My husband had a stroke two weeks ago

United States
June 20, 2009 9:44am CST
and I need advice from others who have been through this experience. What can I expect when he gets home? What special items should I have available? Do you have special diets for stroke victims? Any advice on caring for stroke victims once they return home would be appreciated. Thank you one and all.
3 responses
• India
20 Jun 09
Please consult a cardiologist for further suggestions. When the doctor examines his condition he will come to a decision what to do and what to advise. It is always better to consult a local doctor and take his advice and then only others advises are invited.
• Switzerland
20 Jun 09
Don't you mean a neurologist? Because usually a stroke happens in your brain. Anyway, good answer despite that small mistake.
• Switzerland
20 Jun 09
People are always differently affected by strokes. The symptoms can vary from twitches to complete paralysis. Before I can give you a precise piece of advice, I need to know more about his condition. Can he still walk? OR speak? Your best bet is to talk to a neurologist since he knows more about this than anyone here and he will be able to give you all the info you need more accurately than anyone on my lot. I hope your husband is o.k. And good luck.
• United States
20 Jun 09
Strokes can affect people in so many different ways. Will he still be able to walk and talk? The one thing I know for sure about stroke victims is they get frustrated because in their head they know what they want to say or do, but sometimes they cannot communicate that. Just see how it goes. Sometimes strokes do not do much damage at all. It depends on the person. Just let him keep his dignity no matter what.