Life Is Full Of Stories We Make???

Life - Interpretaion
@Soniasony (1827)
August 14, 2009 11:04am CST
I Never ask to agree with this statement.But its interesting.. Just look at this incident of a guy who hates his dad:Guy: " I hate my Dad". Pychologist:What happened for you to hate? " When I was small I broke my Dad's favorite watch, so he hit me ". After a converstaion with the guy This was concluded from this statement? 1) He loves his watch more than me 2) I can never win back his love 3) Though I talk to my dad, i dont love him . Unknowingly in our life these silly reasons make us hate someone which is only our creation or conclusion or interpretation of the incident. Just try to look into your life there are so many stories we create and live with it forever.
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5 responses
• China
15 Aug 09
woo, in my view,i think the guys who hate their relatives for such small case just because they are young,the children often make their kins angry ,but the kins love them as before,the relatives just teach them by correcting their mistakes.when the guys get mature,they will understand what they ever have done are absurd and what their relatives have done helpt them grow to maturity! isn't it?
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@Soniasony (1827)
• India
15 Aug 09
Yeah you are right..But lets not talk about the relatives or someother person correcting kids or something..Lets see our life our past there are so many silly stories inside us which judge people around us..what about that? who is going to tell us about that ..its none other than ourselves..This is lil bit complicated or very easy.Anyway thanks for response.
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@echomonster (2226)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
14 Aug 09
I think it's true that little incidents from our childhood can shape how we view our parents. A watch sure doesn't seem worth a lifetime of alienation from one's father...I bet both father and son would agree on that. It's good to be forgiving and slow to anger -- that's the best way to maintain a strong relationship with anyone. Probably everyone resents something one's parents did at one time or another, but often times the good things they did for us far outweigh the bad. There's no reason to hold on to the resentment, especially when you consider some parents are very abusive and cruel. I know I didn't always see eye to eye with my parents while I was growing up, but looking back now I know I was very lucky to have them!
@Soniasony (1827)
• India
15 Aug 09
Exactly , you are right ..But what originates from the incident out the child's mind is accidentaly the point of view for his world i;e his father that will grow up with him..But it may time to drop this point of view in his life..But till then the imact is not that good..Thanks for the response.
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@smartx (319)
• India
15 Aug 09
This exactly looks like my story I always felt that ma dad hates me coz I thought coz i thought he hates my brother more instead as I was not good at studying he hates me or something.He never felt so he traeted both I us in a equal way but I always thought so.Great thats true lifes just a story we make.
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@Soniasony (1827)
• India
15 Aug 09
So you mean to tell he liked your brother more than you so you hated him for that right?.See thats what you thought about him.Atleast be present to such serious stories which we beleive to be fact of the life.Anyway thanks for responding.
@shibham (16977)
• India
11 Sep 09
hi sonia. life is a series of surprises. every time you give a bit of yourself you plant a little seed of future happiness. all the best of your life these seeds will keep springing up unexpectedly along your poth. when you need a friend to give you a lift in some situation, likely as not along will come a person for whom you did something thoughtful when you were a youngstar.
• India
14 Aug 09
hi sonia... well from the incident you have mentioned I could only come to a decision that when the boy was upset from his dad on the so called silly reason i think his dad should come to him and cheer him again.Although to the some extent the boy has made the fault but his father should understand that the feelings emerged in the growing age remains throughout the life.I am not saying that the boy has made correct decison to hate his dad........but his dad was also responsible for his mistake.
@Soniasony (1827)
• India
14 Aug 09
This is not an issue of ifs and buts...We should be in the reality there are some things in our life we hate , but when we go back and see there are still silly reasons behind the things we hate and the effect of our interpretation..If I were thinking I would also feel dad should have thought.. But this grows very secretatively that you cannot recognise ..May be your actions hurt someone which you donot know..Anyway thanks for the response
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