quarelling with a spouse

August 15, 2009 9:29pm CST
Do you ever quarreled with your spouse. I will. Sometimes difference of opinion surfaces and we use to fight over trivial matters and wont be in talking terms. After a couple of days, we forget everything and start talking with each other, laughing and shopping and continue our lives happily untill we get the next fight.
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5 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
hello there! i think its just a normal thing between couples...my husband and i do quarrel with each other...that sometimes leads to not talking to each other...hehehe the usual thing that starts the quarrel are just simple things...sometimes we are just happy talking or watching on tv or just playing games then all of a sudden a misunderstanding may arise, like sometimes we have different opinions on matters then sometimes that leads to little arguments then quarrel! haha...funny how happy moments can turn into quarrel! coz sometimes one of us is a bully and the other easily gets annoyed! but it won't take long...the next day, we will become okay again and we will just laugh on what happen the other time... i think its just one of the spices of the relationship...coz i think it will be boring if we don't experience things like this...but just don't let it become a habit...for it is not healthy! have a nice day!
• India
19 Aug 09
Yes. I do agree and it happen in our house also. Our fight starts because of the children. If the children did not obey me, i will become wild and scold them which my husband did not like. He simply pampers them by playing like a child all games like cricket, hockey, carroms and ludo which they enjoy most. If the power goes off, then also he plays with them words building. So they are more attached to him than me. They all behave like friends and obey him only.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
oh really? well i guess your husband is kinda spoiling your children? but i hope your husband also gives some disciplinary actions when your children makes a mistake... i think what's happening in your house also happens in others house, like in my family...i remember my parents sometimes fight before because of us...but its the other way around, our father scolded us and mom defends us always...hehehe which ended up them quarreling! huh! but anyway, i just hope that you are not showing your children that the two of you are quarreling because of them... hmmmm, why don't you try to become more diplomatic to them instead of scolding them and getting wild when they don't obey you?
• United States
18 Aug 09
If a husband and wife have never fought there is definitely something off there LOL! My husband and I have been married for just over 2 years and we have had some intense rocky roads, I'll tell you what! I got pregnant twice and I super emotional and he was away too much and drinking too much for my liking so of course that and pregnancy does NOT mix lol, so we definitely had our share of fighting, PLUS we rode to work together, had the same shift, and rode home together and we weren't apart often, which added to the stress. We would fight over the STUPIDEST things imaginable!!! Now, things are better, our kids are slightly older, we are on separate shifts, and our fighting has dwindled down to almost nothing!
• India
19 Aug 09
Very interesting. If there is no fight, and the life goes very smoothly, it is quite boring. We are married since 28 years and our life is going sometimes smoothly and sometimes on rocks. Our children are grown up and taken up a job. Nice to hear you. Have a nice day.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 09
there are always differences in opinions. not only on the pair, of my friend's opinion is often different. I often fear of dissent can be a squabble. I often try to equate opinions.
@alecx28 (30)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
i cant count the times that i had a fight with my husband.You can never elude that because both of you were brought up on a different way and your values may sometimes vary.One thing that is amazing with marriage is that irregardless how many times you had argued over trivial stuffs(as long as there is nothing physical),u kiss and make up in the end.that is the power of love.
• United States
16 Aug 09
I think everyone will argue with their spouse at some time or another. After all, we're only human and by no means can agree on everything. I think opposites do truly attract when looking for a spouse. You need someone that can challenge you, someone you can learn new things, and appreciate their differeneces. I think it's important for relationships though to agree to disagree at times. I know for us women, easier said than done, to do that. I always feel like I need to prove my point and be right when sometimes it's best to keep an open mind, listen, and agree to disagree. I think it's also important to not go to bed angry at one another. I know I've done that enough times that I'm tired and cranky the next morning, still holding a grudge and upset over an argument that he has well forgotten and blown off. I think men can let go of an arugment much easier than women. I wish I knew their secret.
• India
16 Aug 09
Truely you are right.