Stressing over a sweet sixteen/ mom

United States
July 20, 2009 5:55pm CST
What is a good way to destress? I'm turning 16 and my mom is on and off about my party. She basically wants it her way and i'm just suppose to show up. Every time i add my ideas she turns them down and when i get upset she gives me the altmatium its her way or no way at all because all of my ideas are "trashy". What is the best way to solve this problem?
1 response
@marguicha (217159)
• Chile
20 Jul 09
Why don´t you talk to her about what you feel about life in general? Things have changed since she was 16. Don´t get in conflict, but show her how things are done now.
• United States
20 Jul 09
This type of parents are so common. I've witness so many cases that talking doesn't affect anything.
• United States
21 Jul 09
i try to but she just says its trashy and she is not spending her money on "foolishness"