July 23, 2009 7:10am CST
iam in a big confusion, iam doing my job here for more than 7 months, but my account didnt even reached the minimum payout. my friends are also doing and they are also at the same stage. guide me friends about this, what to do whether to stop it or to continue?
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18 responses
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
23 Jul 09
My Lot is a trustworthy site, and it does pay. What i do each day is i try to respond to about 40 discussions each day, and i try to make each response about 3 or 4 lines long. I check back a few times each day to see what is new. All you have to do is be active each day and you will find your earnings add up.
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@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Nice one, you made it a habit to post a lot to earn more. I only post a few responses on a day and check out and do tasks if available. I stay on a discussion sometimes to earn more just by posting comments to other responses and if they reply, I do the same and the cycle continues and it also help to earn. Doing tasks helps a lot to increase earnings. You can try it too.
@Tiamjr (435)
23 Jul 09
I have been paid by mylot, so you can earn here. Some good tips to try an increase your earnings would be; 1.Post comments to people that respond to the discussions you start. Getting a lot of responses does not earn you money. You have to participate in the discussion to earn. By commenting you also encourage people to respond to future discussions that you start, so it is really beneficial to you in the long term. I don't think you earn anything from discussions you start that have no responses. 2. Take part in at least ten discussions a day. Some take part in more discussions than this each day, but ten it is a good number to start trying to accomplish. Makesure your responses are well written. A response that is about four sentences long is good. 3. Improve your star rating. I think people with higher star ratings earn more. To increase the number make sure you only post relevant responses that other people will appreciate. Short responses like 'I agree with you' and 'I don't know', are not quality responses and will not help you earn. 4. Try out the tasks. These are a good way to increase your earnings and reach payout. 5. Most of all just try enjoying mylot. I don't really write in discussions to earn money. I just like to take part. If you mylot from the perspective of enjoyment rather than just earnings, you will not be dissapointed if you don't reach payout straight away. I have not been on mylot that long so some other mylotters might be able to give you some other tips. I would just say keep going and try to enjoy yourself.
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Very well said! With your advice, the discussion starter will be encouraged to work harder in order to earn and to reach payout. About increasing the reputation or rating, if the user gives quality posts, he/she can receive positive ratings and it also help to earn more because the rating can affect the participation earnings. About tasks, it is also a good way to earn here just by following the directions and giving the required details then wait for approval. Getting referrals is a hard way, but if you have referrals and they are always active and enjoying in participation, you can earn from them. In addition to that, short posts will be paid by a little or nothing. Adding pictures to discussions, responses, or comments can also help to earn more, make sure that the image is related to the topic or interest. I start with ten responses on my first week on here and it is really a good start until I post more than that a day. That's all.
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
24 Jul 09
I made my first pay out in 2 and a half months for around 450 posts. Am wondering why in 7 months you got only 296 posts, so you're making only about 42 or 43 posts in one month, it's not even 2 posts a day. For sure it's far for you to reach pay out if you won't exert more efforts and spend more time with mylot. This is a trustworthy site but you'll be paid according to your input. If you do less you'll earn less, do more and you'll earn more. Start a new discussion and give comments to the responses. Go over the topics that interest you or you can relate, try to respond to at least five to ten topic a day, later 10 to 20 topics and see your earnings how it goes up. If you want bigger then go for more topics. Have you read others announcing they can make 100 posts a day, well I hope I can make even half of it.
@kprofgames (3091)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Mylot is a trustworthy site. I've been paid several times from here. I have to wonder when you say you are doing your job though. 7 months and only 296 posts and/or responses. You have to put time in here to see some results. Plus you also have to consider that this isn't a get rich quick site. None of the online sites are like that. If you aren't seeing results, then that is to lack of time here or read the guidelines again. Could be that your responses don't qualify for payment. One or two lines aren't considered. You need good input and actually, it's fun here.
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@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
I have been as active as I can since february. I have just reached my 2nd payout for this account. I did have another account before this one which I had been paid 3 times. There was a problem with my first account which was resolved but I opted to remain with my new account. I would suggest to try and get more active, to produce good quality responses. Avoid the really short answers. Included any experiences or opinions that you have come across. As for the discussions, do the same. Make sure that they are of good quality and to include your experiences or opinions. To help you along, just browse around the discussions to see what type of discussion that would capture the interest of other people. If you follow the advise here from myself and other people, you may find that your earnings may increase. We are all here to help you get the most out of mylot. But also remember the guidelines too. They will help you along with what you can and can not do.
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@Sweeten (159)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I think you should stay but if you do stay you need to be more active and post more etc. to reach that minimum payout.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
24 Jul 09
From someone who has been a very active member here now for 2 1/2+ yrs. I and many others here would truly remark that myLot is a very Trustworthy site for sure. I know I and many others have reached payout quite often. A lot of it just depends on how active you are, versus how many friends you have in here, and then just trying to be active in here when you can and see what happens as well.
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Be active, respond to discussion of your interest, comments and post discussion too of your interest. Mylot is good site although i haven't paid yet because i did not reach the minimum payout yet but i am in my way for it maybe for next three months because there are days i am active and i am not. I am almost three months here since i got back here and my earnings is okay. Just keep active every time you have your time here.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
mylot is definitely a trustworthy site! i have been paid by them. all you need to do is participate actively. be involved in discussions and posts quality posts that are relevant to the subject and if possible must be composed of at least 3-5 sentences...and avoid that you can earn better... just be patient and have fun okay? your work will be worth it when you receive your payment... again, just enjoy the site, have fun and funds will follow... so don't lose hope...go on!
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
24 Jul 09
Ok the problem is that you are not working very hard on this site at all. I joined late April of this year and I have made over the payout and I'm going to do it again this month and my number is already up to 1777. You have been here for 7 months and your number is only up to 296. You need to respond to alot of discussions and maybe start some discussions. I try and spend at least 5 t 7 hours on this give and take a day.
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Good day, vallepalli4319! I got paid here twice and I am going to get my third payment by next month. Well, as others had mentioned here, you must be active and keep on participating on discussions. You can also do tasks for additional earnings. It helped me a lot to earn. Never give up and you should work harder and you will reach your payout amount as soon as possible. Happy mylotting!
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
24 Jul 09
Yes, mylot is a trustworthy site, very much so. I got paid last month from them and the are very trustworthy. You just have to be active and participate more than you are, and post quality in all posts, discussions you start, responses, and comments. Also, when you start discussions like you did here, you should post comments, as that is the way you get paid. Yuu don't get paid for other users activity, only your own. YOur comments should be more than just thanks for your response as well, as you won't get paid for that or not much of anything. Just keep this all in mind and you will do fine. I would continue to hang in thee as you will get paid in due time. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
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@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Try to do some tasks - then you will see your earnings go up rapidly. I love this site.
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@colydf (913)
• China
24 Jul 09
I think you should continue. As far as I am concerned, mylot is definitely a trustworthy site, just work hard, and often come here, you will find besides making money, mylot is a very interesting site. You could share your happiness and sorrow here, and people will solve your problems here, you will feel quite warm here. Just try to enjoy it! Have a nice day! Happy mylotting!
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
24 Jul 09
Yes mylot is a trustworthy site yea , it had been around the internet for years already yea .
@anna728 (1499)
• United States
23 Jul 09
You must not be using it very often.
@cmnavarro (251)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
i think, you should continue... =)
• India
24 Jul 09
mylot is a trusted site . they give payments regarding to your discussions and responses . i think you and friends not posting any good responses or discussions . if you are posting best responses and keep hard work here means you will surely reach the payment . my advice you continue in mylot and earn more