a torrist in your own back Yard please share

United States
August 3, 2009 4:19pm CST
This past weekend we were torrist in our own area. I live in clinton MD and we too the train to down town Washington DC to visit the American art Musem. My favorit floor was modern art. We saw so many wonderful expression of life. It was really nice and i got my younger sister her man and my guy to look at art in a different light. Next outing is picnic in the park we will see how that gose... Tell me what have you visited?
2 responses
• United States
4 Aug 09
I love playing tourist in my own back yard. Granted it helps that even during my ten years in maine, i still haven't gotten to enjoy many of the things that people who grew up here have all seen and done. Here in maine there are so many places you can go and just enjoy the natural beauty that don't have to cost you a cent. We have mountains to limb, forrests to hike through, beaches to visit and swimming in the oceans and lakes. And those are just the things we can enjoy fo free. For very little cost there are animal farms and sanctuaries to visit, museums, or just a wonderful window shopping walk through portlands famous old port on the ocean and a nice lunch.
• United States
4 Aug 09
wow maine sound like a nice place to visit. I have never been to main. I would love to take a closer look. Maybe one day i will have time time and the resources to make that happen.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
3 Aug 09
we dont have a whole lot of extra cash right at the moment, so we do try to do things that are in our area such as go to the beach at lake erie and go mini golfing on the shores of lake ontario and since we live close to toronto, there are tons of things to do and see.
• United States
4 Aug 09
I loved that half a day trip to canada i took back a few years ago. I would love to go back. right now its not on my list of things to do bu i would like to go back and take my son.