I am very angry now lol

@Abhii88 (214)
August 27, 2009 5:15am CST
You must be thinking if i am angry why i am laughing. This is due to the reason why i am angry lol. Actually 2 days back i just washed my shoes and kept them out to dry. Today morning when i woke up my brother took the shoes X( X( argh. When those shoes were messy he didn't eben touched them and when i cleaned them he just took them away. Sheh man lol. I wanted to wear them first lol. Have you ever been angry on such silly things. Thanks for responses. Happy Mylotting
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12 responses
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
I guess I will also be mad if I were you when I found that the shoes I have been waiting for to be cleaned and to wear first were worn by my sister. Of course it is not good to just use things that are not yours without the owners permission. I will be very disgusted but I will just get those shoes of mine and asked her to never wear them again. It may not be a very bad sin but still it is disgusting and not a good act.
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@Abhii88 (214)
• India
28 Aug 09
ya thanks at least i have someone on my side :P
@vandana7 (99282)
• India
27 Aug 09
Hi Abhi. I agree it feels so bad when such things happen. And u know what I do when I have to settle some score like that. :-) Well, that is just one way. Actually I have a very good friend who used to have socks stinking so bad that the entire back row in the office would be running out - and this is true. Bottles of air freshners would be poured, and it still used to stink - ugh. We even used to joke that we should take this boy's socks and hang them on the country's border. That way we could stop infiltratin. :-) I could ask him to send some such socks to u if it would help. :-) Kidding. I do understand ur sentiments. But they dont last. Before u know they will become something that u will laugh about with ur spouses and children. This is what relationships are made of, isn't it? Cool it. :-) We are all here to smile and say v understand. :-)
@Abhii88 (214)
• India
27 Aug 09
Haha that was funny one and if i'll my bro with those pair of socks then who will save me from their stink hehe so i will drop that idea. Yeah i understand that it's all a part of life and it's nothing to get angry about but at least he could have asked me first. If i am still thinking it i am not being angry that much as i was in morning as one member said it has happened so it's ok :)
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I have been there before. Every morning I get up I have to search for the hair brushes to do my daughters' hair. Well, the kids started school this week and I swore to myself that I would carry the brush where ever I went so I could find it. I took it to bed with me two nights ago and put it in my "robe" pocket. We spent 35 minutes looking for the stupid thing only to find it as I was leaving to take them to school. Stupid thing to be mad about but funny at the same time.
@Abhii88 (214)
• India
27 Aug 09
haha that happens to most of us. Thanks for replying
@ruperto (1552)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
Yes... It is amazing that getting angry comes to us all. But in the long run, we begin to grow and be less controlled by our anger. (Much easier said than achieved :) ) After much practice, we are able to look at ourselves "very angry" but without the high-blood pressure and the uncontrolled urge to do something nasty :) There is a saying: "anger is like taking poison and expect someone else to die" (so funny yet so true:) ) Cheers
@Abhii88 (214)
• India
27 Aug 09
Cheers buddy :D But actually here i was asking for some reasons that are silly but yet made you angry, also you laughed at the same time or anyhting like that. Anyways thanks for the response. Gud day :)
@Archie0 (5640)
28 Aug 09
Well these things are regular things at my home, my brother likes those things only which i like, and i wont ever laugh on this because this makes me really very very angry when my brother just irritates me, he keeps on pulling my hair, scares me off, and uses my things just to make me angry.
@Abhii88 (214)
• India
28 Aug 09
haha i can give you a hi5 for that lol
• Morocco
27 Aug 09
hi, sometimes when our small brothers took our stuff we just get angry coz we just don't want anyone touches them, you know why we get angry coz we put a plan about our stuffs e.g you were planning to wear your shoes clean and first , but when he took them you just got angry anf nervous because your plans didn't go as you wish... the solution is that we have to take it easy and think to ourselves and say the event has happened so why should i get angry afterall, we should learn how to be patient you just have to feel comfortable and stop worrying and thinking what what they are going to do next... your friend
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@Abhii88 (214)
• India
27 Aug 09
Hmm yeah i am saying to myself that only but somehow this kind of stuff is happening a lot to me. He and others are irritating a lot. Patience is another aspect i am working on. Lol anyways thats a different subject. Thanks a lot for replying. Happy mylotting :) Abhishek
• United States
28 Aug 09
i get angry all the time lol! then laugh later about why i was angry, course if YOU laugh at ME WHEN im angry i get downright irate. while trying to quit smoking i learned i am a VERY VERY easily agitated person hahaha! i cant seem to go 2 hours without something getting on my nerves. IF i manage to quit the smoking i wonder if i will change? ive been smoking for over 14 years now, but then again ive always been a mood swingy type of personality.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Aug 09
Hm well I get annoyed when I can't find things in my own house. Usually the culprit is either my husband or his mother. I do wish they would put things back where they found them, but I don't get really angry, just irritated.
@lala501 (1532)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Yes I have been angry on such silly things before. It's wierd because your like why are you angry about this.
• China
28 Aug 09
haha..if you still can laugh then that's not very angry i think.. laugh or smile always can reliever our tension and we will decrease the angry .. that's not a big thing your shoes are dirty and just re wash that again and you won't have any lose. just let yourself do more work and that's even good to your health.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Yes, I have been angry at something that really was not worth being angry at. It is just human nature for people to get angry at silly things that are not really very important.
@magickat (381)
28 Aug 09
I think siblings bring out the worst in us. I am usually pretty laid back but when I'm around my brother I get angry about the silliest things. Waking up angry is never good, especially on a Friday. I was more worried when I woke up this morning but feel OK now, just looking forward to having a nice long weekend, hopefully without getting angry! Hope you get your shoes back.....