Do you prefer? HOT OR COLD WEATHER?

June 24, 2009 4:20pm CST
It is damn hot 69% humidity, 30 Celsius. it has come down actually, it rained in some places. so it is better.. i haven't seen snowfall in my life. i prefer snow falling climate to humidity.. Especially in the afternoon is really really bad..i would like to stay in my room with Ac ON. I drink water often, it wouldn't quench my thirst. i don't feel like stepping outside the house. The road contractors, building contractors and those who work outside in the city would find it like hell. i feel sad for them.. However they say they got used to it! so how about you? how is the weather? do you prefer hot to cold weather? or cold to hot? i would like to know your experiences! thanks in advance!
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27 responses
@AmbiePam (86401)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I much prefer cold weather. If forced to choose between very hot weather or very cold weather, I will always opt for the colder weather. It is not only hot here, but like where you are, the humidity is stifling! I walk outside and it is like my clothes automatically stick to me. Sure, I like cool weather or pleasantly warm weather, but not plain old hot weather!
• China
25 Jun 09
I prefer cold weather, in my home town, the winter is very cold, but I can stand on that, in cold weather we can wear more, and keep us feel warm, I don't like hot weather, that make me feel uncomfortable, and I hate the insect in summer, I also like cool weather, so autumn is my favorite season.
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• India
25 Jun 09
me too. i like cold weather. but i got adapted to hot weather, so i would freeze if i go to some cold weather country. moderate cold is fine. thanks for responding
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@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
25 Jun 09
It is very hot here in the state of Texas in the US. It is about 100 degrees fahrenheit (I think about 37 Celcius). The heat drains my energy and can dehydate me quickly. On the weekend if I need to go somewhere I will try to go early in the morning and in the evening when it is cooler. I think I prefer the cold. To me it is easier to keep warm. You can wear layers of clothing to protect you from the cold. When it is really hot you can wear lighter weight clothes, but you cannot remove them (without getting arrested) if you need to cool off more.
• India
25 Jun 09
omg, that should be really really hot. we had like 40 Celsius before. i can understand what you experience now. some people in the western countries prefer tan, so most of them like the hot weather. however as you said, it drains the energy. drink lot of water to keep your body hydrated. goodluck! thanks for the response
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I definitely prefer hot wweather, I hate miserbable cold weather ,my fingers and foot always get icing cold when it is winter... I hate that feeling...
• India
25 Jun 09
probably you should be in my place.. lol. in summer, face become too oily and winter it become dry.. i hate both!
• Philippines
25 Jun 09
Cold weather is much better for me, you can do a little tricks for you to be warm, unlike Hot weather, You'll need air conditioning, and in my case, we don't have that. so I prefer Cold weather. hahaha ^_~
• India
25 Jun 09
same here.. ha ha.. thanks for the response..
• United States
25 Jun 09
It is like 84 degrees hear it is very hot. I like the hot weather because I like to go swimming and do a lot of water arobics.
• India
25 Jun 09
which place? wow, i cant imagine myself swimming under the hot sun..
• United States
25 Jun 09
I prefer hot and it has been super hot here in Ohio for the past week or so! I think it is awesome. Our swimming pool water feels like a bathtub! Cold weather is just a pain for me. You have to wear a lot of clothes and shoes all the time and bundle up your babies when you take them outside. I hate having to go through all that. Plus you have to pay for heat instead of just leaving the windows down! I would be glad to live in a place that was hot for most of the year.
• India
25 Jun 09
well, it is really hot here, and at least for a change i would prefer a better climate, i cant step out, as i become sooooooooo dark. it is annoying. for years the tan has been there.. i hope you enjoy the climate.. thanks for teh response
• United States
25 Jun 09
If I really had to choose, I would say cold because I can cover up, but I really do not like either to tell the truth. I hate the cold because I have allergies and it makes my noses runny. I do not like the heat because it makes my skin break up. It is a no win situation for me.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
25 Jun 09
well i live in canada and we get both but thankfully, the colder weather lasts longer than the hot, but right now, its about 100 degrees in the shade and well, i prefer the colder weather because you can always put more clothes on, but you cant take much more off!
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
25 Jun 09
I prefer hot weather and am happy with warm days with cooler nights. Summer is my favorite season and winter is the season that I don't like very much at all. I don't get on well in cold weather. I like it when the weather is stable not when it is cool one day, hot the next, raining and cold the following day and then warm. That sort of constant change makes me feel a bit under the weather, like somewhat unwell. I am really keen on traveling. In the summer Jerusalem it is very hot and it is a dry heat. In the summer in Darwin it is very hot and it is a sticky sort of heat with high humidity. The dry heat is easier than the wet sort of heat. I love visiting tropical countries and hopefully they have hot days when I am there.
