What do you do if you are bored ???

July 26, 2009 6:12pm CST
hi guys :) day after day , you would feel bored anyway !! sometimes bored to what you are doing and even what you see and hear LOL no seriously , what you do if you all are bored ?? do you usually do something totally different ?? just to change and have fun about me , I always try to make a good plan outside home such as shopping , watching a movie in the cinema and go to eat in my favorite restaurants :)
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27 responses
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
well if im bored i visit ti my friend near at the house,i call to my boyfriend to having a date,i watch horror movie,i sit at the front of computer,or i sing
• Qatar
27 Jul 09
ya I agree with you all about sing a song , I tried once and it works , but what if nothing came in your mind to sing LOL :)
@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
27 Jul 09
sing a song is very powerful to eliminate boredom. Even when it can be done while still working
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
27 Jul 09
i do listen to my favourite music most times or if i have enough strength i can just get into the street and walk around for as far as i can and before i get back i do believe i would have gotten enough strength to get things done, i don't like being bored and even some hubbies which i sued to enjoy are not getting boring
• Qatar
28 Jul 09
hi tundeemma I really like the idea of walking out in the street it sounds that you can have fresh air every once and while :) thanks
@mnvamsi (539)
• India
27 Jul 09
Well, I don't get bored of anything. My work tension never let me get bored. If I feel bored, I would try playing a game in mylap top or just go for a walk. And talking to your loved ones can also make you feel much better.
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@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
27 Jul 09
Sing a song while working. Or accompany my youngest son's play
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• China
27 Jul 09
Hi, novelist, actually I always get bored, when I am at work, sometimes it's not very busy, so I am boring, and I will go to visit some of my favorite webisites, and mylot is one of them, and sometimes when I'm at home, I will choose to see a TV series, and eat snacks in bed, or reading,
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• Qatar
28 Jul 09
Hi kindy , ya tell me about boredom LOL all of us hate it in work time :( about eating snakes and watching TV sounds good idea to me but what if is nothing to watch !! thats the problem hehehe
@Tibor1450 (207)
• Hungary
27 Jul 09
I usually start my computer, start some discussions in mylot, and than i read, or watch tv. :)
@Riptide (2758)
• United States
27 Jul 09
When I get bored and I can't get on mylot to kill time, I read a good book or watch a good movie. Sometimes I do some crafts or some puzzles. It always depends on my mood and the weather outside. I love sitting outside reading, when it's sunny and warm, not hot, just a nice mild temperature.
• Qatar
27 Jul 09
Hi Riptide I like the idea of reading outside :) I wish I could do the same , but we are in the summer and its not just hot out there its killing you right next the door of your house LOL
@roberten (3128)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Novelist_117, you sound as if you do not have a lot of time in which to be board. When I am bored, I love to sleep. I work a lot so I really do not have a lot of bordem in my life but whenever I do I love to sleep. Right about now I am truly longing for a few boring days to I can catch up on my sleep.
• Qatar
28 Jul 09
hi roberten :) you know what !! I hate sleeping when I'm bored you are just like my old sister she likes to sleep for hours when she get bored , I even feel like I'm wasting my time in sleeping but thank god you know what to do better then nothing and walking in street aimlessly like some people do lol
@ucue2008 (924)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 09
If I bore, usually I will sleep, and day dreaming. I hate boredom, but it always happen to me and that's why I try to do a lot of things at once, so that I do not feel bored, but at the end of the day, I forgot all about it. I wish I could go out and have fun, but I can't because I live in jungle. sad. Happy mylotting
• Qatar
27 Jul 09
ya all of us hate boredom but what do you mean " you live in jungle " ?? is it about the people around you or outside ??
@Hvaniday1 (550)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 09
That's a good idea. I must says, it is best to keep it busy and doing the thing that you like. Haha...What's your opinion?
• Qatar
28 Jul 09
ya how about it !! its keep me busy and doing other stuff like shopping would keep me busy with clothes, restaurants would keep me busy in the kind of food that I wanted haha.. on seriously that what comes in my mind when I'm bored also I would write and read my favorite book
@divkris (1156)
• India
27 Jul 09
I watch TV - i simply browse through all the channels available :) THe next thing i would probably do is to surf the net (aimlessly) and try to build social network. The best place is mylot (as orkut has really become stale now :P) Then if the other two fail i read ebooks - all types of ficion novels. But if i think i should go out - (i do a lot of window shopping) - i would love to shop or just travel around the city in the local/public transport :)
• Qatar
28 Jul 09
you know the good thing is to know what to do when you are bored :) so you seem to me that you know what to do !! that is really good thanks divkris
• India
27 Jul 09
It is different with me. I just go to sleep be it anytime of the day whenever i get bored. This relaxes me and i get up refreshed ready for the daily chores.
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@sutent (1060)
• China
27 Jul 09
Hi Novelish_117, You are right. we may be boring to anythings or anyone. It si evitable to find a way to release our bore. I always try to choose the way of chatting with friends, play sports and watching movies. Addtionally, we should broad our mind and be less boring of surrounding. Do you agree with it? Happy mylotting!
• Qatar
28 Jul 09
Hi suntent :) sure I agree with you !! we must feel of the beauty around us that may let us less bored , but people are not always free or accurate to think in such as idea some of them may do something extremely powerful just to avoid their boredom and never think of the beauty , and about us in the other side we just do what ever comes in our mind watching tv , shopping read , read and read books ya this is my best part reading lol
@Sweeten (159)
• United States
27 Jul 09
If I'm bored I try to go hang out with friends or go for a swim. I will probably check this site aswell.
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
26 Jul 09
I can honestly say I've never had a bored day in my life. At present, I have a pile of books to read, a pile of magazines and newspapers to catch up on, over 30 hours' telly to plough though - and my Facebook Farm is taking up FAR TOO MUCH time at the moment! I have housework, gardening, a novel in progress - and a blog I have sadly neglected for a couple of months. Boredom? Not a chance in hell!
• Qatar
27 Jul 09
ya I'm happy for ya that you have busy schedule , but I would have the same if I'm in the university so I'm now in holiday that is toooo loooong to the next semester thanks and happy myloting
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
27 Jul 09
I slip into my bike gear and go for a ride.By doing this, the boredom will wear away. The boredom comes especially when you are not satisfied with anything you do.
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
4 Aug 09
Hi Novelist, When I am bored and nothing to do, I just watch movie. Especially the funny movie. It would light up my boring moment. Or call my friend and ask them to go out. Usually we meet at restaurant and chit chatting. Happy mylotting and have a nice day.
@HeidiD (167)
• China
27 Jul 09
When I'm bored, I always do some strenuous exercise, such as running, playing football. I believe sweat would make me relief. Though I really like to find soneone to share my sorrow, the fact is I don't want my friends to see my bad situation and the strangers won't resolve my puzzle. Fortunately, I hardly feel bored. Friends knows me as an optimist :)
• Qatar
27 Jul 09
Hi HeidiD ya doing exercises is really good idea :) and about being bored in front of my friends its ok with me coz they get used to see me in all kind of moods thanks
@shazz282 (177)
• New Zealand
27 Jul 09
When I get bored I do alot of crafts. I sew alot of things, make jewellery, my new passion is mosaicing, Love it. Im always looking for things to make lol. If that doesnt work theres always work to do around the house, gardening cleaning etc...
• Qatar
27 Jul 09
hi shaazz282 wow good for ya , working around house is really healthy :) my father does the same if he is bored , actually he is retired so he is always bored and just like you try work on crafts
@den1545 (43)
• United States
27 Jul 09
listen to music and if in bored at night,at 3:00am i start cleaning my house...i dont know why