how to choose a girl friend or lover

August 9, 2009 11:03am CST
i waiting for it give any idea to me pls friends
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4 responses
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
Choose somebody that listens and one with a kind heart.
@ysobelle (202)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
Hello their ! I think choose is not the proper word. A true lover will come along the way the least you expect it. Everybody has differences, the important thing is you can handle and adjust your differences. Whoever will come along your way and make you fall in love, accept her/him. If you are looking for the good quality for a lover or girlfriend you i am afraid you can not found it. Qualities is not the basis of love.
@Archie0 (5640)
9 Aug 09
Define you love concept and life after that with him. If yours and his love concepts are beyond territory/religeon/belifef and sourrundings, then it is good and go a head. My personnel advise to both of them is think more deeply in this and take a decesion. loving anybody can do it but to make it sucessful and model to others are not that easy.
@abhaijith (2963)
• India
3 Sep 09
How to choose?Ok,Mutual understanding is the base of both Friendship and Love.Some people say Friendship leads to love,Yeah may be.From friendship we will get the mutual understanding and that may lead to Love.So for choosing a Lover you need to know her or Him,first.For that first of all try to interact with them first.Good Discussion.
• United States
30 Sep 09
friends comes first and love follows you will know you have both, when you contact with your words and thinking alike or like minded .