What do you say is the main reason couples divorce or friends separate

United States
June 28, 2009 9:24am CST
What do you say is the main reason a couple will divorce..I know there are probably zillions. WHat about engagements..what will cause one to break it off all of a sudden.
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6 responses
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I think it's selfishness. As humans, we are naturally selfish - we think about me first before anyone else. And that's why LOVE is very tough. It requires TWO (not just one) people to be selfless (and think of the other person first or the family) before you can make it work. And the thing about selfishness (or selflessness) is that it is a day-to-day thing. You can't just be selfless one day - and hope that your relationship survive. You have to be selfless everyday. Another one is laziness -relationships are hard work. Especially for new relationships (new marriage, new bf-gf relationship, new friendship) - because you're still laying out the foundation. You have to make sure that the soil is compacted very well before you pour the concrete - once the concrete is poured, you have to wait for it to cure, then you can lay a finish floor, etc etc etc. And before all that is done, you need a plan! So you see- structurally, foundations take a lot of hard work. I don't see why it would not be the same for relationships.
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@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I'm not saying that it's "too hard" or anything, but you have to be willing to work in order to make it work. That's all. "Easy come, easy go." If you don't have to work AT ALL in a relationship - I wonder what kind of relationship you have.
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@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
28 Jun 09
And the "work" part comes when you're at a disagreement. Of course, no work is required when everything is in-tune. Again, I'm not sure what kind of relationship you have (or the person you're with) if you have ZERO disagreements. My point is this - if one person in a relationship is LAZY and "doesn't want to deal with it" (it being the disagreement), then the relationship will fall apart. Maybe not immediately, but it will not last long.
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• United States
28 Jun 09
I only partly agree with this. Relationships are tough..but if you have to WORK too hard at staying happy....its time to get out. In my current relationship it comes so easily. We are both selfless people..it isnt a hard job to keep eiher of us happy-it come naturally. I feel sorry for those who have to work that hard to make themselves or someone ese happy.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I've heard that money is one of the main, if not THE main, issue in couples breaking up. It's not always not having enough money, it's apparently disagreements about managing and spending money. Each person has his or own views on money, partly based on how they grew up thinking about it, and it seems pretty important for couples to discuss their attitudes on financial issues before they tie the knot.
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• United States
4 Jul 09
I don't know I still disagree with you..being in love with one another..really doesn't seem to lend to divorce..I think loving money too much may cause a divorce if love of money is more important then love of one's partner.
• United States
4 Jul 09
i don't believe money is the reason..even though you need money to survive..it cannot make you love one another..people can be extremely poor and standin in line foodstamps but be happy in love and never divorce..I think it's love
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Well, many studies have been done and they say money is one of the main reasons. Maybe it's not the lack of money that causes it so much as differences in attitudes about money: getting it, spending it, keeping it, etc. Even if people are in love they can end up getting divorced because of money or other issues. Yes, people can be living on food stamps and be happy together, as long as they have common goals on how to live together and manage financial issues.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I think financial problems would be the most common reason. Another might just be that people didn't realize how different their personalities were. Look at Jon and Kate from the Jon and Kate Plus 8 show. You can tell on their first episodes that Kate is a control freak and Jon is laid back. But apparently they couldn't tell.
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• United States
4 Jul 09
To me the Jon and Kate thing..was brought about by the publicity and media..putting ones family into the limelight took their attention and devotion off one another.. I don't think couples should raise their family in public view..
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I think that's definitely part of it. I think they got a bit too greedy and raising that many kids seemed impossible on their budget so they went for the show, then did a book, and just got into too many things. It seems like from the beginning they had problems, but those problems might have been okay under normal circumstances. Maybe Jon could have handled his wife constantly yelling at him under normal circumstances, but not all the time on TV too.
@airakumar (1553)
• India
6 Jul 09
There are many reasons behind this, This could be anything. Right from misunderstanding, disliking, intolerance, ignorance, etc. According to my point of view, the reason could be also money, physically and emotionally abusive. A cheating spouse is also a reason for a divorce. The feeling of distrust or betrayal that comes in the relationship. Some couples didn't agree this but if handled everything with care, it could be stopped. Thanks.
• Philippines
28 Jun 09
I would say the main reason for a couple to get divorce is lack of understanding, sometimes stress... They cannot be able to face their problems as a couple anymore.
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• United States
4 Jul 09
understanding is truly necessary for couples..but do you think if there is love ..everything else will fall in to place?
• United States
28 Jun 09
I think money an dstress end a lot of relationships. Maybe a spouse was seeing aomeone else....as far as friends seperating--that just happens as you get older, doesnt always seem to be a reason...we just grow apart and have families and dont stay in touch. It's sad really. Best wishes to you hun.
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• United States
28 Jun 09
You really think money can tear apart a marriage..? Or is it the abuse of money by one party or the other?
• United States
28 Jun 09
Yes, I do. Money problems are the reason for many many divorces. It causes stress....I've been there. I was one of those who had a husband who wouldnt wor so we never had money and it caused a LOT of stress on me and our relationship...we are now divorced.
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• United States
4 Jul 09
I know how it is.. money is a big problem if the husband doesn't work..If anyone..the man should work..unless disabled and he does the housework ..Both members of a marriage should carry equal weight.and share responsabilities. Sorry to hear that you have broken up..but perhaps there is a special someone who will be there to help you with your burden