What would you do if myLot vanished?

@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
June 25, 2009 7:08pm CST
Ok, I've been a member of myLot for 3 years. There have been times during those years I wasn't real active and then there were times I lived here. Last night I posted a discussion asking for prayers and well wishes after being 'injured' and in a lot of pain. This morning I woke up and first thing wanted to at least read the responses I had gotten... Could not get on myLot! I went into almost panic, depression, and a hint of fear took over. What would I do if myLot vanished? Could never chat with my friends here, meet new people from around the world, do research for different projects, just share my silly life? I was thrilled when I got home 11 or so hours later and could get on myLot but honestly it is on my mind - I don't know what I would do, myLot really is a major part of my life. Would it effect you? If so how? What would you do instead? I need some ideas just in case it were to happen.
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35 responses
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
26 Jun 09
I only been a member for months. MyLot is one of forums I join online. I've seen a few go on, change ownerships and some just shut down. If MyLot vanish just like the few, I guess I just have to move on. It might take some time to look for a good forum but there's always one around. For the time being, MyLot still around and good, I'll just stick here.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
26 Jun 09
That's an awesome period you've been here in mylot. To answer your question, if say mylot vanished, I would be upset. However, life has to move on and in terms of internet talk, I wouldn't be able to replace a forum quite same to mylot. Perhaps I'll be posting on other forums and trying to find the one that fits the bill close to mylot with community awesomeness and all. I suppose if I can't find any fitting forums that interest me, I'll just stick to my writings. Hope my lot will never ever vanish. Thanks for this discussion, it reminds me of my love for mylot.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I'm sure I'm the same as you would find another place similar but sure would never be the same. When I joined I never dreamed how much I would grow to enjoy it.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
27 Jun 09
I feel so too, mylot feels so right 'home'..
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Jun 09
Well I don't think it would hit me that bad now, to be honest as it has changed here in the nearly 4 years I have been here, a lot of my Friends that where here then are gone now through several different reasons, I will not go to much into things, as yes this Site has also brought me a lot of Friends and help when needed from Friends, but I don't think I would miss it to much like I would have done a couple of years ago, I belong to other Sites as well so I have plenty of things to do lol I hope you are better and not hurting as much ....hugs
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Feeling a bit better but still limping around slowly and having to give the hand a break from typing now and then... I do know what you mean and totally understand about the change from a couple years ago :( LOL won't lose me though, I have your email :)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
Oh everything is possible to happen, We must have to exchange our email addresses to keep in touch. That is a very sad picture if Mylot will vanished, I hope it will not happen. We must exchange our email addresses now in PMs. Thanks for thinking about your friends here, I am touched by your concern. We are concern about you too, what happen now to you?
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Jun 09
LOL - was going to lunch the other day and tripped on bad sidewalk and fell, messed up both knees, hand, and elbows... feeling a little better but still not healed and limping around. I'll message you shortly
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
Wow your really a mylotter 3 years is really a long time, anyway i just active in mylot since this June everyday i was online and doing some discussion but i am more on responsing, i do some task also. Yesterday its really hard for me to access mylot theres always an error connecting the site. What i think is that what if mylot will be gone forever, i wish not. This is my life for a month already, i keep on checking my account everyday since i have been active here. I heard that mylot is a good paying site, and another thing is that ive learned many things here and i am happy somehow i can share my opinions on a particular discussion. Well its good that finally we are here doing our things here, hope theres no more problem that we will encounter while connecting to mylot. Till here, hope i can make sense to you, happy mylotting =)
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
myLot is great for paying the writers - I've never had a problem getting my payout when I reach it.
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• Philippines
28 Jun 09
Hi Byfaithonly. I will sure be sad if mylot will vanish. I am just starting to earn good here and you are right. This is a good paying site for writers. I have been doing a lot of writing tasks and it really helps me earn some good amount of money. I got my first payout last month, since this is my 2nd month here in mylot but I am can say the earning here is really good. Hope Mylot pays ok. Although there was no problem with my first payout it was on time and no problem at all. Hope my June's payout will go smoothly as I am expecting a handsome amount of money. Happy mylotting.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Honesty I have no idea.. only been here for a month but I am soo excited when I get on my computer to find out someone responded to one of my posts or comments.. I guess I would find something else to do.. I have some cross sitch projects that I have been wanting to do but have been putting off, or maybe find another site that was similar to this one.. If there is one you know there has got to be another one out there, or it would not be long.. I do not for see mylot going anyway.. just as long as we all keep writing and sharing ideas with each other.. and get rid off the idiots that are on here.. granted that is where ever you go, still it would be better for the site...
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I feel like mylot is my home away from home at home - I'm sure there are others but I'm so comfortable here I'd hate the thought of having to find a 'new home' :)
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• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes I would have to agree... I would also hate to have to find a different "home". I have met so many nice people here.. and the likely hood that I would find them all again would be kind of hard..
