Did the appollo really land on the moon ?

@ronnyb (6113)
July 9, 2009 12:54pm CST
For many this was a great day in american history and the history of exploration,however for many this was nothing but a hoax.Some believe that it was a hoax designed by many american organisations to be a major distarctor from the Vietnam war and also as an attempt to get a foot up in the cold war .These conspiracy claims stem from the absence of many tapes on the actual landing and samples collected. What do you say ,did they actually land on the mooon or this is just a grand hoax.
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18 responses
• United States
9 Jul 09
If it was a hoax I do not think it impacted my life however I do believe the greatest hoax ever to affect the American people is currently having a president who refuse to confirm he is an American BORN citizen and spends MILLIONS of dollars covering up his birth. I think this will be portrayed one day as the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.
• United States
10 Jul 09
Exactly it is my right!
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
9 Jul 09
Thanks for your response and if Obama is guilty of that then it is bad but I wouldnt rate that as the worst hoax ,I would consider it a terribel waste of monet thout=gh ,wonder why he would spend so much money for that
• Netherlands
10 Jul 09
This is so lame - if you don't like Obama, that's your right and to express that right you can deny him your vote or vote for someone who will oppose him. But to blatantly make a statement for which you have no evidence and which essentially blasphemes someone and their reputation is unacceptable and downright rude. If that's the best you can do to express your political position than it would be better if you just abstain from the political debate alltogether - it provides no constructive benefit to your community and certainly not to the nation and not to yourself. Shame on you.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
9 Jul 09
No, they really landed in Roswell. Actually they've just found some of the original transmissions and the quality is much better than the grainy images that we saw on television.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
LOL really thats a good one I guess they could have easily landed there and fabricated the tapes to make it look like the moon .Thank you for your response
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Jul 09
Conspiracy theories are a heck of a lot of fun, but this one is getting old. We need a new one, like... they didn't really land on Mars or something.
• Sri Lanka
10 Dec 11
When someone says the moon landing is a hoax, just ask him how many hoax moon landings are there in total. The Apollo mission re. moon landing went as follows; Apollo 11 Launched 16 July 1969 Landed on Moon 20 July 1969 Sea of Tranquility Returned to Earth 24 July 1969 Apollo 12 Launched 14 November 1969 Landed on Moon 19 November 1969 Ocean of Storms Returned to Earth 24 November 1969 Apollo 13 Launched 11 April 1970 Lunar Flyby and Return Malfunction forced cancellation of lunar landing Returned to Earth 17 April 1970 Apollo 14 Launched 31 January 1971 Landed on Moon 5 February 1971 Fra Mauro Returned to Earth 9 February 1971 Apollo 15 Launched 26 July 1971 Landed on Moon 30 July 1971 Hadley Rille Returned to Earth 7 August 1971 Apollo 16 Launched 16 April 1972 Landed on Moon 20 April 1972 Descartes Returned to Earth 27 April 1972 Apollo 17 Launched 07 December 1972 Landed on Moon 11 December 1972 Taurus-Littrow Returned to Earth 19 December 1972 From 11 to 17 only Apollo only Apollo 13 aborted its mission. So were all these faked. Impossible. Landing on the Moon is much easier than faking it.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
4 Aug 09
Apollo 11 lander stage - This photo shows the Apollo 11 lander stage in the centre of the photo. The shadow cast by the lander is clearly visible.
Yes and here is the photographic evidence. You can actually see the Apollo 11 LEM lander stage in this photograph. It's about the size of a pinhead, but the shadow cast by the lander stage is clearly visible.
• United States
9 Jul 09
The Discovery show MythBusters did a whole episode debunking all of the theories of a fake moon landing. The whole concept of us faking one of the biggest events in human history is rather absurd. Their would of had to have been thousands of people in on it with tons of paperwork and instructions on how to pull it off. That amount of people and paperwork is not a good formula for success. Also the old Soviet Union was capable of keeping track of our progress so unless they were really on our side during the whole cold war thing, they would have blown the whistle.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 09
I didnt see the Mythbusters show but your reeasoning seems pretty sound ,I must admit that I didnt look at it that way ,I guess liek everyone else we all like a good conspirarcy theory.Thank you for your answer
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
9 Jul 09
You're always going to have a group of people who are going to think up conspiracy theories about everything that goes on. They said that the moon landing was a hoax, they're saying that 9/11 was a hoax; I wouldn't be surprised if there are even a couple of cretins who say that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a hoax. The best thing to do is just laugh all of this conspiracy theories away. They don't hold any sort of water whatsoever.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
9 Jul 09
you are right cool, there are those who don't believe in the holocaust either. There will always be a bunch of dis-believers roaming around in their own little world.
