how often do you drink water

July 31, 2009 10:02pm CST
H20 we love, we cant get enough of it, but do we drink the amount that we should on a daily basis? I drink like 10 glasses a day compared to the minimum of 8 glasses, especially after the gym its like it goes down my throat like fresh air lol. how much wate do you drink per day?
13 responses
• Indonesia
1 Aug 09
I drink water the first time I wake up, then while breakfast, lunch and dinner,and 2 glass before sleep.. so 6 glasses a day. Still can't reach 8 glasses because I feel sick if I drink too much water.. I like to drink juice but not water.. My father love water and always order it in restaurant. You must be healthy because you do sport and drink enough amount of water..
• Jamaica
2 Aug 09
yh i try to be healthy, but if you think you get sick by drinking more than six then you should seek professional help, so take a little trip to the doctor, might save you alot of trouble in the future, andi like that your dad is a water lover lol. that totally great. ** thumbs up for him.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
i actually dont drink the minimum 8 glasses of water a day. i just drink when I feel thirsty.
• Jamaica
2 Aug 09
oh but you should watch how much you drink, because you have to look at your health, so i suggest you drink more or count how much you drink because it can be realy helpful in your heath and lifestyle. so watch what you drink kayeshane
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
1 Aug 09
I drink water all along the day. I would say 6 to 10 glasses a day. When the weather is hot, then I would drink more. I also keep a flask of water near my bedside, so when I wake up in the middle of the night and feel thirsty, I would drink a glass. If I had eaten salty foods during the day, I get more thirsty, and drink more water.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
salty foods make me crave water much more , i drink milk when i wake up late though, it puts me back to sleeep much quicker, but drink a good prtion of wter so it is great, so good for you.
@meapas (2436)
• India
1 Aug 09
May be around 7 to 8 glasses. I have not given much thought to it.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
well my friend you should if you want ot live a good healthy lifestyle, 8 glasses is the minimum you should drink with water, so drink a bit more it really helps.
• China
1 Aug 09
I always drink 5-6 glasses each day, sometimes drink less while I am busy to forget to drink. I think that you are right, we have to drink over 2L every day! Happy the weekend!
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
my friend you are way behind lol, you need to step it up a notch, like seriously, 5-6 wnt cut it, just try and drink a little bit more, cause it helps you concentrate more, and live more healthier.
• India
1 Aug 09
We must have at least 1-2 litres of water everyday....i think i usually have much much more than that....specially after i return from my college....taking a lot of water helps our body system to work perfectly cool even in very hot summer days .....young people should always have a lot of water....even the doctors suggest that.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
summer is the time when we need water mostly, because the sun is so hot and all the heat, we lose alot of water daily, so the logical thing to do it replenish our bodies, especially when you are in college you need as much as possible.
@impaktita (965)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
As much as I can. I love water especially ice cold water. My family members always depend on juice or soda to settle their thirst but in my opinion that only makes you more thirsty! I try to drink around 10 glasses each day but i guess i dont really count so maybe sometimes i go over my goal..
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
thats cool beautiful, the more the better, you should tell yout family sao is bad for them, i dont drink soda anymore, it does nothing good for me/ but 10 glasses is great. keep it up
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
1 Aug 09
i drink water all day long. its all i drink. i don't like soda anymore. i stopped drinking it when i was younger and now it just taste weird to me. i drink probably more then 8 glass of water a day and then always have some lemonade at night
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
nice i like that you are keeping up with your vitamin c, and i hate soda too, its bad for your brain, skin and teeth, and most of all your health. keeo drinking water and stay healthy sameroad. happy mylotting.
• Canada
1 Aug 09
I'm almost always drinking water, I love it. I probably drink 10-14 glasses per day. I add lemon wedges to most of my water for extra vitamins. It also helps with digestion and it helps the liver work better, which can result in a faster metabolism.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
nice you just taught me something lol lemone wedges, cool, i'm gonnat ry that sometimes. thanks captain morgan, happy mylotting.
• United States
1 Aug 09
That is good that you drink so much water. Eight glasses is just the average, I know that there is a website that tells you how much you should drink based on your weight, since I weigh 104 lbs I need way less than someone who is 200 lbs, so eight glasses is the safe middle requirement, but mine would be lower, maybe about five glasses, while perhaps yours is eight to ten. I probably need to drink more though, I have been barely getting my minimum, I usually forget or just not think about it at all. Sometimes you can mistake thirst as hunger, many people that think they are hungry are actually thirsty instead, so drinking a lot of water can help you lose weight, instead of eating food to feel full, you can drink water. But anyways, water is awesome, we should all try to get as much as we can, and hope bathrooms are near by haha.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
hahaha nice one sugar plum lol, yeah you need to drink more water lol its great, and i guess i get most of the water i need, so i am great, and it makes my weights stay average. in order to forget just keep a bottle with you every where you go, so when you think you need ot you will be good to go, and you can take little sips so you wont get dehydrated. great comment sugar plum
• India
1 Aug 09
Hi, i drink water during eating i.e while having breakfast, lunch and dinner. It sums up around 7 glasses a day. Also i do play some outdoor games i used to drink lots of water.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
thats awesome that you drink but it should be a little extra, but like how you do out door games you drink more which is also great. keep it up
• Mexico
1 Aug 09
i dring 11 glasses of water a day.
• Jamaica
1 Aug 09
thats great, you must be super healthy lol, make sure you keep it up, and do some exercising.
• United States
1 Aug 09
I wish I can drink 10 cups of water a day but I try to get at least 3 cups of plain water daily and a few more cups of water from like soups, juice, fruits, etc. I have trouble drinking a lot of plain water because of the plain taste so lately I've been adding Crystal light powder to plain water to make myself drink more water. Drinking water after the gym is very refreshing I must agree! I have a tendency to not drink much when I'm at work which I think is horrible because I should be drinking to keep myself hydrated but I just seem to keep forgetting to take a sip of water every now and then. Anyways, keep up the good work on drinking water daily and keeping yourself hydrated!