What was it like living in your own place for the very first time?

August 20, 2009 5:45am CST
I have been obsessing about living alone for a while now, but haven't yet had the chance because I need my brother to be working and paying rent before I can leave his house (if I do it before my brother can contribute to the rent my dad will lose the house!) But whenever I am able to get this house to myself I usually thrive in the solitude, though it is never completely enjoyable because I know that it is not my house and so I don't feel that I can do exactly what I want. That and I have never managed to scare everyone away long enough to actually have a string of days without anyone appearing and ruining the mood. So therefore in order to get some sort of idea of what it would be like to live alone I decided I would try asking here in order to learn from the experiences of fellow myLotters. And so: When you first moved out of your parents' house into your own house/flat/apartment etc., how did it feel? Was it everything you thought it would be, or was it quite a let down in the end? Many thanks for the input, Dranz :)
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9 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
20 Aug 09
I have to say that living on my own in my place was one of the most happiest, wonderful experiences in my life. I craved independence, I needed my own space and most of all my privacy, no one to nag me, no one to ask me where I am going or what time I'll be back or if I am doing my share of the housework or if they are doing it! It was bliss, in actual fact getting my own place was the happiest part of my life. Even stupid things like getting a bill in my name was great. I could buy what I wanted, shop whenever and whatever I liked. I have always been a loner and I cope better when I live alone, so I can do as I please, hey I can even walk around naked if I want to without upsetting anyone and I can lie in whenever, the pros are far too long to list and I couldn't live with anyone not after living on my own. I would definitely recommend it, if you like your own company, space and privacy then living alone is definitely for you!
24 Aug 09
Wow if I ever had any doubts about whether living alone was for me, they are completely gone now. I just love your account of the freedoms that come with living alone, and how much you have been enjoying it. The fact you described yourself as a loner was especially nice too because that is definitely how I think of myself as well so knowing that you were able to settle into life on your own so easily gives me hope for myself as well. Many, many thanks for the response and I hope you continue to flourish in your own space :) Dranz
@vandana7 (99256)
• India
20 Aug 09
Living alone is great! I am 50 and thoroughly enjoying it. Amongst the fears, I think if I fell in the bathroom, I couldnt open the door with broken hips! And what if my relatives came and forced me to bid goodbye to the world before my time. :-) Other than that, I am ok. :-) I dont fight, I dont get others wanting to live my life for me, others dont complain about me, I dont waste my time talking or thinking about others. It is nice to know the place will soon be urs. U will enjoy decorating it I am sure. And everyday u will have new ideas. U will become lazy no doubt. But there will not be much to achieve so its ok. Do make provision for care at the end of life though. Other than that it is wonderful to have ur own home, and the feel it is exclusively urs makes it all the more special. :-)
24 Aug 09
It made me smile when you said that one of the aspects of me having my own home would be becoming lazy, I had been thinking it would be the opposite! I tend to imagine that I will become one of those people who is quite obsessive about having a clean home lol! In the past I have actually suppressed urges to clean this house too much because most of the things in it aren't mine and I don't imagine that my dad would be too impressed with me if he came home from work and everything was in the wrong place lol! Many thanks for the encouraging words, they were very inspirational and I definitely looking forward to living alone in the future now :) Dranz
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
21 Aug 09
Well when I first moved out on my own, I still wasn't alone since I had a baby but that's still sort of like being alone! But anyway, living in my own first place was great! I could arrange everything in the whole house any way that I wanted it. I didn't have to help someone else with their chores because anything in my own first place was done by me so I always knew what was my mess. Does that make sense? LOL I liked the feeling of not having to dress a certain way because someone would be home soon, I could wear old raggedy clothes or even my pajamas all day if I wanted to! I liked that a lot! Meals were always of my own choosing and I didn't have to cook enough for the rest of the family. The baby didn't count so much because she didn't eat as much as an adult. I liked the quiet of my own place, the serenity of it. All in all, I loved my first place even if it was a tiny studio apartment, it was all mine. I think you will love your own place. It is very empowering too when you realize that you are the one who has paid for everything such as rent and utilities and food.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
20 Aug 09
I was really excited when I moved into my first apartment. It was very small (one room) and it was in a bad neighbourhood, but I was happy anyway. I loved the fact that I was finally independent and able to make my own decisions. I still remember the happiness I felt the first day in my apartment. Now I am 32 and I haven't lived with my parents for many years. My independence has become a natural thing for me, and I don't think a lot about it, but I still remember how nice it was when I got my first apartment.
• United States
20 Aug 09
At first I was like, wow, a place of my own where no one can tell me what, when, where, or how to do things. But as time went on and I go t to see what it feels like to be on my own, I started to feel how hard it was to do things as an adult. There was no more "Mama I need this or can I have that". I had to experience what it really meant to be "grown". So I had to woman up and get a job and support my family because no one else was going to. It may seem like a good idea at first, but you gotta be really ready for it. Kendria
@rhoday (152)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I can't say as though I was actually alone. Because my husband and I had just gotten married and I moved from my parent's into his house. That was many year's ago. But I was happy. I got to fix it up any way that I wanted to.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
20 Aug 09
I do not live with their parents at the age of 11 years. Of course I feel sad and shock. But suddenly appear that the spirit was amazing. Fast or slow, I need to live independently. If I can start more quickly, why not? I will show to the world, that I was able to overcome.
@JAG2009 (266)
• India
20 Aug 09
Living alone can be one of the nicest experiences of my life. I know because I experienced it. I don't know if it should always be the case, but for a little while, it's great. You learn so many things about yourself, you grow, you mature, and you get to figure out for yourself a lot of your personal likes and dislikes! Yes, this is my story. I wish you all the best in finding your own "home alone" story too :)
• Australia
20 Aug 09
It was the best thing I ever did. To have the freedom to do what I wanted. I do not regret it in the least. You sound like the type of person who needs their own space to fully express themselves. If you can afford it go for it. Don't look back.