@orevro (715)
• Philippines
25 Jun 09
Cold weather definitely! I wish it would snow in our country:) we could save a lot for air conditioners and fans. i wouldn't sweat as much and my skin would look good since my pores are closed.
• Canada
25 Jun 09
I have snow in my country, trust me you aren't missing much. It's so nice when the snow goes away and you can finally walk to where you need to go. Also, the big bulky clothes take up so much space in your closet. When you do decide to go somewhere you almost always slip on the ice. I'll take a warm sunny day over snow anytime.
• United States
25 Jun 09
I live in Ohio and today it is 98 degrees where I am at. I think that is not even including the humdity. I love the heat but that muggy feeling that comes along with it here in Ohio sucks. I have thought about moving to where there is dry heat but you know I have lived in Ohio all my life so I am not sure I want to start a new life somewhere else. Take care and where are you located? Happy mylotting to you as well.
@Tiamjr (435)
24 Jun 09
Over here in the UK I think its hot when it reaches 21 degrees celcius:) I suppose the worst it gets for me is if I'm stuck in an overcrowded bus in hot weather or on the underground in London. Snow is fun, but it isn't always fun feeling cold all the time either. The cold weather over here doesn't always guarantee snow either. I don't like hot weather and high humidity combined. I prefer the warmth of the sun with a bit of a breeze. So I would say I like weather to be mild, not too hot and not too cold.
• India
25 Jun 09
oh i have a friend in Uk. i havent discussed about the weather with her.. here it is even worse above 30 C. anything that is too much is not good. thanks for the comment.
@kalaga (547)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Hi! The condition of weather here also same.It is pretty hot outside.I just closed all windows with drapes and sitting in a room with a/c on all these days.The bad things is it is just the starting of summer for us.I dont know how it will be in the mid summer.It will be more this year,i guess.take care.i hate too much of anything.
• India
25 Jun 09
you are right.. i too hate too much of anything :) thanks for the response
• United States
25 Jun 09
I prefer cold weather and winter is my favorite season. Hotness means nasty sweat and uncomfortable stuff. Also headaches if you start to get dehydrated. In the cold you just throw on a few layers of clothes, drink some hot tea, and you're ready to go :)
@daliaj (5674)
• India
25 Jun 09
It is hot in my place for almost eleven months of the year. I prefer it more than being in cold whether throughout the year. It is difficult for me to stand with cold because of my health. I need to improve my health to live in a cold place. I am more exposed to handle hot weather with an AC than handling cold weather with a heater.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
25 Jun 09
well i hate summers, now because of the environmental changes the climate is so unpredictable, in my country it should be raining cats and dogs now, but this year it has recorded a very low rainfall and has started raining just since past few days......I would always want winter to be on, i can sustain in a cold whether but not the heat, i don't like sweating and also you feel so dehydrated throughout the day and don't feel like doing anything......
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I prefer hotter weather.. because you can always get more layers on if you are cold, and well if your hot you can only take so many layers off.. But with the way my body is now a days.. My body can not handle either extreme.. The cold messes with my back and my hands... The hot messes with my ability to breath, and my allergies act up more.. Over all I would rather the cold then the hot..
• China
25 Jun 09
really a little pity that u haven't seen the beautiful snowfall.i saw it every year when i was in my hometown.but now,i'm working in the south of the country where no snowfall in the winter. so,maybe u can have a travel to watch the snowfall in some winter at some year.just to feel beautiful feelings. i like the weather to be not hot or cold,just like the spring and autumn.for ur choice,cold better than hot to me.
• India
25 Jun 09
I LOVE cold weather. I like winter a lot. Even i have not seen snowfall in my life but I am sure i would be amazing. In summers all day you feel sweaty and humid. Nothing satisfies your thirst even if u keep drinkin water, juices etc. On the top of everything you have to work or study in this climate which makes it impossible to concentrate. With the ever increasing cost of electricity and the recession in the economy, even AC's cannot be switched on for long. As far as the contractors you talking about are concerned, ofcourse they get used to it but who doesn't like to be in ease and peace.But unfortunately they can't because they have to earn their living and support their families. Sometimes i feel its really unfair with so the rich people in this accumulating all the wealth leaving the poor people in all the pain and suffering. But then life's never fair!
@Chiz_Man (11)
• Canada
25 Jun 09
I prefer hot weather. I find that when I want to cool off from hot weather it is usually by doing a fun activity like swimming. If I need to stay warm from the cold I find I can't get the right temperature. I either become too hot or too cold. I am also studying to become an air conditioning technician, maybe my opinion is biased. I lived in Southeast Asia last year and I found the weather was perfect, a little too humid but nice warmth.