Shrouded in Darkness!

Solar Eclipse of 2009 - A picture of the solar eclipse that took place in Asia in 2009.
@Riptide (2758)
United States
July 25, 2009 12:58pm CST
I just read up on the solar eclipse that took place this week and found out that a lot of people in Asia saw it as a bad omen. I admit, it's a bit creepy when day turns into night within minutes, but there is a scientific explanation for it in this day and age. I'm not judging, I'm just curious. I was wondering, what is the story behind the believe that it's a bad omen? I know the asian countries are full of interesting stories and legends, passed down from hundreds of generations. Maybe some of our asian friends here at MyLot could enlighten us a little? The last time I seen a solar eclipse, was many years ago, in the 90's. I was actualy looking forward to it, but then fell asleep and missed it and only caught the end of it. So I really didn't see it. more like experienced it LOL. Did you ever see a solar eclipse and if not, do you want to?
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1 response
• United States
26 Jul 09
I think its just supersticous and a solar eclipse is just what it is a solar eclipse.