when does my money come

@Alupee (42)
July 25, 2009 7:06am CST
I joined yesterday and i've been posting, but i still have £0.00, any help?
2 responses
@x_Jo_x (1040)
25 Jul 09
Mine took a while ii think, from memory. Just give it a little bit longer, a day or so maybe and if you still are ahving problems contact someone about it. Whenever i have had no payment and start to get worried about it I just wait and so far, it has always turned up. It usually updates once a day though
@Alupee (42)
25 Jul 09
Ok thankyou, ill give it another day, if it don't show up ill contact someone. Any idea who i should contact?
@Alupee (42)
25 Jul 09
Ok, ill do this. Thank you for your help :)
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
Hi there, first of all welcome to mylot well our earnings normally updated within 24 hours so maybe you should check it again if not just wait for it. If you are pretty sure that you did good discussions and you did relevant comments in every discussions i know you will be paid so watch out for that, goodluck to you and keep on mylotting,
@Alupee (42)
25 Jul 09
Well thankyou very much. I'm enjoying my self here alot, getting involved into discussions and what not :) Cya around!