What do you think is the world's worst food? Or smelliest?

@ilyzium (1197)
August 25, 2009 8:42pm CST
Well, for myself I really don't care for haggis-just yuck, blood sausage-no thanks, catfish-find it too sweet tasting. Don't care for marmite, roast beef, mashed potatoes-too stodgy for me. Also, I would never eat those exotic insects they eat in certain Asian countries, would also never eat dog, cat, because I love animals too much. I really don't care for processed food very much because really you don't know what you're eating when something's been processed. I just find the "fillers" to be very questionable. Oh just thought of another one: SPAM-have always hated that! I had a friend once that made a spam sandwich that she fried up with onions & egg! Also, I believe in Iceland people eat some kind of meat that's supposed to be quite smelly as it's been buried in the ground for months.
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4 responses
@sehlers (163)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I'm with ya there on haggis, Ilyzium. I've never made it, but won't eat it, or any organ meat for that matter. I've heard lutefisk is really smelly, but apparently tastes good. It's dried fish soaked in lye. I don't know what I would think would be the world's worst food. So much of what constitutes bad or good food is cultural. I personally can only have Spam fried otherwise, yuck. It's made here in my home state. There's even a Spam Museum. And I've eaten fried larva, which I thought tasted really good.
@sehlers (163)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Larva are the infant stage of insects like beetles. They look kind of like worms.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
27 Aug 09
sehlers, Well, now that's appetizing...larva, Whatever turns your crank! Ok, I'll be thinking of you sehlers, when I check out that Spam site. lol
@sehlers (163)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Oh, by the way, here's a link to the Spam Museum lololol http://www.spam.com/games/Museum/default.aspx
• United States
27 Aug 09
The #1 Worst foods for me are Mayonnaise and American Cheese...There is nothing natural about either of those.... The smelliest I have come across is Kim-chi, but I have to say it tastes wonderful if you can get past the stench of sewage. And I agree with the previous post that what you like and dislike is very subjective and also cultural. I would have a hard time trying brains, which is a southern staple, and insects. I understand the nutritional value in both is excellent...I would just have a very difficult time getting it into my mouth.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
27 Aug 09
Hi MrsRobinson, Oh that's right I forgot about the Korean Kim-chi. That's true it does have a bad smell doesn't it? I think a lot of cultures actually eat brains... though I don't know why. I've never tried it and never had the desire to. So, you don't care for Mayo or American cheese...Interesting...While I do like mayo myself, I'm not really big on American cheese and it's not that I find it repulsive or anything like that, I just prefer imported cheeses like: Gouda, Edam, Havarti, Brie, etc.
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
26 Aug 09
Bat soup! Argh, yuck. Some show on Discovery Channel showed these Indonesian village people having Bat soup for dinner. Yuck, I can only imagine the smell and I'm already going to vomit! I mean how can people go to such extent, weird and dumb extent. Bats, bats for dinner!!! WTF!
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
26 Aug 09
Are you serious? Bat soup? Ok, now that's just disgusting... Oh I was watching a program on the discovery channel where the host went to Morocco. Anyway, he mentioned that he has the strongest stomach, and could not even handle some of the things he ate. He said even the smell was bad enough...
• United States
27 Aug 09
While in the Phillipines I came across a food called the Balut. It is a ferilized duck or chicked egg, the embryo is allowed to grow for around two to three weeks. After this time the egg is boiled and served just like a regular boiled egg. They are everywhere, from street corner vendors to fancy restraunts. I never had the nerve to try myself, even after a few to may drinks.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
27 Aug 09
Hey simtech52, Yes I know exactly what you're talking about!! I have Philippine friends who love eating that dish, have offered it to me which I politely declined. While I do eat eggs, I like to think that they've been killed somewhat in a "civilized fashion" with as little trauma to the chick, but what you're describing is horrible. That poor chick!