what was the last movie you saw at the movie the theater?

United States
July 15, 2009 11:55pm CST
Now that you can watch movies online, e hardly ever go to the movies. What was the last movie you seen at the movies?
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10 responses
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
transformers 2 and it's really worth it.Ü
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@MissTina (124)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I completely agree with you! Ha Ha!! :)
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
the last time i watched a movie in theater is i think 3 or 4 months ago and its a treat from my friend...its a local movie here in the Philippines called "You Changed my Life" a light comedy romantic movie which features one of our country's hottest love team...its nice and i just went to movie house when someone treats me coz if not i'd rather watch on line coz movies now are expensive!
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Jul 09
You don't really want to know this, but it was probably... Jurassic Park. Many years ago, when it first came out. I don't to to the movies, can you tell? ;)
• United States
16 Jul 09
woowwww.. why not?
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
8 Sep 09
it was rab ne bana di jodi which i lastly saw in a theatre. i only watch shahrukh khan movie in the theatre hall. since he is my favourite actor and i prefer watching him than any of the actors.
• Australia
16 Jul 09
Last movie I have seen at the cinemas was Ice Age 3. It was really funny. Hilarious actually. I absolutely loved Sid. I remember him saying the quote, "No no no, I raise them vegetarian, it's a healthier life-style" Hehe. I'm going to the movies next week actually. I'm going to be watching Harry Potter and the half blood prince. Oh, and I really want to go see Bruno. =)
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
the last time i went out to see a movie was a very long time ago and that movie was 'for the first time'. movie entrances here now are a bit expensive and i have saved for that one... its a love story . i dont watch movies online, i prefer watching it in videos (dvds).
@dik_an (475)
• Malaysia
16 Jul 09
Hello erricaalisa! Good question, last holiday I watched some movies in my country. The last one is KING. It is Indonesian movie actually and I enjoyed it. The story is about a poor children who wants to be a badminton athlete. I think the story is very good, I enjoy the joke and landscape of Bromo Mountain. After I watched this movie, I feel great! I want to pursue my dream also like the boy in the movie. Enjoy mylotting!
@MissTina (124)
• United States
16 Jul 09
We went to see Transformers on IMAX last week, and the week before we saw The Proposal. We are huge fans of Netflix instant movies, because we can hook our computers to our tv to still watch them like regular movies, but there are just some movies that we have to see in theaters, it is quite different to see Transformers on IMAX then to watch it at home ha ha!
• India
16 Jul 09
i m watch movies in cd or online . i watch movie only in theatres . latest movie i saw in theatre is "Indira Vizha"
@hemipwrd (39)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Last movie I saw was Transformers 2 and it was well worth the $30+ for tickets and snacks. This was the first movie I have been to in about 6 months, not just because I can watch movies online, but because the movies are so expensive now a days.