how to train a little dog

@jinyan69 (124)
August 1, 2009 8:51am CST
my friend give me a little dog,it is very lovely,but naughty?i agonize about it always urine everyplace?how to train it to pass water fixed place?
2 responses
@x_Jo_x (1040)
1 Aug 09
Praise and reward i think works best. As soon as you have fed them, or theyve had a drink, or just woke up - This is the time when they will go to the toilet. Take them straight outside! When they go, praise them and play outside! So they associate outside with good! Keep your eye on them, if they are sniffing around the floor, shout no and put them outside! If they start to go to the toilet inside shout loudly and make very loud noises to scare them - they will stop, put them outside and when they go in the right place, praise them. There is also another method which is train them to go on newspaper, then move the newspaper around and eventually move it outside. Because they will always go where they have been before. But i used the first one for my two puppies and that worked. Good Luck!
@jinyan69 (124)
• China
1 Aug 09
thank you a lot,my little dog only two month,it is hard to train,i will try on it?
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
1 Aug 09
2 Months is a good age to train them! Best to do it while they are young. I got a girl and a boy and the breeder said the boy would be easier to train because he will pick it up quicker. He should pick it up soon, as long as you work hard at it! If he still hasnt by the time he is older then i would find a good dog trainer in your area to help!
@cassrufus (116)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
i always talk them as human like my own family and give them some reward, and i mad to them too like saying dont do that, it makes angry, and like a human conversation and time pass they learn, actually my dogs will get into their chain place during night and in day they awake me by barking to untie them from chain i train them while they are very young. And they do their dirt outside the house and never make dirt even inside the gate of our house.