Do you like to drink the soy milk ????

@busky5 (3164)
August 14, 2009 9:27pm CST
For my country the soy milk is as popular as the milk but i don't like to drink the soy milk.I believe in the cow milk more.Then Do you like to drink the soy milk???
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11 responses
• China
15 Aug 09
I like pure milk only. Years ago, i like those flavored milk, i.e. strawberry, but now I only drink pure milk which i thought is more nutritious.
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@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
16 Aug 09
You are right.Thank you to share your idea.Good luck.
• Indonesia
15 Aug 09
Hi busky5 Yes, I love soy milk, more than cow milk! I like its smell and taste (I usually add a little amount of sugar in it). It feels healthier and personally I can't stand drink cow milk too much. I will have a stomach ache if I drink cow milk in the morning, but there's no problem if I drink soy milk. I like its original taste. In my country, the price of soy milk is higher than cow milk, but nothing can beat the taste of a glass of warm sweet soy milk. It's my favorite drink when I feel tired walking around the mall. I definitely will choose soy milk than soda, ice cream, tea, or juice..
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@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
16 Aug 09
I think soy milk more protien and good for health.Thank you to share your idea.Good luck.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Aug 09
hi busky5 I do like to drink Silks soy milk in the chocolate flAvor along with ordinary milk is really very healthy for you to use. I like to use soy products to keep my food very healthy.
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• United States
15 Aug 09
I've never liked cow's milk. Actually I would prefer goat's milk over cow's milk if I just had to drink milk! It's all yuck to me!! I have discovered that I like chocolate soy milk. I drink it for the calcium and protein.
• United States
15 Aug 09
I used to drink the soy milk until I found out that the soy has a negative affect on the thyroid in females. I normally would not believe such rumors but one of my friend's mother had her doctor instruct her not to drink soy milk anymore. Since they bascially find a way to put soybeans in everything we eat now, drinking soy milk was not good for her. I think it depends on the person. The taste itself doesn't bother me, but I have switched back to lactaid.
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• Philippines
30 Jun 10
i agree with you that soy milk is bad for the thyroid ...I used to drink a liter of soymilk everyday for a year then noticed that theres something in my neck. So i went to the doctor and she diagnosed me of euthyroid. No one in my family have thyroid problem so i suspected that i got this from consuming soymilk. Now i have to take my medication everyday if not my thyroid nodule would swell. Even my period was affected ..Im suffering from menorrhagia because of the thyroid problem. I fear the worst that maybe i couldnt bear a baby. Oh pls let that not be happend!. Anyway, Im here to share my personal experience so that others will be aware.
15 Aug 09
I enjoy both soy milk and cow milk. I mainly drink soy milk for its health benefits and low fat, but I also drink cow milk sometimes. Soy milk is great with a bowl of Special K... it's great if you're on-the-go in the morning.
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
I love soy milk! As much as I want cow's milk, it will give me diarrhea because I am lactose intolerant.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
15 Aug 09
I like soy milk!! Soy milk isn't quite as popular where I live (the US), but it's growing in popularity as the years go on. Mainly "healthy" people and vegetarians/vegans like & drink soy milk - but more and more people (who are trying to become healthier and "green"-er) are switching to soy milk. What I like about soy milk is that there are different flavors! In a brand I really like (named "Silk"), they have TONS of flavors: chocolate, chai tea, cappucino, and around the holidays they have pumpkin spice and soy-egg nogg. It's sooo good! I love it! And I feel better about it than drinking regular, cows milk. It feels more green; and more natural to me.
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@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
15 Aug 09
I'm not a fan of Soy Milk at all. I just really don't like the taste of it. I've tried regular, vanilla, and chocolate and they all just had a weird taste that I couldn't get past.
@keven123 (28)
• China
15 Aug 09
Haha,I don't know where are you from,I came from China,And in my country,most people like to drink the soy milk.The main reason is that the soy milk is cheaper than the cow milk.And also,everday when in the morning,there have many soy milk shop,we can drink the fresh milk.Second,the milk is the hot food,so if you drink more will make you hot.
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• China
16 Mar 11
No i don't like to drink soy milk. Usually i don't like to drink. But soy drink is very good health and it contains much nutrition. But i don't like to drink soy milk. Good day!