is dating a stranger dangerous?

United States
July 10, 2009 10:01am CST
These days people tend to keep their guards up constantly. From childhood we are tought not to even speak to strangers. However , once an adult we are urged to socialize and eventually even date these once feared strangers. So is it safe? What precautions should you take? I often find myself faced with this question without a sturdy answer.
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3 responses
@jgbe4245 (56)
• United States
12 Jul 09
In the beginning when you first meet anyone they are a stranger. I know that it is dangerous but then again how do you meet anyone if you don't get out there any learn about someone new. I would make sure that you meet the person in a public area until you feel safe with them. Ask a million questions and really listen to what they tell you. If the responses don't add up to you or you are unsure about them then don't talk to them anymore. I talked to my now husband for 3 months on the phone and messages before I met him in person and then I made sure that I met him in public places before I ever went on a date with him alone and then I made sure that he didn't know where I lived until I felt safe with him... It is just who you go for and what you want out of it... The main thing is listen to what they say and ask the questions if they don't like it then you know that they are not what is best for you....
• United States
13 Jul 09
You make some good points. I wrote an ehow article on the subject. Anyone reading this should check it out.just search my name on ehow chrystal520.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
12 Jul 09
My felling about this is how that first date is held. In finding my wife I put myself on several dating sites on the Internet, just to see how it would go. I talked with many, some not close, but tried to restrict it to women that were in the same town. In the process of finding my wife I had a first meting with around 9 women. Some more than once. I am of course very happy to say that most women do not have the fear you seem to have. At least not for the first date. It can be pretty safe if you follow certain guidelines. These will help protect you. First and most important is the less they know about you the better. Never let them know where you live. That is what I love about the Internet. E-mail works wonders in getting to know each other and they don't have to know where you are. You should never date anyone that you have not at least talked with for some time. This is true if on the Internet or by phone or in person. While you do that you can get a general feeling about what that person is like. And they you. Of course there always must then be that first date. Now days, because of the possibilities, I think the first true date should only come after you have met over coffee. The first time you go out should be in a very public place, not close to where you live, and of your choosing. If they object to that don't go. This meeting will allow you to size them up but not force you to commit to anything. You then should have plenty of questions about who this person is. If they refuse to answer or give vague responses they you have to assume they have something to hide and that should be the last meeting. If all goes well then the next meeting could be a real date.
• United States
13 Jul 09
Very informative, Thanx for putting so much thought into the response.
@gunagohan (3414)
• India
10 Jul 09
in my childhood i was taught not to talk with strangers, not to accept anything from strangers.. now im 19 and im waiting for a perfect time to get a date.. but the real fact is, i do not have a girl friend to go for a date..and im very much afraid to go on a parents surely not gonna allow me for this.. but i think its very natural now days to go on date..because at this age i should talk with others to fit well in this society.. happy to respond.. happy mylotting..
• United States
13 Jul 09
Thanx for the response! good luck dating. be safe!