what's the worst phrase you hate hearing?

@oyenkai (4394)
July 9, 2009 6:16am CST
I hate hearing "I'm only human". I think it's the worst thing a person can say. Sure we make mistakes and that no human is perfect - but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive to be as good as we can be. I think people who say and mean "I'm only human" are those who are making excuses for themselves. See: http://www.thingswelovetohate.com/2009/07/im-only-human.html What do you think? Do you have a phrase that you just hate hearing? What makes you hate that phrase?
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19 responses
@MrKennedy (1978)
19 Nov 09
I absolutely cannot stand it when somebody spouts the incredibly over-used phrase of "Oh my God." I find that the types of people that use this phrase are the most anti-religious people you can possibly find, such as air-headed teenage girls who seem to drag the word on for as long as possible. Whenever I hear this phrase, I will always wind the person up and annoy them by asking them whether or not they believe in God. The response is always a no, so I reply with a "How can you say MY God then, when you don't believe in one?" That always irritates them, but at least it makes them think twice next time before saying such an annoying phrase in my presence. Another phrase I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BEAR is LOL when somebody uses it in real-life to replace an actual laugh. It angers me to the point where I have to bite my tongue because it feels so contrived and unnatural, and actually feels slightly sarcastic, as though whoever is saying it finds you so unfunny that they are taking the mickey out of you by saying "LOL" instead of actually laughing. Ah, feels good to get a rant off my chest.
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@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
The phrase "made mention". It annoys the heck out of me for some reason. And also hearing the phrase "for a while" when the speaker should say "one moment please". It's grammatically erroneous, and this has been pointed out so many times. But people here keep using it for some reason.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
I have never used this phrase before... but i usually here this from my boss' midwife everytime she makes a mistake... and i think it already became a habit of her's... Well, in my opinion... saying "I'm only human" is like acknowledging the fact that we are no perfect and are still prone to mistakes...
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Jul 09
i used to hate it when my mom would tell me for every problem i'd have in life "get you a man. he will help" well, that usually ended up with me having more problems. then i hate it when my sons gf says(or more like whines) all the time "I have to do everything around here" which is a freaking lie since if i do anything she does it over like i didnt do it right. now theres a stupid human for you
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@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
I hate hearing the " !d!0t " word. I dont like it especially when someone says im just kidding when one is already actually hurt. i cant accept that excuse that you are just kidding when you say that. To me its already foul word to say and it can hurt. Happy mylotting and smile always!
@john7579 (55)
• India
10 Jul 09
i don't like to hear people saying wrong about other,because i like it hearing ,and i am not able to leave that habit ,because my guardian says that if u are not able to leave some habit then ,surely it will be the bad habit
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
10 Jul 09
There are 2 things people say that drive me crazy but I can't decide which one I hate the most and they are: WHAT EVER! and YEAH, RIGHT!
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
10 Jul 09
I hate to listen to the words, S**t, Ive done it again! When you know you had made a mistake in life and repented for it, one must be careful not to repeat that mistake again. Repenting again and again and not having learnt from your mistake is one big no no for me. After repeating the mistake and feeling sorry for it makes no sense to me. Maybe we can forgive once or twice. Not after that. One must learn from one's mistakes.
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@showpup (232)
• United States
9 Jul 09
I despise hearing the phrase "I don't care". My nephew once had a fit with my sister when he asked an innocent question such as "Can I ...?" something or other and she replied with an "I don't care." He flipped out on her because, after all, he was her son and she had better darn well care. He seemed honestly hurt by it. What we say in passing is not always the best choice of words.
@srganesh (6340)
• India
9 Jul 09
I just read an article like this.We use that phrase to degrade ourselves.While humans have all the potential to rise in their lives,they don't realize it.They struggle hard to some extent and satisfy themselves with the phrase when they can't emerge successful.Why humans should be bounded to negative qualities alone.If they get an up in their lives,then who is responsible?
@shibham (16977)
• India
10 Jul 09
yes oyenkai, there are some phrases which are totaly unbearable for me to hear. i dislike all of these. the worst phrase that i hate is " only god knows". i want to ask them who frequently use it that if the result of any task goes to god then why are u running after those tasks bcoz u don't know the results?
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• China
10 Jul 09
for me there is no worst phrase but the worst attitude of life.
• United States
10 Jul 09
I can't think of a particular phrase I hate to hear, but my father hates it when anyone says 'You think?' after someone says something obvious. I suppose it's ironic considering he's the most sarcastic person I know.
@muddawg (14)
• United States
10 Jul 09
i think a stupid phrase that people say is "It was in the last place i looked." this phrase annoys me because its dumb. of course what you were looking for was found in the last place you looked. why would you find something and then keep looking. it doesnt make any sense. i think people should say "it was in a place i never would have thought to look" or something of the sourt.
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@greenline (14838)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
Yeah, you are right. I wouldn't like to hear the phrase "I'am only human" either. That can be a lame excuse some times. Well, the other phrase I would hate to hear is "Get out of here". That's a very unfriendly expression ! It cause a very unfriendly environment , home , workplace , or any where !
@cgobble (171)
• United States
9 Jul 09
The one phrase I hear that makes me extremely aggrivated isn't as wide spread as the ones others are mentioning. I've heard it before, but I can't remember where. And where I'm currently at, they say it a lot. "Happy Monday". The people I work with usually say it just to make each other angry. We all hate mondays, and where we work everything usually goes wrong on a Monday. I know it sounds stupid, but you wouldn't believe how angry it makes me.
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
10 Jul 09
My sister has used the phrase, "Life is what you make it" for as long as I can remember. It irritates me, because sometimes life hands you rotten lemons, and nothing can be done with them, lol. Thanks for listening.
• China
10 Jul 09
i hate people say ,(are you stupid ?) i mean in my language, it is more worse to hear it , idont like peaple say it to me , i dont like people say it to other kids . that kind word is bad for their growth, it hurts a lot .i think young people need encouragement better than criticizing.
• United States
10 Jul 09
I am more of a word person. It's the words that people use and how they use them that get to me, I especially hate the word "Like" - when I was in highschool EVERYONE used it, and I was a writer then as I am now, and I ban that word whenever I can. I try to find other ways to say something without that word. blah!