Saying I love you is easier than sayingI'm you agree?

July 29, 2009 9:36pm CST
I don't know which of the two is easier to say. it's just three words but it takes courage for one to have the guts to say it and really mean it.
8 responses
@simonelee (2715)
• China
30 Jul 09
I barely say sorry to my partner even if I'm guilty of my acts. This is one of the reasons we fought, a simple sorry i can't even say. I don't know why it's so hard for me to utter the word "sorry", even if I'm sorry of my actions. Ego, perhaps?
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
most probably...but you should learn to say those words because they are really needed especially in appeasing the pain of your partner
@simonelee (2715)
• China
31 Jul 09
I'm still trying... I hope next time will be much easier for me to ask forgiveness. I am much on actions rather than saying a word. But, you are right I have to learn to say those word.=p thank you.
@korki4 (263)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
oh yes i think that's true., it's easy for most people to say "i love you" then say sorry.., and when they do apologize it's not personal but by technology i mean by using email or cellphone to say sorry and i hate it about that on why they can't say it personally.. ^^ lol this made me remember things which i dont want to
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
yes..that's true...asking for apology should be done personally...also, the person should mean it
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
I think those two words are easy to say. In one case,that saying sorry is hard to say if you kept pride on your minds. To say sorry is hard for people that make more sins than those do wrong by mistakes. Say I love you also in the other side, is very hard for someone if they are in the edge of courting someone they like. But in the part of husband and wife that is easy because it is normal for them to live like that telling I love you, when they parted together or coming in after works... I think this two are the same in some points... Happy mylotting...!!!
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
on my part, the hardest word to utter is the word "goodbye." but between "i'm sorry" and "i love you," apologizing is the hardest one. it's because people tend to find difficulties in reconciling to someone who he/she has hurt for the fear of rejections...
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
true, and i also think that some people have difficulties in saying the word "I love you" for fear of being made fun of or for rejection
@meng23 (145)
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
For me saying I love you is much easier than saying Im sorry. Because once you've done wrong things to other you felt guilty and shy to approach because of gap that was built during that incident. Afraid to be rejected by other. Sometimes it is also hard because of the pride. There are people even though they realized their mistakes they can't put down teir pride. They can't easily accept their fault. Saying I love you is easy to say specially when the person is expressive. And willing to fight for that love. God bless!
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
Thank you meng23!!!!
• Philippines
30 Jul 09
Personally, i find it harder to say I'm sorry. When i mean it, saying i love you comes naturally for me. When I love a person so much my heart is just overpowered with so much emotions that I can't help but say those three words as often as I can. On the other hand, saying sorry can be a little bit tougher. I guess it's a pride thing. Sometime we just don't want to admit that we are wrong. But I have noticed that these words can be abused by people. For example, some men would easily say I love you just to have their way with women (I'm not generalizing - there are just some men who are JERKS) and some people would say I'm sorry easily just to avoid a confrontation or an argument without really meaning it. I also noticed that some people find it harder to say I LOVE YOU because for them it's a sign of invulnerability. I think it really just depends on the person - her personality, how he/she was brought up, his/her culture and well, his/her intentions.
• Philippines
30 Jul 09're also depends on how you were brought up
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
30 Jul 09
It all depends on the person. For me, if I love someone, it is easy for me to tell them so because I really mean it. Apologizing is also an easy thing for me to do because when I am wrong, I am wrong and I should apologize. I know of many people though who cannot find it in themselves to say either without going through an entire intertnal dialect with themselves first. Yes, both take guts, and both should really be meant when they are spoken, but neither should be difficult when they are right.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
30 Jul 09
It depens on the situations. I think saying love to a person first time is very very difficult compared to saying sorry. I have toldsorry many times before saying 'I love you'. If you are already in love with the person, it is better to say 'I love you', than to say 'sorry' I think.