What does a friend mean to you?

@gary1125 (173)
August 7, 2009 12:23am CST
I have many friends live far from my place, some overseas, some stay in home town. I contact them once in a while, sharing the news of eachother. I live far away from them, to me, we just talk. It has been a long time that I lost the feeling of having a real good, close friend. I keep thinking about the time I was with my friends. We were like a family... but the feelings get vague... Could you tell me what does a friend mean to you? To let me rember
4 responses
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Well, a person that has a basic common goal with mine is my friend but in someway I have this such ideas identifying real friend/s. A person who is real and sincere, willing to give a hand when you need it. Willing to listen and give advice when you are down. He/she will put good insights and somehow guide you when you're on the wrong path.
@gary1125 (173)
• Australia
10 Aug 09
That's right, but probably you got this idea when you are an adult. But not all the people who are closed to me and be my friends are exactly like what you defined. Some other factors are in friendship as well, because we are all emotional, bindings and sharings are not necessary giving help or good advise. We need to have fun and have a break of being serious always. Just my thought.
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
yah! thats also an exact factor of friendship..good and bad times are binded together. But identifying real friends are notice during bad and hard times per se. It's also a matter of choice, who exactly we're looking up and what friendship we're at most with.
@cassrufus (116)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
friend for me is flower in my life, they make it beautiful and fresh. Sometimes i get so stupid in life but they are all there to support me and comfort me. This things in my life is very important coz i they make something completed in me. But today its hard to find a friend all people are practical and they use friendship to gt their wants in life and the things they wish to have.
• India
7 Aug 09
Big or small, it's actions that seem to count the most in friendship. In a time when we can chat effortlessly by text and IM, talk is getting cheaper. Many of you believe that the evidence of true friends is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, or willingness to make a sacrifice when you need help.
• India
7 Aug 09
A friend for is my most precious gift .. for me each and every friend has his/her own place in my life which no other can take . i have fiends who were with me since my school days and they are still very close to me even after they have choosen different paths. I call or message my friends ..