Do you see the dog and the cat can be friendship ????

@busky5 (3164)
August 8, 2009 2:14am CST
I found in the tv news.I saw the dog and the cat in a house.They can be friendship.I think it is amazing alot.Why it is not alike the cartoons.Then Do you ever see the cat and the dog can be friendship????
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6 responses
• United States
8 Aug 09
Yes I have seen this before. My friend has a dog and two cats and they get along very well together. They dog is like a mother to the two kittens. It is very cute to see and it is great that the two do not fight each other like on tv. I don't think cats can hold kitchen knifes like in Tom&Jerry, that would be a little scary... haha.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
8 Aug 09
I think Tom& Jerry sometime it tought the bad moral to the children really.Thank you to share your idea.Have a nice day.
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@sutent (1060)
• China
8 Aug 09
Hi, The dog and the cat can be friendship? I do not believe that. what i catch is that they often fight with each other, but never defeat the other. Mostly they are just leave away from each other after fight. Happy mylotting!
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I think they can very well learn to be friends. My cats and dog get along very well. In the winter time, and when it's colder out, I often see them curled up together for warmth. My dog is very protective of her house cat lol. However, when she sees a cat outside that does not belong here, or in the yard, she will bark up a storm, and if outside, chase it away. I think just like people, they learn to be friends because they're cooped up in the same house all the time. My dog will even let the cat into her food bowl, or water dish, while she's eating, without getting upset or chasing her away. Now that's friendship!
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• Malaysia
8 Aug 09
i have seen one incident, while i am one my way to my office i saw a cat and a dog just play together at the alley. First I fill so surprise but after a while a saw young lady come closer to the dog and cat and hug both of the. I believe that is the owner for both animals. Maybe what she had done was to train the dog add cat to love each other. I really hope i can see more of this.
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• Philippines
9 Aug 09
Yes a cat and a dog can be friends actually that happens in our household. We have cats and a dog here and they never seem to fight not unless when they are not fed equally. We had only a dog in our house then a female old cat came across our house and it seems to like staying here because we include her feeding our dog and we don't hurt the cat. Then the cat gave birth to another batch of cats until they grew in numbers. We didn't raise all the cats some are given and adopted to our family friends. We have 4 cats all now. 3 females and a male starting from a grandmother to a mother to a son and to a baby girl. We have only one male dog and he is always kept in the house together with the cats. Whenever a male cat pays a visit our females here, our dog drives them away. Cats and dogs can be friends and they can live together in one roof.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
8 Aug 09
Dear busky5... Hahaha, life is so different than we thought! The proverbs 'raining cats and dogs!' They are fighting like 'cats and dogs' The cartoon ' Oggy and the Cockroaches' depict Oggy (the cat) and dog are the arch enemy...fight in every But in reality, my mum told me...because we live in rural area, we rear all kinds of animals : pigeons, ducks, chickens, turkey, cat and dogs. They knew that they have the same master. They knew that they are the same big mum related to me that in one incident, where our cat was fighting with another cat, our dog will come over and barked back...sort of protecting our cat....hmmm...they knew whose sides they are...Great animals behaviour! Thanks and all the best!
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