Words of endearment you call for a special someone or a family member!

@zearah (5381)
July 1, 2009 3:06am CST
In our home mother use to call father in 3 different words of endearment such as: 1.) Ling- means (short of darling), when this is being use by mama it means she's in good mood. 2.) Raj- means (short of Rajah my father's name), used when mother is little bit annoyed or semi-angry. 3.)Buwisit- means unlucky, mother used this to call for all of us when she's in full angers by that we'll be alert and avoid to make any further mistakes 'coz this means that mother is ready to bang a gun, and we could hear this time the sharp mouth of mother as a machine gun, will stop only after released of all her tension and anger. What about you? Any words of endearment, sweet names you use in the family or friend?
7 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
haha..zearah you're funny... but no offense, i think your mom should not address anyone in your house as "bwisit" coz i think its something bad to hear...like me if somebody told me that i am "bwisit" i get hurt and offended...good that my parents did not ever use that word to us...by the way... my parents just call each other with their nicknames...when angry with their full name! hahaha...and to me and my brother they call us in our nicknames too and sometimes when they are happy with us and wants to show some sweetness, they call us "anak"(my child) to my brother"bunso"(youngest child), and of course when they are angry, they call us in our first full name! hehehe with stress.... me, i call my husband"be" (i use to call him babe but as time goes by it changes to baby, then bebe then be for short...!) and he also calls me that way...but when i am angry...i can't call him anything coz i don't want to talk to him and i don't want to see him...but if the situation calls...i just call him HOY!
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
He he he! You made me spent 10 minutes of my time to read your response more than once. Yes I would repeat reading it whenever I'm alone for sure I'll laugh over and over again. Back to "Buwisit/bwisit", every after of her angers mama tell sorry and remind us not to follow. But in some point few times my bro (the youngest) would say this bad word. Yeah you're right it's not good to say this word but here, there is really a time even though we avoid to.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
hehehe...yes i agree with you, there are really times that when we are angrey we can say everything and we don't care if its a bad word or what and after that we just regret that we said that word and we regret that we hurt our loved ones feeling...but if you are used to it...i mean you and other family members, maybe that's already meaningless, i mean i think you take that word as an expression of your mom when she's angry and not something that's really what it means... but you know, sometimes i also use that word and other bad words when i am angry, but just on my mind...i don't let anyone hears it...hehehe coz it might just fuel the fire!
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
Yeah! Once it was started saying bad word not only when during angers, it may even be in the form of joking, just like others use to do. Here you could hear in the "sari sari store" from those "tambay" (by-standers). The saying of bad words is there way to talk with fun and happiness. This "tambay" I referred to are residents in group talking, some were students and mothers or fathers.
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Endearment inside our house is unique ,Oh i don't know but for me it is unique. We call our mother and father Papa and Mama, they call us by this name Jek for my younger brother actually his name is Jason. Lakimats for my older sister because she have big eyes and Sima for me, short for Simangot, because I used to do that when I was young and I was snobbish. But when my parents especially my father need something from me, he will call me "Anak, Anak na maganda!" talking about pambobola hahahahaha.
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
We revised the name to make it sound funny, because the truth hurts hahahahahaha.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Girl, ha ha ha! You make me laugh really. That's so funny names, I would say funny names yeah. As I am also a filipino same with you. I could relate those words to some of my friends funny names. I have a friend with a name in our friendship, we used to call him "bilog" (round), 'coz his tummy is big. And the other is "ngetpa"(pangit/ugly).
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Girl don't mention that hurt's in as much as happiness is concern, those words are kinda funny, yeah!
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
2 Jul 09
When my parents are in a good mood and happy with me they call me Kare (my name is Kara). But when they are mad at me or something like that they call me Kara Nicole. If I hear my middle name I know to suck up to them lol.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
He he he! Yes, usually when it is full of your name denotes a more serious mood, and is is at short where you could sense they are happy or in good mood. This is the pattern as we can observed. The shorter the sweeter.
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
In our home, mama use just one name to our father, his nickname. When she is angry she call him with stressed name but still her nickname, She calls us by our nickname and sometimes our real name either she is angry or not. It influence me that i call my cousin in their name or nickname too. I call my classmate with their nickname and real name. I call some other people in their real name or nickname. I call my younger brother in their shorter real name and their nickname. I do not really use any endearment word that mama also don't.
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
Yes that is right, parents are example to their children. In some cases they are also bad example and its up to the child if they will get that from parents. Any endearment terms have different meaning sometimes, because you can call your partner in endearment that you do not call to your friend or other person, or you can also call it just in anyone. It shows love if we use endearment term for me but it is also love if we just call the person with its nickname or real name. I am after of formality that i want to call them with their name that it means to me i am to talking to a particular person.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
Hmmmmmm, well your idea is correct based on what is commonly experience in everyday of our life really parents has an important role to their children, they are responsible with proper discipline and well being of their kids. And the pattern or system of calling the pet name or endearment call depends on everyone.
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
Aha! You're pointing of how your mother influences you in doing so. Well as normal happenings mother or father or parent really has great influence in molding the kid's behavior, from the words and actions kids do get from parents.
@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
1 Jul 09
hi Zearah, you have revealed the secrets of your father and mother, most of the families live like your parents, do not worry, i to also call all my lady staff with their original name,if i found some thing fault in their work i call them as Subbamma, an old telugu name in our tradition
@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
2 Jul 09
hi Zearah, thanks for the comment,
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
You're very much welcome! In fact mine is pleasure.
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Hmmmmm it's not actually secret friend 'coz everybody hear that now and then! Anyway my purpose here is to get knowledge in some traditions or countries as to this words to call their members. Nice you've shared in yours it's Subbama.
@queennee (186)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
hi zearah,i find your discussion so cute..hehe! yes its really true that when wer'e in the mood we love to say those sweet nicknames that we invent or made exclusive only to our loveones.my husband and i call each other as "dear" ever since we had a relationship(boyfriend/girlfriend).and i call my 2 kids "anak","palangga",or "bait" :) i only call them in thier names when im mad at them..hehe! good day!
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Yeah, those are sweet names you could address to your loved-ones. Being a daughter when I hear mother to call me in her most sweet voice, feel like I could be motivated to do so many household chores, I'm inspired to cook and wash dishes and plates, whew, mother's word of endearment so compelling to be a good daughter.
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Yes, terms of endearments. I really like it when my mom goes "anak, can you please do this?" I don't really know what "anak" means, something like "my child" or something like that, right? Well anyway, it just makes me feel cherished when she uses that word. The love of my life calls me honey/hun, and the occasional "punk" - when he uses that word, I know he's in a playful mood. Then it's ok to just play around and talk trash in front of his face, and he'll be cool with it. When he uses honey/hun - it's not necessarily the word, it's the tone. Then I'll be able to tell what kind of mood he's in.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Punk- what a unique call! This actually why I raise this discussion to be able to know the unique words as that, well human are born naturally loving and creative. In several ways we could have our own words so as to call our loved-ones.