How would you know???

June 26, 2009 11:12am CST
How would you know if the guy who is courting you is true and serious to you and has good intentions?? What are the signs?
3 responses
• Philippines
28 Jun 09
I think its you who can tell and feel if hes true with his feelings for you... Well, personnally, I didnt know that my husband was serious on courting me before, I just knew it when he asked me to marry him.
@saw2207 (1359)
• United States
27 Jun 09
april_02 best thing . .go with your gut! If you really listen your gut instinct will always tell you what the right thing to do is. The hard part is getting yourself quiet enough to actually hear it. Maybe before you go to sleep tonight. . think about it really hard . . .I bet you wake up with an answer . . .but you really have to ask yourself the questions you need the answer to in a precise way . . try it . . you have nothing to lose [
• India
26 Jun 09
He will behave as usual is a good sign. If he has good intentions, then he will only speak about the things other than your's. If he is having other intentions, then he will speak about yourself, support your words always, try to do things which you like most. All these are signs that he likes you. He wants to make you a best friend.