Do you try to purposely avoid meeting someone?

@subha12 (18441)
August 19, 2009 1:32am CST
In life, we are in situation where we try purposely to avoid meeting someone.May be we do not like the person. Or it may be, we just want to avoid, as that person waste time. Or it may be you think that person is showing too much interest in you.. I have seen, at similar times, I do not want to see few people for different reasons in each case. In your case, have you ever wished that you should not meet someone, as you do not like that person? Or you just want to avoid so that he/she can't show unexpected interest in you?
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24 responses
@coycoy (18)
• India
19 Aug 09
Yes subha. I have done this many time. I do not like I avoid. you have that habit also? You are very senior but I like your topic.
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• India
20 Aug 09
try purposely meeting avoid someone.. In my life, it happens of avoiding meeting someone whom i get trouble..It is quite natural that everybody has the same kind of problems...I am not having an habit, but due to situational and emotional kind, i tend to do..
• United States
20 Aug 09
I do this all the time! Don't worry everyone it gets better with time. Because of various things about myself which i feel are inadequate I have avoided people, and relationships on many occasions. You have to remember that everyone is different. I know this is a cliche, but it is honestly true. However there is a way around this! Lets say you're tall and you're afraid of women. Many things which I don't care to mention now can be better if a tall person get's involved with a short person because they compliment each other. If you have ever noticed personal relationships that people have you will find something which they all have in common. That is that each party benefits each other in some small way. Whether it be in conversation, or hobbies. So remember, look for people that are different. Strangely enough you will get along with them much better than a person who is exactly alike you simply because you compliment each other rather than having everything in common which is a breeding ground for competition and argument.
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
I must admit that there are people I dont want to meet nor see. They ruin my life! But if they are in front of me, I never show negative attitude to them. I still act as if I dont have nothing against them. I am not getting stupid, it is just if they talk to me in a nice way, who I am to act stupidity?
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• China
20 Aug 09
of course i do ,generally speaking,i will try to avoid meeting someone i dislike or someone has a certain power that will limit my behavior,and also ,we might do it for no reason just as you said,anyway,i think we should treat everyone equally.
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@bmuchler (441)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Yes, I do. There are some days that I just can't deal with certain people. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't need added drama to my life. When I run errands, I pray that I don't run into anyone I know. I want to get things done as quickly as possible.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I have felt that way a couple times, going out and someone will invite someone else to join, or went on a date and my friend wanted me to meet his friend/wife, I really did not want to meet them,put it off 2 times before, guess what after we finally met I was so mad at myself only to find they were so sweet, sometimes we avoid situations that could possible be in our best interest.I just go with the flow now, and most of the time I am glad I did. good post
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• India
19 Aug 09
Yeah i had to and i am like " Oh no! not him again!!" . Well its not possible at all the times to avoid such ppl especially if that person is your boss!!
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• Brisbane, Australia
19 Aug 09
Yes, I did, many times. I enjoyed chatting on net and so made some good friends. I never had blind dates before so meeting person alone that too first time was so much of confusion for me so I made false reasons and excuses to avoid meet.
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• United States
19 Aug 09
I have some long time friends that I just want to avoid seeing sometimes but since we don't see each other often, I feel obligated to go see them every once in awhile whenever one of them plans an event. I do love them but sometimes its a little stressful seeing them again and talking about past.
@dodo19 (47189)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 Aug 09
Yes, I have tried to avoid certain people. Mainly because these people that I have tried to avoid can easily talk someone's head off, and it can easily get annoying. I feel kind of bad doing it and such, but sometimes, I'm just not in the mood to speak to them, or I don't have the time, as I might be in hurry, or something like that.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
19 Aug 09
Oh yes there are lots of people i try not to bump into as well as if they are in a pub where i am i tend to either sit away from them or if they come and sit on the same table as i am on i will gladly leave the pub and go some where else.Like make an excuse and leave that way i do not have to tell them i do not want to talk to them.
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@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
yes, this has happened to me many times already. there are times when i dont want to really meet someone and i do whatever it is that i can to avoid meeting the said person or persons. there are some people that when you get in contact with all they can say are negative things about you, these people most of the time are relatives. so i purposely avoid meeting those people.
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@Enascent (40)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I have purposely avoided meeting someone, not because I didn't like the person, but he was showing too much interest in me. It was kind of irritating being around someone who worships the ground I walked on. He wasn't disrespectful in anyway. In fact, he has a very pleasant disposition. I just didn't want to hurt him because I didn't have mutual feelings about him. I can't handle that much pressure. I didn't want to be tempted to lie and the problem worse, giving out the wrong impression about who I am. There's more to this story, but I think you got my point.
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@rhoday (152)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Yes, there are a few people that I try to avoid completely. I just don't care for them at all. I find it best to just stay as far away from them as I can. I just don't like it when you tell someone you are not interested and they wont take no for an anwser.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I am not a meet and greet person at all. Why? It is because people always judge me as soon as they see me for some reason. They do not show me any kind of respect either like I do for them. I do not waste my time meeting people anymore because of it. They use me also.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
hi subha!^^ yeah. i do that all the time. there's a few people that i don't like crossing paths with so i try my best to avoid them. some of them i just don't like to see because they've done something bad to me in the past. sometimes i avoid seeing people because i am not in the mood for pleasantries. just in the mood of sulking.
• India
24 Aug 09
no never i like every one i never avoid anyone all are good people in our life enjoy your life with your friends your life and please dont ever forget your parents in your life
• India
20 Aug 09
I always try not to avoid anyone, because I personally prefer being told that i do not want to talk to you than being avoided or ignored. So I try to just tell them or suggest that I can not talk to you. But I guess most of the time telling directly will spoil whatever relation you have.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
5 Oct 09
ya, if i didnt like a guy, i avoid his. i dont wanna the guy hurt me again.
@malpoa (1216)
• India
19 Aug 09
Yes do avoid a lot of people when ever I get a chance. I am even good a looking through people when they come infront of me and that person is to be avoided at any chance. I do that because I do not like that particular person and donot like the way he talks or behaves. It can even be his/her over interest to know everything anda nything possible from/about me. There is this particular middle aged lady whom I try to avoid. Every time I meet her, she asks silly questions like who sleeps in which room and all. I do not know why some people are so curious about others...They seem to know word or havent been in the near visinity of the word 'privacy'!!! Some are of the kind that ona ny time, they will kill you verbally...They are capable of talking about everything and anything under the sun...My father in law though can't be counted in that list but he strikes up a conversation irrespective of the situation I am in. And that includes whether I am in a hurry to reach somewhere or busy cooking something...So I try to avoid him during that time.