• United States
12 Jul 09
I believe it happened but I really don't care about the space program,i never did.When the moon walk happened ,I was 2.I never really had a interest in space or science at school and still don't.But I do respect the conspiracy view.I just think it matters either way.
@suzzy3 (8342)
10 Jul 09
I think they did land on the moon as no one has given evidence otherwise and these investigaters really go into it and someone would have spilt the beans by now especially when you consider how much they would have got paid,it would have been worth it.
• India
3 Aug 09
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, I am a common person, you are in better position as you must have found out about missing material to prove. I do not have ven this much. I do not know, why it is natural not to accept others and always we wish that others would accept me. You might be 100% true in your findings. But so long substential eveidence is missing , nothing can be done. Till then, I have tyo have belief in iots landiong. May god bless You and have a great time.
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
11 Jul 09
i always believed they did but i know every thing you hear or see on tv is not what is seams to be My father never believed that they did.i don't no for sure.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
I believe in America. the American dream and the democracy you stand for. If there are people who deceive their own people to alter the course of history, then that is very sad indeed. Anyways, technology was not as advance then as it is now. But you can see that scientific studies have gone as far as Mars now. Photographs of galaxies millions of lightyears away had been made available for academic pursuits. Let's forego the deception and start living real now.
@Gangabag (28)
• Netherlands
10 Jul 09
Theoretically, it could be a hoax and one could imagine many reasons why one would perpetrate the hoax, if indeed it was not possible to go to the moon. However, until there is real and irrefutable evidence otherwise, I would believe that this wondrous event did actually take place (and will probably take place again). I still remember the day very vividly, watching it all on tv - quite the amazing event. I also remember my grandfather insisting that it all was a hoax - he could even tell you where they filmed the whole thing (sand dunes close to his home). to tell you the truth, he was probably trying to provoke as he didn't really care one way or the other - for him it was of no concequence as he could not see the benefit (nor the harm) of this type of effort. For him it was all a waste of resources, financial and in terms of human energy and ingenuity. On that level, I can appreciate his thinking - sure, it is an amazing achievement and in certain ways beneficial to mankind (advancement of science, spin-off products etc). But one also has to recognize that there are other issues of importance to humanity, in particular the massive levels of poverty that existed at the time and continue to exist today. The debate on the priorities and whether all the resources and human ingenuity could be better utilized trying to address these issues rather than pouring it all into what essentially was a political and military objective is a fair one.
• United States
10 Jul 09
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests we did land on the moon in 1969. I personally think landing on the moon would have been easier than accurately reproducing a moon landing in a studio with 1960s technology.
@ptcpro (47)
• India
4 Aug 09
yes it really landed on moon . there have been many doubts about this topic but this is really true that appollo really landed on moon , this has been proved on discovery channel by various methods . for more information search you tube
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9 Jul 09
I say the only hoax here is that it was a hoax. That being said, I think that NASA did build a set for some promo type pics, but I haven't seen or heard any real evidence to back the whole mess.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
9 Jul 09
Yes they actually landed on the moon. I watched it take place as Walter Cronkite reported it and there wasn't a reporter in the world that was more trusted in the world, so I believe it actually took place. I knew a man who was in his late seventies when it took place and he thought it was all staged out west in the desert, he didn't believe there was a jet plane that could carry passengers across the ocean to England or Europe either. So what do you think ronnyb did we land on the moon or not?
• United States
9 Jul 09
u KNOW I HAVE NEVER HEARD THIS STORY. I really have no idea. It will be interesting to see what kind of responses u get. The was in vietnam was an awful thing & our guys should have not been sent over there to start with. Too many lives were taken for nothing. This is a big peeve w/me.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Jul 09
With any kind of conspiracy there is the chance that someone involved will talk and everything will come out. Especially in an age where the media is willing to pay big bucks for any kind of dirt on any person or organization, it's nearly impossible to keep the participants of any kind of cover up or hoax quiet for long. The mission to land on the moon involved a lot of people...many of them long retired from NASA and other agencies and free to "tell all" if there was something to tell. No, it was not a hoax.