be able to do things on the internet.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Jun 09
Generally I prefer desktops because I hate dealing with batteries. I like the fact I can switch out stuff for much cheaper than I can with a laptop. Pop in another hard drive, and upgrade my memory for tiny cost, and quick installation. I also like that I can use my own keyboard, which is bigger, and easier for me to type on. I also can't stand tiny LCD screens. That said, laptops have come a long way, and getting a nice one isn't a bad idea. But I'll stick to my tower for most things.
• Canada
20 Jun 09
I prefer a laptop. At home, I have a laptop and a couple of netbooks. At work, I work with a laptop.
• United States
20 Jun 09
i prefer owning both because the laptop gives you that chance to to be mobile and one the order hand the desktop keep your files safe