@peavey (16936)
• United States
26 Jun 09
One thing you might do is make contacts outside of myLot, via email. You don't have to email a lot, but having email addresses of a few friends might help ease your mind because there would always be contact of some kind. I'd hate to see myLot disappear, too!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Jun 09
I have over the years exchanged email addresses with several of my close friends here and even when discussing here also email back and forth - several of us are also on other sites such as writing at AC, facebook, and twitter. Will certainly keep in touch with a few at least.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I have been a member for over three years also. I had trouble with the site early this morning also. I would still get online daily and work with my other sites I am joined with if Mylot vanished. I would truly miss it too though. I hope you feel better now.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I know, I think you were actually one of my early friends here :) LOL my first thought yesterday was they kicked me out for some reason but then figured out none of the site was available so knew it wasn't just me :) and thank you dear I am each day feeling a little better and sure by next week will be back to normal - although watching where I walk carefuller :(
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I have thought about that a time or two and is the very reason why I've gotten some emails from friends, who ever wants to give it to me! I don't want to lose touch with any of my wonderful friends! This place ROCKS when it's going good but not good at all when discussions are being deleted for no apparent reason or explanation. But if it were to disappear, I would be sad, no doubt but at least I have a few email addresses to keep in touch!
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@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I was so sorry to hear about your mishap and injury the other day, just had no time to reply. I hope you are feeling better and healing well. As for the unlikely prospect of Mylot vanishing, it would be sad but life goes on. There are other social networks (such as Twitter, Gather, Facebook, etc.) so I am sure we could all find a comfortable niche if necessary. Doubtful that it will be necessary though, thank goodness.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Am feeling better than I was the other day but knee still hurting and hand bothers me if I type too much so trying to take breaks here and there. I'm thinking when I have some time on my hands, like that's going to happen soon, that I should check out gather. I joined some time ago but never did anything there. I am on both twitter and facebook but they don't compare to mylot :)
• China
26 Jun 09
I have been a mylotter for a few month, and I really love here, I think mylot will never vanish, mylot is a so good websites, and have so many members here, this website will be bigger and bigger, and never vanish, I like to share idea here, I like to response others' discussions here, and mylot is a part of my life now, it's really important to me.
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@Ruby722 (796)
• China
26 Jun 09
Hi there Three years for me it's really a long time I think you must have feeling with Mylot.I've joint here just around two months.To be honestly I do really like there.Share in my mood.and looked what's news happened here.I never thought about this question When mylot disappear.what i gotta to do?Maybe just a little pity..and sad
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
That's me, I love being able to share my life and also feel a part of my friends here's lives - some really really great people on mylot. There are some 'bad' but honestly most are great.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
26 Jun 09
not sure if I would respond in any way if mylot vanished. I think I would be ok with it. I would just find other sites to visit and that's about it. Mylot is fun though cause u meet different people with different back grounds and you get to chat with other people. But I think I would miss it a little bit, lol.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
That's me, I get to know people with similar interests and backgrounds but also learn the views and opinions of people I would never know without myLot.
• United States
26 Jun 09
Being that I recently became a member. If myLot was to vanish I think I probably could go on with life accordingly. But maybe if I were a member as long as you were, i'd probably feel the same way you do.. Not to mention, it would be a kind of a bummer for me to lose all the earning I accumulated over the past couple days or so. But anyways, I will be keeping you in my prayers for your injuries. Have a wonderful day!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Thank you dear for your prayers, I am feeling better each day and welcome to myLot I hope you come to love it as much as I do.
• Canada
26 Jun 09
If MyLot vanished I'd spend all my time over on gather.com, rather than dividing my time between the two sites, as i do now. I actually earn a lot more money on gather (points that I convert into paypal payments) but MyLot is still very important to me, and I have a lot of really good friends over here.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
You know I joined gather some time back, think a couple years ago but have never done anything over there. Afraid I'm a creature of habit and getting familure with different location takes 'effort' on my part - I'm comfortable here but may have to check into gather again.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Jun 09
While I really like MyLot most of the time and like coming on here, I'd survive if it wasn't here...maybe I'd start a new MyLot LOL I think it would bug me more that it had just vanished...I'd go nuts wondering why. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jun 09
Oh horrors! (hyperventilating) I'd go over to Yuwie, I'd go over to Pickjack, I'd go over to MoraChat, I'd check out some of the sites I promised people I'd check out but never got to, or maybe I'd actually get OFF the computer and get a life. Depends on the day, the time of day and my general inclination!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I know that atleast for myself I would be alright with it. Sure I wouldn't be getting the earnings here, but I'd eventually be alright with not getting on here. I have some mylot friends here that I respond to and have good discussions with, but for the most part, that's all it is. My fiance is on here as well. Although if it were to effect me more I would want to find another site to be on and email any friends I did have's email and tell them of the new site, hopefully with earning potential, etc. Well Have a wonderful day, Try not to worry about it. I was once addicted to a website and basically wept when it was down.
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@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
its my second month here and sure i love mylot a lot and i am on here daily... this is more like a part of me also. if mylot will vanish, that would be really something to be sad about, but like all the other things in my life that have gone away, life must go on... i will look for other ways online where to meet new friends again, and where to earn. look for something like mylot, it may not be as good as this one, but i would still give it a try.
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@airakumar (1553)
• India
26 Jun 09
Oh my God, You have been here for last 3 years...Thats good!! Congrats..Well then you might have gained so much of experience ya...I just joined mylot so if mylot vanished, it would not affect me though. But I am sure it would definitely effect you. I hope I won't vanish.